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  1. TigerGlory

    Secondary Thinking about becoming a teacher

    They can shove their 1% pay increase where the sun don't shine. At least I'll have an extra $70 a month without having to pay Union fees.
  2. TigerGlory

    Secondary Thinking about becoming a teacher

    +1 for teacher aides doing yard duty at my school also. Although I wouldn't be surprised if it was against the law.
  3. TigerGlory

    Secondary Thinking about becoming a teacher

    Is there something wrong with expecting that teachers have a basic understanding of grammar?
  4. TigerGlory

    Secondary Thinking about becoming a teacher

    Not talking about occasionally multi tasking while the kids are doing something. I’m talking about consistently sitting at the front of the room in another world having no clue what your students are doing.
  5. TigerGlory

    Secondary Thinking about becoming a teacher

    Can’t stand the requirement that PSTs sit at the back of the classroom and take notes. That quickly evolves into teachers that sit at the front on their computer checking their stock options while the kids complete a worksheet. This year I’ve had my first PST and before that I had numerous...
  6. TigerGlory

    Secondary Thinking about becoming a teacher

    I love camp. Do it!
  7. TigerGlory

    Secondary Thinking about becoming a teacher

    Depends on the person I guess. This is my fourth year of high school teaching and I don’t think I’d last a day at a primary school.
  8. TigerGlory

    Secondary Thinking about becoming a teacher

    Definitely gets easier. First year is tough because of the amount of prep you have to do, plus you are still learning the basics.
  9. TigerGlory

    Secondary Thinking about becoming a teacher

    You need to get in the zone and just smash the essays out. I’ve had two Year 12 English classes the last two years. So 40 year 12 students, marking all of those SACs was an absolute nightmare. Finally gone back to 1 class this year, so now I only have 16 students. Not going to know myself.
  10. TigerGlory

    Secondary Thinking about becoming a teacher

    I just finished my first year of teaching and thoroughly enjoyed teaching an all boys class following a similar mindset to this. They were far and away the weakest of all of my groups, but once we got past the first few lessons of establishing my dominance the rest of the year was fantastic and...
  11. TigerGlory

    Primary Is the one year teaching dip ed a valid option?

    In fairness the four year bachelor degree that I just finished was overall about as useful as **** on a bull. I counted maybe three or four units in the whole four year course that have some applicability when im actually in the classroom. Had I known that prior to beginning I would have just...
  12. TigerGlory

    Primary Advice for a Graduate Teacher entering first year

    There you go. I know its been a messy conversion. I wasnt sure on the exact dates though.
  13. TigerGlory

    Primary Advice for a Graduate Teacher entering first year

    Ill be graduating at the end of 2013. So if you could just wait until I get teaching job first, that would be much appreciated. :P
  14. TigerGlory

    Primary Advice for a Graduate Teacher entering first year

    Its all VCE here still and the VCE wont follow the national curriculum until closer to 2020 I think. But 7-10 will all be converted into the National Curriculum by the end of 2013 I believe, so you'll be right there.
  15. TigerGlory

    Secondary What has the world come to?

    A punishment designed purposely to publically humiliate a student. Regardless of what they did, there are better and more efficient ways of punishing students.
  16. TigerGlory

    Tertiary and Continuing Open Universities

    If you're working full time/have a family or both, then Open Uni is the way to go. I've had friends do online study and will swear by it and if you already have a qualification then supplementing it with another degree from Open Uni will look really good in your personal qualifications. Whilst...
  17. TigerGlory

    Secondary VIT registration

    Check out the webpage since I downloaded the forms from there about 4 or 5 months ago. You can have a flick through the forms because they explain the process very clearly and outline what you have to do. :thumbsu:
  18. TigerGlory

    Secondary Thinking about becoming a teacher

    It'll be once im finished my current degree. :thumbsu:
  19. TigerGlory

    Secondary Thinking about becoming a teacher

    I know im jumping the gun a bit here. But would you guys know what you have to study to be able to teach another method? At the moment, im studying Humanities and English as my two methods. But would like to be able to eventually end up teaching PE as well. What would I have to do to be able to...
  20. TigerGlory

    Secondary Thinking about becoming a teacher

    Got a nasty shock when I found out I had to teach Humanities/SOSE and not just History. :p Geography AND Business Studies can both get bent! :thumbsd:
  21. TigerGlory

    Secondary Thinking about becoming a teacher

    Finished my first year of a four year Education course and im hoping the Education aspect gets better because I found it to be highly useless when it came to the Observation Rounds. In my opinion they should make you do Observation Rounds for the whole year instead of having Tutorials and...
  22. TigerGlory

    Secondary Goverment Grant

    That is the section mate. Youth Allowance. Im pretty sure if you are at school full time then you qualify for it. Just read up on how much you should get and then make a claim for it. :thumbsu:
  23. TigerGlory

    Secondary Goverment Grant Thats probably what you are looking for. :thumbsu:
  24. TigerGlory

    Secondary I question the legitimacy of the VCE English Exam.

    I changed my tune big time after having done the English exam. Whilst I basically winged the trial exam and struggled to come up with key themes and such, because I'd studied big time for the actual English Exam, 3 essays in 3 hours didnt seem that big a deal. I ended up with 12 pages overall...
  25. TigerGlory

    Secondary VCE English Exam

    I think I did alright in the Language Analysis bit. I went 5 minutes over the recommended time limit of an hour, but I made a glorious comeback with my Generals Die in Bed essay which I thought I did really well on. Context essay was reasonable, but I still got 4 pages for it. All up I got 4...
  26. TigerGlory

    Secondary I question the legitimacy of the VCE English Exam.

    Today our school sat a trial paper for English. Whilst its all well and good, it definatley got me thinking about us poor souls who have to go through the real thing. I am very much against the prospect of writing 3 essay's in only 3 hours. I cant speak for everybody here, but I've gone through...