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  1. D

    Asylum seekers housed at Macquarie Uni

    THREE-quarters of boatpeople who appeal their failed asylum claims to the Refugee Review Tribunal are rewarded with permanent residency in Australia. As the Opposition affirmed a pledge to prevent maritime arrivals detained in Australia from seeking independent review of their cases, figures...
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    Asylum seekers housed at Macquarie Uni

    Ms Goodwin said there were concerns Selvarajah would fail to make his next court appearance. The court was told that at the time of the alleged offence, Selvarajah had not been permitted to reside at the university complex. Opposing bail, crown prosecutor Razia Shafiq told the court that on...
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    NAB Cup

    What i liked for the game was our willingness to take the game on through the corridor with a bit of speed. Teams will try to block the corridor with loose men.. what i didnt like was the weather, think i would have lost around 4 kgs if not more today and the drunk crows supporters who actedlike...
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    WrestleMania 29 Discussion Thread [CONTAINS LIVE PPV DISCUSSION]

    Used to run home and watch a bit of the old wwe/wwf when Stone cold, Kurt Angle and the rock among others were tearing it up every week. Will never ever happen but i always wanted to see HBK and the Rock have a match at wrestlemania.. shame it never ever happened. Just watched a week or so...
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    your favourite underrated guitarists

    Roy Buchannan
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    What are you listening to right now? Pt V

    Decapitated -- Spheres of madness.. as a budding guitar player this is a nightmare for me to try and play.. will keep at it though as you dont learn anything if you quit
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    Training Report 9 January 2013

    Also for those of us who work night shifts or during the day and cant afford time off to watch training. Really appreciate the input
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    Should/Will Turnbull Lead the Coalition? What i like about the greens is that they continually call for humane treatment of asylum seekers and refugees.. and yet they never seem to want to talk about the poor bastards who have...
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    Another US shooting - Newtown, Connecticut

    Im glad i dont live in America. Just browsing my facebook page and they have been debating why they should or should not ban assault weapons etc.. I cant believe one idiot suggested that every school should have armed guard. What happens if the armed guard decided to go nuts and start shooting...
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    Coach on Assault Charge

    I herad he was angry because they served him cold beer instead of warm beer like they drink in england
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    Rookie 1st Round - Kane MItchell

    and was then promptly delisted by the crows
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    Gillard ends discriminatory asylum policy Part II

    Will comment and listen to it later.. however Mr Burnside has a vested interest in refugees because if theres no refugees then he loses money
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    Krazy Kheatadelaide's Krow sanction, pick the sanction.

    Excluded from the draft for 4 years $900K Fine trigg as CEO for life
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    Gillard ends discriminatory asylum policy Part II
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    Wii/U The Nintendo Wii U thread

    So i picked up one from Kmart west lakes for my little brother. They even price matched the ten $40 games from the latest jbhifi catalog - Mass effect 3, Tekken and a couple of others i picked up for him. Then my cousin rings me to say that Bigw are selling the wii console for $258 but only...
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    Will Steven Trigg keep his job as CEO?

    Trigg should be ceo for life... :) In trigg you should trust, he has guided your team to so much success. Long live Steven Trigg
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    Gillard ends discriminatory asylum policy Part II

    So do the people coming by boat seem to be not too bright? Why else would someone pay a people smugglers upwards of $5,0000 when if they did a bit of homework they could fly into Australia from Indonesia for roughly $400... Maybe its because if you fly into Australia you need a passport.. then...
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    2012 National Draft - First round pick discussion thread

    I guess we can be optimistic if we miss out on Grundy and Toumpas.. lets try and get them back home in 2 years time.
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    Gillard ends discriminatory asylum policy Part II

    Should never have stopped issuing temporary protection visas in my opinion. Need to stop the family reunification and permanent citizenship too. When you read about the people complaining about the conditions on Nauru and then you see articles like this i just shake my head.. its people like...
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    Days since the Crows were charged with cheating......

    why have a salary cap if clubs want to pay players more than it. arent afl players paid more than enough? most of them are paid more than Julia Gillard
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    Gillard ends discriminatory asylum policy Part II
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    Opinion 2013 Membership

    Im thinking of getting essential Port or whatever its called its the one where you sit in the members at ammi stadium. I asked Claire when they had the live chat going and she said its the one where all the $$ goes to port and nothing goes to the sanfl. or is it better to get an 1870...
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    2012 National Draft - First round pick discussion thread

    cant say i had heard or read much about Grundy but the more i hear and read about the guy the more i hope we get him at pick 7. People might say oh hes a ruckman and will take a few years to develop and all that jazz but i cant see us challenging for a top 4 spot for at least 2 years. Also good...
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    FTA-TV Sons of Anarchy

    Strangest decision. Pope says i want a dead son... Jax should have said ok Ottos the man to die for the club..
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    crow chat for Port Board posters

    I hope the Afl is going back a few years.. would be hilarious if they stripped them off the 97 and 98 bradburies
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    AFC to stand trial

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    Its time to go Trigg!!!!

    Sign him for life! hes doing an outstanding job,
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    Parkway Drive

    Favourite songs - idols and anchors, carrion, sleepwalker, boneyards, smoke em if you got em.. and wild eyes is my pick as the best one from their new album