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  1. D

    What is the worst thing you have done after your teams lost?

    Well I was really only referring to a small number of people with the psycho part. Such as the guy that smashed his mates TV, door and then kicked his fence down, or the guy that held someone bent over the top level railing at the G. There are a worrying large number of people with anger...
  2. D

    Best Nickname you've heard?

    I'd always wondered if Wojcinski was known as Bomber at all around the footy club. I went to school with him and everyone just called him Bomber back then but I figured with Bomber Thompson already being coach they'd have just stuck to other things like Monica and Wojac.
  3. D

    What is the worst thing you have done after your teams lost?

    I think this thread is proof enough that the majority probably are. They blame all the violence these days on alcohol when obviously it's because most guys seem to have serious anger management issues or are just ****ing psychos.
  4. D

    You serious? Only 76,707 at MCG for a Semi Final

    Ticket prices is certainly the reason I wasn't there on the weekend.