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  1. StCicatriz

    Universal Love Thank you. To all of you.

    What an awesome post mate!
  2. StCicatriz

    Unofficial Preview WA Transplant Melbourne Fans, come on down

    I'm in. You guys have got this. Do it for Neale. Do it for your long loyal fans. Just Do It!!!
  3. StCicatriz

    Game Day Preliminary Final - Melbourne v Geelong, Friday 10 September, 7:50pm AEST, Optus Stadium

    P.s. how good is it to watch Geelong get absolutely flogged
  4. StCicatriz

    Game Day Preliminary Final - Melbourne v Geelong, Friday 10 September, 7:50pm AEST, Optus Stadium

    So so so happy for you guys. You guys deserve it. Enjoy the win and best if luck for next week.
  5. StCicatriz

    Game Day Preliminary Final - Melbourne v Geelong, Friday 10 September, 7:50pm AEST, Optus Stadium

    so much to like about this melbourne side for a neutral. so damn exciting
  6. StCicatriz

    Game Day Preliminary Final - Melbourne v Geelong, Friday 10 September, 7:50pm AEST, Optus Stadium

    CMMMOOOOONNNNNN DEES! i'm on board like its my own club. you've got this!!!
  7. StCicatriz

    Toast We're playing finals in 2018!!!

    Take your own advice. Seriously some of your clubs supporters are an embarrassment with how they've reacted to that game. The entitlement is huge. Lose gracefully ffs
  8. StCicatriz

    Toast We're playing finals in 2018!!!

    Someone melted
  9. StCicatriz

    Toast We're playing finals in 2018!!!

    congrats guys!!!! you deserve it!!!
  10. StCicatriz

    News Melbourne player accused of sexual assault

    Yeh it's tough enough without the pressure of public opinion. I have no doubt that if the accused wasn't Milne and say someone more likeable like a Hayes then I doubt it would have got to the courts. We saw it with the st kilda school girl stuff. She was having a relationship with beams at...
  11. StCicatriz

    News Melbourne player accused of sexual assault

    Saints supporters have seen these types of investigations 3 times now. It's destroyed my confidence in the justice system being able to fairly investigate incidents involving high profile athletes without interference and a mis carriage of justice. The worst offender of the 3 cases was without...
  12. StCicatriz

    News Melbourne player accused of sexual assault

    This has to be the post of the decade
  13. StCicatriz

    Roast #noexcuses

    youre 2-2. i'd kill to be 2-2 right now. its a very even year and you were missing a lot of great players. chin up guys