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  1. S

    Injury Blue Healers Medical Room 2022

    Talk about deflating. Surely there’s grounds for the game to pushed out to Saturday if this happens.
  2. S

    Bluemour Discussion Thread XII - Facts Not Welcome (cont in pt 13)

  3. S

    Bluemour Discussion Thread XII - Facts Not Welcome (cont in pt 13)

    Just saw Shiel looking very relaxed getting takeaway coffee at one of Juddy’s neighbourhood haunts. Surely he wouldn’t have the gumption to show his face there without the great mans blessing! :)
  4. S

    Rumour Bluemour Discussion thread

    Was fortunate enough to meet the great man Juddy a couple of weeks ago. He said BB and the football dept think Harry will be the best out of the whole draft intake incl Weiters!!
  5. S

    Injury Blue Healers - 2016 Injury List

    Charlie C out for the rest of the year with a medial strain according to Barrett on TF. Good news all things considered [emoji1303]