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  1. T

    The Upper Murray Football League (Part2)

    Unfair umpiring? I don't think so. It only seems "unfair" because Saturday's game was the first time Tumba have been treated fairly all season, perhaps even years. They won this game fair and square, and considering the conditions if it were not a rainy day Tumba would of beat Walwa by much...
  2. T

    The Upper Murray Football League (Part2)

    I totally disagree. It is definetely not about winning. Sure, a wins a win and it's great when it happens but it's definetely not what it's all about. It's about the atmosphere a game can create, the suspense, and the thrill of both watching and playing. Anyone, from all walks of life can enjoy...
  3. T

    The Upper Murray Football League (Part2)

    Being a Tumba supporter myself, i think the loss last week has hopefully had a positive affect to the team. The positive affect being that hopefully the boys now know not to get too cocky out there and still give it their best shot. if they want success this year, they will still have to work...
  4. T

    The Upper Murray Football League (Part2)

    it was six senior players out saturday not couting The Rat.
  5. T

    The Upper Murray Football League (Part2)

    Tumba 2nds down by 5 goals, Unsure about Rat - there is talk though about him returning but at the moment he is playing at the Hay Football Club. Apparently he was seen playing 2nds for Tumba yesterday, but you'd have to ask the coach on that one.
  6. T

    The Upper Murray Football League (Part2)

    Against the odds, a win by Tumbarumba this week by 15pts. I'd say by the third quarter Bullioh looked to have the win but Tumba came back in the fourth. Great umpiring too. Don't under estimate Tumbarumba, they're playing agressive (but fair) football.
  7. T

    The Upper Murray Football League (Part2)

    Honestly, the way i see it, Max Duncan deserves all the credit! I know firsthand the effort he puts into the Tumbarumba Football Club. So what if he hasn't won a permiership? he's taking big steps forward and doing it the right way, unlike some clubs who buy players weeks before the finals! If...