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  1. Vic Johnston

    Vic's poetry cont..

    Fortescue's dilemma.. Lord Fortescue could not sit alone and bide away precious time, always by the book, no babbling brook straight talking his regime A retired colonel, a decorated career served King and country well, though civvy street, gave him itchy feet so he began to rebel After...
  2. Vic Johnston

    New poem...

    For real heroism, check out 'Ode to Robbie Streat...they don't come more loyal than this guy! Find it here @
  3. Vic Johnston

    Vic's poetry cont..

    After many long and happy seasons on the field, our dear comerade Robbie Streat was forced to finally throw in the towel, though as is the measure of the man, he continues to cheer on and support his friends and playing colleagues... Ode to Robbie Streat Robbie Streat abhorred defeat a...
  4. Vic Johnston

    Pets chickens

    Rooster Cogburn ! Cherished dearly are the memories grand of all the animals I've reared by hand, there's been many down through the years over those now gone, I have shed tears! Cats, dogs, hamsters, fish within a pond, newts and tadpoles that there spawned, with rabbits, I’m also equally...
  5. Vic Johnston

    The animal lovers thread

    My dog can't.. My dog can’t fetch a ball, like the able retriever in throw, chase and return, he is not a firm believer My dog can’t round-up and herd, like the competent collie as he thinks chasing sheep, is the height of pure folly My dog can’t bark aloud like the german shepherd he’s more of...
  6. Vic Johnston

    Check Out My Stuff!!!

    For a duel of a different kind compliments of the great Marty Robbins, check out... Scroll down or read on and you'll come to it :thumbsu:
  7. Vic Johnston

    Vic's poetry cont..

    The age old attritional battle between batsman and bowler pits the antagonists together in a deadly personnal duel, like two gunfighters at the O.K coral and only one will be victorious.. Why don't you sing along ? ' Big Wood ' To a cricket club in Lurgan rode a stranger one fine day only...
  8. Vic Johnston

    Pets chickens

    On the topic of eggs, whether big, small, coloured or indifferent, either way highly nutritious and perfectly natural just the way Mother Nature intended and don't rule out the humble duck, her eggs most certainly pack a punch...
  9. Vic Johnston

    Pets chickens

    Dynamite comes in small packages !
  10. Vic Johnston

    Vic's poetry cont..

    The Catch ! A 'senior' bachelor bowler at our cricket club failed to see the error of his ways often bemoaning why he was going wicketless for around 15 per over per game? I suggested he get himself down to Monday evening net practice for once in his life and sort out his line & length...
  11. Vic Johnston

    Pets chickens

    :rooster::rooster::rooster:Six Leghorn Hens !:rooster::rooster::rooster: A Poem by Vic Please consider buying free-range eggs, much better for you and the chickens That summer's day had been fine and pleasantly clement so with sickle and spade, I took matters firmly in hand adjoining an...
  12. Vic Johnston

    Howdy, Vic Johnston here..

    If you're into all that celebrity loving up? Then check out my latest poetic rendition of three certain B listers whose night on the red carpet went belly up thanks to a little poetic ratatouille justice? Find it here on Vic's poetry thread..' Mr Unsavoury, Mr Obscene and Mrs Distasteful '
  13. Vic Johnston

    FTA-TV Upcoming TV shows 2024 Discussion thread

    It's the British film Academy awards tonight, wonder will a certain three once 'famed' celebrities be there this year?
  14. Vic Johnston

    Vic's poetry cont..

    Never had much time for certain 'celebrities' patting each other on the back.... Mr UnSavoury, Mr Obscene & Mrs Distasteful ! To the BAFTA awards, celebrities in hordes, assembled at this well publicized big bash some pose austere, others au contraire as the countless cameras go flash, all...
  15. Vic Johnston

    Vic's poetry cont..

    Though the domestic season maybe drawing nigh in the Southern Hemisphere but in the Northern it is on the cusp.. The Dawn of a New Season ! As the cricket season draweth near, winter doldrums, become small beer players and officials most revere, search for crumpled whites and dusty gear The...
  16. Vic Johnston

    Pets chickens Wrote a wee poem about this very, very fortunate little chicken, one in a million or should I say fifteen million... Gigoo, the pet chicken! Here's a story, I tell you true about a chicken called Gigoo A plain Jane, it must be...
  17. Vic Johnston

    The animal lovers thread

    Hi folks, Animal/nature lover myself. Have 6 x shitzu's, 2 rabbits and over 60 chickens & ducks all of which bring my family and I much joy and happiness! Hope to get involved in conversations with likeminded people and exchange views and share similar experiences here on the forum, cheers...
  18. Vic Johnston

    Pets chickens

    Anyone fancy a duck egg ? :cookingegg:
  19. Vic Johnston

    The Cricket Writing Thread

    If your domestic season is drawing to an end and you were fortunate enough to lift the shield, win the cup, league etc. Congratulations! And if you missed out? Don't worry, there's always next season to try again...
  20. Vic Johnston

    Howdy, Vic Johnston here..

    If your season's coming to an end don't despair! Check out Vic's lastest poem then sit back, relax and reminisce until it all begins again.....
  21. Vic Johnston

    Vic's poetry cont..

    As the cricket season draweth nigh ! As the cricket season draweth nigh summer swallows migrate and fly, players and officials heave a sigh then bid each other a parting goodbye. The great fraternity, likewise comply departing to homes, warm and dry, like hibernating bears preparing to lie...
  22. Vic Johnston

    Vic's poetry cont..

    indeed exalted company !
  23. Vic Johnston

    Vic's poetry cont..

    Thank you to all for taking the time to read my little poetic stories culminating in over one thousand views to date, never expected or anticipated there'd be much interest, so I'm not only surprised but encouraged to continue, thanks again people!! :thumbsupemoji: And just to acknowledge your...
  24. Vic Johnston

    The Cricket Writing Thread

    If you're into motor/racing cars/ as well as your cricket? Here's the real deal....Formula 1 cricket! :cool:
  25. Vic Johnston

    Formula 1 cricket....

    find it here @ :checkeredflag:
  26. Vic Johnston

    New poem...

    By way of celebration...800 visits and counting, check out Formula 1 cricket! Find it here @ Thank you friends :D
  27. Vic Johnston

    Vic's poetry cont..

    Formula 1 Cricket A winning cricket team is a much admired machine that can be likened to a racing car. Each component must gel and glean, on field be ruthless, mean, as a well tuned engine will propel it, fast and far. The captain sits behind the wheel knows which buttons to press, pedals...
  28. Vic Johnston

    For a little light festive reading...

    For a bit a craic and joviality, check out Vic's latest poem, 'the three amoebas' find it here @
  29. Vic Johnston

    Vic's poetry cont..

    When some support England others Ireland, and then the two happen to meet on the international stage, three particular chaps belonging to my club were most ungracious in defeat, thus leaving me no alternative but to take remedial action.... The three Amoebas ! There grew three amoeba neath a...
  30. Vic Johnston

    For a little light festive reading...

    Check out Vic's cric poems, something there for all even if your not a connoisseur of the game! Find it here @ Happy Xmas & happy reading folks ! :tonguewink: