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  1. R

    Attack on "working families"

    I work with helping the people who can't afford to own homes, Yet they are hard working people, they are the so called "inskilled workers' , just because they haven't had the opportunities in life, should they be looked down on, or not given any help by the government?
  2. R

    Krudd's first 100 days in office

    So many idiots, so few bullets.
  3. R

    Attack on "working families"

    Get a grip, in the last four years under coward, house prices went up by 400%. Petrol skyrocketed, food prices went through the roof, strange that you didn;t mention that. :mad: OOPS, also forgot that in the last five years, we have turned into a homphobic, racist, bigotted country as well...
  4. R

    How has Rudd helped the 'working family' ?

    Apart from the fact he has only been in governent for just over a month. As I said before, him & his missus are rich pricks, that's the problem with the country now, all the leaders only care about the rich, if only Gough wasn't targetted by the CIA, our country would be a better place now.
  5. R

    I Worry About The Future Of This Great Country

    This country was stuffed the minute howard got into power. He created a divided country, full of rednecks & wealthy people who don't give a shit if their fellow aussies have to live on the streets, unfortunately, the rudd government won't be able to turn it around, because they are a little...
  6. R

    How has Rudd helped the 'working family' ?

    People can pay off their motgages, if they don't waste their money on plasmas TV's & surround sound & all the other expensive crap. That wasn't my point. What about the people who don't have rich parents, or well paid jobs, but are still married with kids. They also are working families...
  7. R

    How has Rudd helped the 'working family' ?

    I did & all I saw was whiney bastards saying but hey, we have huge mortgages & sending our kids to private schools, paying a fortune for petrol for our 4 wd;s, we need help. PPPFFFTTT. What about working families who can't afford to buy their own home & have to rent, they are struggling more...
  8. R

    How has Rudd helped the 'working family' ?

    If working families didn't want plasma screen TV's in every room, 2 4 wd's in the garage & mac mansions, maybe they wouldn't need government hand outs. Here's a tip, how about living within your means, burn your credit cards & only buy what you can afford to buy with cash. OH noes, you...