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  1. SizzleChest

    New Documents that Martin Hardie is chasing hard for.

    You need to use a proxy to get around the geo-blocking.
  2. SizzleChest

    If you were the head of the AFL - What penalty would you hand down?

    2 year ban for dopers and support staff Life ban for Hird (including Xmas party) Paul Little suspended for 6 months No Anzac Day clash Dopers' children are ineligible for F/S pick No air raid siren for 3 years Fund 2 year contract extension for Paul Roos That pretty much covers it.
  3. SizzleChest

    ASADA want AFL and NRL to ban Dank for life

    Can anyone find Dank on an online ASADA register? He's not listed here:
  4. SizzleChest

    The political interference - ALP wanted Essendon punished

    "AN independent inquiry will examine evidence of high-level political interference in the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority’s investigation into Essendon, after the Federal Court hands down its finding on whether ASADA’s pursuit of the club was conducted outside the law."...
  5. SizzleChest

    Dank admits using Thymosin Beta 4

    For mine, Dank had multiple suppliers, I don't think he was using Charter/Alavi exclusively during his AFL/NRL days. Dank seems like he's been around the sports science and gym industry long enough to know the who's who of peptides in Australia. Wouldn't be surprised if he had a hand in ripping...
  6. SizzleChest

    Dank admits using Thymosin Beta 4

    Just based on browsing body builder forums, TB-500 usually comes in vials of 2mg powder form and the bros reconstitute it with 2ml or so of sodium chloride. Typically one vial per injection and once prepared its only good for 8 days or so. In powder form it can last much longer. Thinking about...
  7. SizzleChest

    Dank admits using Thymosin Beta 4

    Yeah, I think that is in reference to the catch-all clause in section S2.
  8. SizzleChest

    Dank admits using Thymosin Beta 4

    Thanks, do you have a source? I can't find much about tb-500/tb4 in 2011.
  9. SizzleChest

    Dank admits using Thymosin Beta 4

    It seems that the ACC interview and the alleged email about the S2 catch-all clause in May 2012 really got the wind up Dank with regard to the status of TB4. I wonder what changed in his mind at that time.. ASADA have stated that TB4 has been listed as prohibited from "at least 2011", and the...