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  1. P

    Game Day NAB Challenge 3 Freo Vs WCE

    In the same vein, do you think we were ordered to kick points on purpose yesterday in order to defend a kick out from the backline? Hopefully this accounts for the inaccuracy!
  2. P

    Opinion Grand Final Changes vs. Hawthorn

    Hi guys - on De Boer. I'm sure a significant reason for him being subbed out on Saturday was that he copped a knock to the head in the 2nd qu and was quite clearly groggy for some time afterward (I was sitting just above the incident in front of the goals - subi end). The runner came up to...
  3. P

    Pavement support Fremantle Dockers!!!

    G'day guys. Long time reader - first time poster. I've been in post/pre-season depression but this article cheered me up. One of my favourite bands supports my favourite team! Now I can look forward to the season and the gig.