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    B Section Cameo from Beauy at A grade game

    Take a look at the utube all of it for the cameo from Beauy.
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    C Section Amateur Football

    Mobbe... don't tell us where to post our concerns, it only serves to derail what this forum is about. Why would we want to use another thread?
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    C Section Amateur Football

    Mobbe.... You are loosing credibility if you believe censorship is the answer. I agree that you have an obligation to delete any derrogative comment however to suggest that all comment be stopped is to take away possibly the only forum where the the real truth may eventually be heard. Let there...
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    Ban Brindisi Street

    TBP..... "but that's the reason I played in the VAFA and didn't chase coin in the suburbs!" that appears to be a very shallow reason to play footy...the condition of the ground??? Not your mates? Nor the club?? Not even for yourself? very strange!!!! AA
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    Ban Brindisi Street

    You guys are far too precious about ground size & surface. Try playing in the bush where some real football can be found. You don't hear the country lads squeeling about the ground being a bit hard in the middle of a drought or covered in red mud after a down storm. Get over it, these suburban...
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    C Section Amateur Football

    Checking out the Tigers website suggests three pieces of silverware already in the trophy cabinet (U13/ U15 / U17 )with another three to be decided this weekend. Al goes well for this mob with this sort of depth!!! Confucious say....2006 could very well could be the year of the tiger. I have...
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    C Section Amateur Football

    Congratulations to the quick running tigers outfit and lots of praise for the Parky boys. To a man they all attended afterwards for a drink and a chat. Good to see good sportsmanship and blokes enjoying one anothers company. Well done to the Parkdale crew finishing no3, it showed a lot of spirit.
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    C Section Amateur Football

    RCT.... no permission is necessary from VAFA if you locate within the Sandy social club. It's also not good form to take a wager from someone on a scratched horse RCT ....#12 me thinks might be out??? For mine the weekend will bring happiness to SBMT & Ormond
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    C Section Amateur Football

    the last roll of the dice / gauntlet RCT The Students over Nobs The Vultures to keep their season alive. The Tigers to go the whole way and send a message to others in the four. Ajax will account for OC and give the Vultures a temporary leg up. Reds & Rovers who cares....a lot of ice to be...
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    C Section Amateur Football

    Ormond after the exorcism to finish off "Red's" year. Tigers in a canter towards the finals. The butcher shop window has even more in's & outs again this week "Local Boy" will settle down and have his mob prevail in last ditch effort for the finals. The Jackas easy at Garvey Likewise OC over...