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  1. Billy ray

    Coronavirus 2020 / Worldwide (Stats live update in OP) Part 8: This Thread is for Reasonable ON TOPIC Discussion

    Early plea discount + Good bloke discount Free to play
  2. Billy ray

    Coronavirus 2020 / Worldwide (Stats live update in OP) Part 8: This Thread is for Reasonable ON TOPIC Discussion

    have seen RATs in the clearance shelves in many places.
  3. Billy ray

    Coronavirus 2020 / Worldwide (Stats live update in OP) Part 8: This Thread is for Reasonable ON TOPIC Discussion

    I want the borders shut and mandates and masks to return so i can get a park at the beach again. Those couple years were bliss
  4. Billy ray

    Coronavirus 2020 / Worldwide (Stats live update in OP) Part 8: This Thread is for Reasonable ON TOPIC Discussion

    Masks recommended in schools from monday up here
  5. Billy ray

    Coronavirus 2020 / Worldwide (Stats live update in OP) Part 8: This Thread is for Reasonable ON TOPIC Discussion

    This would be my third shot coming up not 4th. Probably the same anyway
  6. Billy ray

    Coronavirus 2020 / Worldwide (Stats live update in OP) Part 8: This Thread is for Reasonable ON TOPIC Discussion

    How long after you have it can you get a booster? Ive heard 12 weeks but is that now 4 weeks?
  7. Billy ray

    Coronavirus 2020 / Worldwide (Stats live update in OP) Part 8: This Thread is for Reasonable ON TOPIC Discussion

    These firmware updates are annoying. And super infectious. This why China still locking down? They’ve seen the release schedule?
  8. Billy ray

    Coronavirus 2020 / Worldwide (Stats live update in OP) Part 8: This Thread is for Reasonable ON TOPIC Discussion

    so i wonder, say by years end, whether the final rate of cases per capita, hospitalisations per capita, and deaths per capita (by state) will end up about the same despite the different ways each state went about it
  9. Billy ray

    Coronavirus 2020 / Worldwide (Stats live update in OP) Part 8: This Thread is for Reasonable ON TOPIC Discussion

    is this a 'with' as opposed to an 'of' situation tho?
  10. Billy ray

    Coronavirus 2020 / Worldwide (Stats live update in OP) Part 8: This Thread is for Reasonable ON TOPIC Discussion

    Shingles is a catchy name. Long covid needs a marketing makeover
  11. Billy ray

    Coronavirus 2020 / Worldwide (Stats live update in OP) Part 8: This Thread is for Reasonable ON TOPIC Discussion

    I have surgery booked next week on thursday so needed to test so my 7 days willbe up. But if i didnt then yeh wouldn’t have bothered
  12. Billy ray

    Coronavirus 2020 / Worldwide (Stats live update in OP) Part 8: This Thread is for Reasonable ON TOPIC Discussion

    Yeh. I was sick sunday afternoon with a general malaise and fatigue. Then at night i Woke up sweating on two occasions and had sore throat and headache. Then by the morning at like 7am it was just sore throat and headache but I was negative on a rat. But I knew then i had it even tho test said...
  13. Billy ray

    Coronavirus 2020 / Worldwide (Stats live update in OP) Part 8: This Thread is for Reasonable ON TOPIC Discussion

    Meh. Finally tested positive. Not surprising given two others in house have it.
  14. Billy ray

    Coronavirus 2020 / Worldwide (Stats live update in OP) Part 8: This Thread is for Reasonable ON TOPIC Discussion

    ergh. now my gf has got it. slowly the dominos in my house will all fall i imagine.
  15. Billy ray

    Coronavirus 2020 / Worldwide (Stats live update in OP) Part 8: This Thread is for Reasonable ON TOPIC Discussion

    Well after 2+ years someone in my house had sniffles and a rat was purchased and undertaken. Positive child in da house. Might have to do my own rat/pcr for first time should symptoms develop
  16. Billy ray

    Coronavirus 2020 / Worldwide (Stats live update in OP) Part 8: This Thread is for Reasonable ON TOPIC Discussion

    i might get around to getting my booster i think - was due 8 weeks ago
  17. Billy ray

    Your covid +ve experience

    Sorry to hear that ^ Just as an aside, i found that after having glandular fever when i was early twenties, alcohol would set off my breathing issues and i was diagnosed as an adult with asthma and alcohol was a trigger. Pretty much gave up alcohol from that point and haven’t drunk much since...
  18. Billy ray

    Coronavirus 2020 / Worldwide (Stats live update in OP) Part 8: This Thread is for Reasonable ON TOPIC Discussion

    Im going to keep wearing a mask when i go shopping forever i think. People cant see your face if you wanna do a little shoplifting
  19. Billy ray

    Coronavirus 2020 / Worldwide (Stats live update in OP) Part 8: This Thread is for Reasonable ON TOPIC Discussion

    Hmm. Interesting. I am just due my booster now and had moderna for first two and no reaction so was planning to do moderna again for my third hoping for a similar non reaction. Guess you never know
  20. Billy ray

    Coronavirus 2020 / Worldwide (Stats live update in OP) Part 8: This Thread is for Reasonable ON TOPIC Discussion

    Did you have same one as your first two for your booster?