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  1. Saddlemanbags

    AFL Toast Dreamtime Winning

    ridley, hind, laverde... great game
  2. Saddlemanbags

    AFL Player # 2: Sam Draper - The mullet hath returneth - 22/6

    not drapes best game but he'll probably kick goal of the year next week with wright back, was pretty good at crashing the pack all game as the big forward
  3. Saddlemanbags

    AFL Player #38: Archie Roberts

    If they really rated Roberts at 10 or whatever they should have traded back in after 39
  4. Saddlemanbags

    AFL Player # 3: Darcy Parish - Calf setback, another 2 weeks - 4/6

    K-Mart Brent prismall
  5. Saddlemanbags

    Traded #42: Massimoe D'Ambrosioe - Thank you for your service

    Youngest player to leave in a long time. Not a good sign.
  6. Saddlemanbags

    Sam Newman- people have had enough of this shameless racist.

    The explanation does not satisfy me, I don't believe that it has any significant effect. Oh I'm feeling the love. Bro tries to gaslight me and calls it compassion lmao. You're a sick puppy.
  7. Saddlemanbags

    Sam Newman- people have had enough of this shameless racist.

    I don't appreciate your tone, but sure I'm a hypocrite cos I shop at colesworth and disagree with despotism.
  8. Saddlemanbags

    Sam Newman- people have had enough of this shameless racist.

    They are to a degree, that's my point. It's a cheap form of placation so that real change doesn't have to happen. And it's one after another, disingenuous and divisive, pointless and profitable. Why wouldn't I boo?
  9. Saddlemanbags

    Sam Newman- people have had enough of this shameless racist.

    "Uhh you don't like corporations?? Then explain why you live in society and aren't homeless????"
  10. Saddlemanbags

    Sam Newman- people have had enough of this shameless racist.

    I won't get into that. But imo these costless, do-nothing gestures like WTC and YES exist to cause division and distract from the centralisation of corporate power increasingly undermining government and culture. It's because I want better for indigenous people that this stuff irks me tbh...
  11. Saddlemanbags

    Sam Newman- people have had enough of this shameless racist.

    I'm anything but classic. You wanna address my argument or my mentality?
  12. Saddlemanbags

    Sam Newman- people have had enough of this shameless racist.

    Yeah I don't wanna risk getting cancelled over disagreeing with something, you understand. Can you explain the last sentence to me?
  13. Saddlemanbags

    Sam Newman- people have had enough of this shameless racist.

    You're trying to discredit me based on probabilities and assumptions, when I've explicitly directed you to a small handful of posts within this thread that explain my argument. You're willfully ignorant, and emotionally unstable.
  14. Saddlemanbags

    Sam Newman- people have had enough of this shameless racist.

    So what's your point? I don't really care that much, but it is annoying and overused, so I might boo it if I had the chance and anonymity. Btw the private sector reaches into government policy and mainstream culture, bless our oligarchs/blackrock.
  15. Saddlemanbags

    Sam Newman- people have had enough of this shameless racist.

    I don't hate indigenous people lmao, see guys this is what you get for disagreeing with the woke mob. You wanna see suppression of speech in action? Here it is. He won't even address my argument, won't read my posts, but he's more than happy to label me whatever fits his delusions. Get help buddy.
  16. Saddlemanbags

    Sam Newman- people have had enough of this shameless racist.

    I'd rather not do your bidding actually, it's funnier this way. Go read my comments or cry some more, either way is fine. The irony being you could have read my posts by now.
  17. Saddlemanbags

    Sam Newman- people have had enough of this shameless racist.

    You are literally asking me to repeat myself
  18. Saddlemanbags

    Sam Newman- people have had enough of this shameless racist.

    Buddy, I'm not gonna repeat myself to every poster here. You can read my comments or not, but don't make up a character, assassinate it, and call it a win.
  19. Saddlemanbags

    Sam Newman- people have had enough of this shameless racist.

    Lmao you actually believe that
  20. Saddlemanbags

    Sam Newman- people have had enough of this shameless racist.

    Yes, I already have but you wanna say it's about racism. Read my previous posts in this thread.
  21. Saddlemanbags

    Sam Newman- people have had enough of this shameless racist.

    Because people are sick of it? That's unhinged? Alright, expecting people to put up with this crap constantly is a bit unhinged if you ask me. No, please enlighten me as to what free speech means. We used to have police protected nazi rallies not so long ago, has the meaning changed?
  22. Saddlemanbags

    Sam Newman- people have had enough of this shameless racist.

    He said people who disagree shouldn't be afraid to boo, not "boo this thing I don't like". And I don't think "some people feeling benefit" is a good justification for more politics in footy, when plenty of people are sick of this stuff. Did you read past the first sentence? The overton window...
  23. Saddlemanbags

    Sam Newman- people have had enough of this shameless racist.

    Did they? Didn't know that, but I know Sam Newman didn't (according to his words). Anyway, I was mainly referring to how speech is being suppressed now compared to years ago. You think the majority are gonna risk committing career/social suicide by antagonizing the perpetually online woke...
  24. Saddlemanbags

    Sam Newman- people have had enough of this shameless racist.

    Now my turn for armchair psychology. Your need to be validated and increase self-esteem is evident by your mod status, and 120000 likes on a niche website called Your internal locus in lost, you only exist to win internet argument votes. False equivalency, not supporting the voice...