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  1. Espe

    AFL Evolution - Launch thread

    Delusion at its finest.
  2. Espe

    AFL Evolution - Launch thread

    Just had the most epic game ever. Dunno what everyone is complaining about, the gameplay is sick
  3. Espe

    AFL Evolution - Launch thread

    You're right. Indie games play better than this. Offer accepted
  4. Espe

    AFL Evolution - Launch thread

    I can't believe they're charging $79 for this shite, let alone 100 bucks at EB. Looks like an indie game, a poor one at that, 50 bucks max
  5. Espe

    AFL Evolution - Out May 5 - (Cont in LAUNCH THREAD - link in OP)

    Ah geez, the nostalgia. I was in high school when AFL live 2003 was released. Everyone was so excited with message boards going crazy. Everyone wanted to know every detail like 'will the ball spin', 'can i trade players', 'do stats upgrade'. Yet people forgot that unless the gameplay was ok...
  6. Espe

    AFL Evolution - Out May 5 - (Cont in LAUNCH THREAD - link in OP)

    Just stop with these ratings. It's clogging up this thread and people are getting pissed off. I don't really know how you don't understand that player rating won't make the slightest difference to this game, the gameplay will. And by going off past AFL games, wicked witch need all the help they...
  7. Espe

    am i the only one thats over this game?

    Ummm... not sure if serious.gif Was over this game probably 2 weeks ago. Will wait and see if the patch fixes anything otherwise bye bye AFL live! Legendary is now far to easy with no replay value. Online is full of quitters, with people using exploits and bugs. Not fun at all.
  8. Espe

    The Official Name and Shame For Online Quitters Thread

    Are you serious super mod?? 80% of the game is this until someone finally gets a break away. Are you saying the tackling isn't rediculous?
  9. Espe

    The Official Name and Shame For Online Quitters Thread

    But it is a pretty average game..... so he has a point. Take FIFA for example, when you get beaten, generally you can see how the oppenent beat you skill wise. This game is just tackle, handball and giggle.
  10. Espe

    The Official Name and Shame For Online Quitters Thread

    Huh? But he said it was a close game. So why would someone quit intentionally?
  11. Espe

    The Official Name and Shame For Online Quitters Thread

    Because people have lives? I pumped him by 8 goals and he didn't quit. Plus I dont consider myself a quitter but I have an 'average' reliability rating, the rating is flawed. I think this thread is pretty rediculous tbh. Just because someone quits in a close game doesn't mean they have to be...
  12. Espe

    The Official Name and Shame For Online Quitters Thread

    I played that guy earlier, was pretty good and was a decent bloke on voice chat. I don't get why you think that's a bad quitter though? If it was a tight contest, then sometimes people genuinly need to go, plus its 2am! I've done that a few times, does that make me a bad quitter?? No..
  13. Espe

    Post Release Feedback

    I don't think anyone is whinging about it being to the level of FIFA. There are just issues with the game that are amazingly frustrating, particulary for online gamers such as me. It's very good, but not great. If you say FIFA / 2k11 were a 10/10 game, then this game would surely have to be...
  14. Espe

    Post Release Feedback

    Eh, so far having mixed reactions over the game. The one thing that I can't get out of my head is that it has 'potential' to be a great game. But it just misses the mark, slightly. So many little issues but hopefully the patch may get rid of a few. Online doesn't seem to need a lot of skill...
  15. Espe

    AFL LIVE 2011 - 360, PS3 & PC - Part - 20 - READ FAQ BEFORE POSTING

    Because he either has NFI. Or he's reading something old as April 30th is a placeholder date.
  16. Espe

    Your Online Record?

    Thats's awesome. Thanks mate:thumbsu:
  17. Espe

    AFL LIVE 2011 - 360, PS3 & PC - Part - 20 - READ FAQ BEFORE POSTING

    Wow, that is crap. Well that has killed any excitement I had left for the game...
  18. Espe

    AFL LIVE 2011 - 360, PS3 & PC - Part - 20 - READ FAQ BEFORE POSTING

    Ross, or anyone who knows, when playing online and someone quits on you, is that recorded as a win? If not, then it'll just be a giant quit fest.
  19. Espe

    Stores Already Selling Afl Live

    I work there and we don't have it yet. Not sure why you bothered on a Sunday but it's scheduled to come in on Tuesday/Wednesday. Who said they had it early? Because we have all talked about it, so that's impossible.
  20. Espe

    AFL LIVE 2011 - 360, PS3 & PC - Part 18 - READ FAQ BEFORE POSTING

    Admit it, you've been sitting out there for a week reading a newspaper with holes in it, accompanied by a baseball bat waiting for your chance to strike. lp6z3s1Gig0
  21. Espe

    AFL LIVE 2011 - 360, PS3 & PC - Part 18 - READ FAQ BEFORE POSTING

    Who else will be heading into the city for the playtest tomorrow?
  22. Espe

    AFL LIVE 2011 - 360, PS3 & PC - Part 18 - READ FAQ BEFORE POSTING

    pretty sure its 8-11
  23. Espe

    AFL LIVE 2011 - 360, PS3 & PC - Part 18 - READ FAQ BEFORE POSTING

    No, he's probably so happy that he recieved a little attention in his life.
  24. Espe

    AFL LIVE 2011 - 360, PS3 & PC - Part 18 - READ FAQ BEFORE POSTING

    "It comes out on the 21st, we don't have it in yet, you can pick it up then" Saved you some time.
  25. Espe

    AFL LIVE 2011 - 360, PS3 & PC - Part 18 - READ FAQ BEFORE POSTING

    Hey Ross, what is the parking like for tomorrows playtest? Have any tips? I hate the city....
  26. Espe

    AFL LIVE 2011 - 360, PS3 & PC - Part 18 - READ FAQ BEFORE POSTING

    Ha, exactly the same for me as well!:D Sometimes, on the very odd occasion, life just works out nicely doesn't it.:p
  27. Espe

    AFL LIVE 2011 - 360, PS3 & PC - Part 18 - READ FAQ BEFORE POSTING

    To a developer it makes zero difference. But retailers get majorly pissed off when dates are broken for major games as it can steal business. I remember for FIFA 10 an aussie retail broke the street date by 2 days and were gifted an insane fine by EA. A bit different for AFL however as...
  28. Espe

    AFL LIVE 2011 - 360, PS3 & PC - Part 18 - READ FAQ BEFORE POSTING

    Business fail.