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  1. Buena

    Brisbane: Not in too bad shape.

    Kudos on the Attention Il Est Myron avatar.
  2. Buena

    Brisbane: Not in too bad shape.

    Living in Brisbane, I have no choice but to watch both Lions and Suns games on 7. And an amazing thing has happened to me this year. I have gone from a decade long, Voss driven hatred of the Lions, to watching and cheering for them on a weekly basis. Except for the drubbing we gave them at the...
  3. Buena

    How good was it to hear the Fitzroy chant on Saturday

    I'm glad to hear the opinion of the Paddle Pop Lion guernsey is unanimous. It really is a disgrace, and as somebody else posted, many other clubs have gone back to basics with a traditional style jumper design. We can only hope that from next year the Lions revert back to the old style Lion...