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  1. ||-GOB-||

    20th AFL Team

    It seems worth pointing out that Aussie Rules is ‘expanding’ into smaller and smaller markets which will forever rely on handouts. Unlike RL there’s no new demographic to help fill these teams so the quality of the games will continue to fall. Compare that to the NRL’s options...
  2. ||-GOB-||

    The 2017 Rights Deal Discussion thread

    I thought after the last tv deal you'd be too embarrassed to give your opinion but here you are. Again. You're in for a bit of a rude shock if you think time is on the AFL's side too. As with most other things you post the complete opposite is closer to the truth.
  3. ||-GOB-||

    The 2017 Rights Deal Discussion thread

    They need to make a point of difference between themselves and 9. Why would anyone pay $50/mo for the four poorest games of the round when the four best games are live on FTA? To make sure Fox don't lose a huge chunk of subscribers they'll need to try and buy the simulcast rights off 9...
  4. ||-GOB-||

    The 2017 Rights Deal Discussion thread

    This coming from the same poster who said the NRL has a bunch of guys in a room making sound effects everytime a player is tackled. :$ What's Murdoch going to do, try to start another Super League War? You realise that the NRL screwing over Fox like this is ultimately good for other sports fans...
  5. ||-GOB-||

    The 2017 Rights Deal Discussion thread

    Most people here won't give a shit but what the Commission have done in just ~three years in charge of the game is phenomenal. The only thing that'd make it sweeter would be if they ditched Murdoch completely and went with Netflix/Google/etc for the online&pay component. Can't see it happening...
  6. ||-GOB-||

    Expansion AFL on ESPN

    AFL is too complicated for the people that invented Gridiron? :$ I'm sure that's why it'll never take off in the US. I love that this saltmine is tagged as expansion btw.
  7. ||-GOB-||

    Administration - The AFL v NRL *Moderator Approved* - Rules in OP

    Would I be correct in assuming someone posted about the Suns drugs saga? Or was it about the Bombers doping regime? Or was it something to do with the racism issues in AFL? Or maybe it was the match-fixing issues rearing their head again? Or was it about the draw inequality & extra salary...
  8. ||-GOB-||

    Are Brisbane irrelvant in Queensland. A lions supporter says they are..

    Problem with the Bears/Lions is that people here are judging them by the bubble of popularity in the late 90's/early 00's. That time period was unique in a lot of ways that'll never be repeated. I expect that they'll keep trending downward but people from outside Queensland will be making the...
  9. ||-GOB-||

    Administration - The AFL v NRL *Moderator Approved* - Rules in OP

    Yet you included web traffic as calculated by :$ You'll never change.
  10. ||-GOB-||

    Administration - The AFL v NRL *Moderator Approved* - Rules in OP

    Look at all of the usual suspects biting their nails. This current media rights negotiation will be even more fun to watch than the Rexona Challenge. Noticed you forgot the social media figures RUNVS. Thought they'd be at the front of your mind as you seem like such a social person.
  11. ||-GOB-||

    Administration - The AFL v NRL *Moderator Approved* - Rules in OP

    It's very impressive, ~90k at the ground and ~500k watching on tv in Melb. If those were figures from a midweek AFL game in Sydney they'd be the same people saying that RL is dead, etc.
  12. ||-GOB-||

    The 2017 Rights Deal Discussion thread

    It was a silly rumour (NRL+AFL teaming up to buy 10) doing the rounds last month. Nothing to it.
  13. ||-GOB-||

    Administration - The AFL v NRL *Moderator Approved* - Rules in OP

    'Admit' & 'problem'? Interesting choice of words, almost as if you think people should be guilty that a sport is played outside of one ethnic group in one nation. Diversity is a strength, especially when it comes to sport. It's strange that it only tends to be AFL fans who seem to take...
  14. ||-GOB-||

    Administration - The AFL v NRL *Moderator Approved* - Rules in OP

    IIRC it's 38% in the NRL, slightly more in the NYC. For some reason FabPhil and his alt accounts seem to bring it up a lot. Who knows why... :$ If I was him I'd be more concerned why there are so few foreign born players in the AFL, considering one in four Aussies are born overseas.
  15. ||-GOB-||

    Womens League is needed ASAP

    It's something interesting to note and seemingly unique to Aussie Rules, people here are basically saying 'we don't have enough players' and the common response is to try and raid other sports. a) Good athletes don't always make good footballers. The quality of the game will decrease. b) If...
  16. ||-GOB-||

    Womens League is needed ASAP

    There are lots of options for sportswomen already; basketball, football/soccer, netball, all have national comps. Even the Jillaroos get FTA coverage and good ratings. There was a poster earlier in the thread who said the AFL should let the Demons v Bulldogs women's match evolve. If there's...
  17. ||-GOB-||

    The 2017 Rights Deal Discussion thread

    Doesn't matter what channel State of Origin is on. It's like the Melbourne Cup or big Ashes tests, everyone knows when it's on and everyone watches it. It isn't like the NRL Nines or All Stars match where cross-promotion helps gain awareness. During the last media rights deal he spent day and...
  18. ||-GOB-||

    Womens League is needed ASAP

    Those sports have strong international competitions and some compete at the Olympics. You think anyone will give that up to play semi-professional AFL for a Melbourne suburb?
  19. ||-GOB-||

    2014 Digital Ratings/Subscribers etc
  20. ||-GOB-||

    The 2017 Rights Deal Discussion thread

    Did you lost a bet Wookie? Avatar looks good :)
  21. ||-GOB-||

    VFL into AFL

    Melbourne isn't the biggest, oldest and most famous city in Australia.
  22. ||-GOB-||


    From the Touch Football 2013/14 annual report. OzTag doesn't have central body iirc, all separate franchises.
  23. ||-GOB-||


    The relevant quote:
  24. ||-GOB-||

    The 2017 Rights Deal Discussion thread

    There's being a one-eyed fan and then there's delusional. Like I said, go to a Storm game, go along to your local VRL club. It's simply the sound of the game's collisions and it's part of the attraction...
  25. ||-GOB-||

    The 2017 Rights Deal Discussion thread
  26. ||-GOB-||

    The 2017 Rights Deal Discussion thread

    Hahahaha oh my god. Are you serious? Have you never been to a game live, those noises aren't fake. I can't even imagine the mindset of someone who thinks there are people making sfx for every single tackle of every single NRL game, SoO match and Test match.
  27. ||-GOB-||

    The 2017 Rights Deal Discussion thread

    C'mon Wookie, don't carry on like Cos or Phil... Jess Mauboy replaced Bon Jovi in 2013. The ARLC was only formed in 2012. It's about getting the best deal possible. I don't know why you're melting down over businessmen doing their job to get the biggest deal?
  28. ||-GOB-||

    The 2017 Rights Deal Discussion thread

    IIRC that was a holdover from the Gallop/News Ltd days and the ARLC canned it asap. They're very different beasts, Wookie should know better than to compare the two. Secret anti-AFL cabals and bringing up crowds in a thread on tv rights discussion; didn't take long for some people to go off the...
  29. ||-GOB-||

    Bombers, Cats, Suns in ASADA probe

    Weidler is a germ but he makes a good point. How is it that NRL journos outed Cronulla and Manly weeks ago but the AFL press have still yet to out the Cats or Suns? We only know about the Bombers because they jumped before they were pushed, so to speak. Are the journos inept or is there some...
  30. ||-GOB-||

    NRL Full lists of International Broadcast information

    If past deals are anything to go by then SkyUK probably just wanted the Finals/SoO and one or two games a week. Premier will show every game and are already doing lots of promo work, check out and their ad Slightly back on topic the NRL have updated the list so...