1116 SEN 2024 line up

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It's becoming hard to fathom what fat Craig is thinking.

Seems pretty transparent to me. As long as the sponsors and ads continue to support the station, he will make decisions that help his and the organisations hip pocket first; if those decisions result in good content then that’s a bonus. That may not help you or I as we only care about the product but it is his business after all.

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Firstly, thanks kb for the years of radio broadcast. Really enjoyed his morning show.

He, like most of us, have not enjoyed the station as much as before Hutchison came in. It is what it is.

KB's morning show had its flaws - such as twits like Greg Denham getting regular exposure. But for the most part it was a very well done show with KB not only able to to extensive footy coverage but also adept at handling other sports as well. And the Friday 10am hour was great fun.

Didn't hear much of his afternoon shift but when I did he just seemed to be going through the motions including an entire opening segment devoted to cats!

I reckon his heart hasn't been in it all this year and he was just running down the clock. A shame he goes out like this as he above anyone else kept SEN going during its early years.
As to Hutchison's overall plan, I suspect he wouldn't be unhappy that KB is leaving. It just seems like he wanted to get rid of all the prime personalities that defined the station before his takeover (Schwarz, Fine, Bartlett) whether immediately or by demoting them and he's pretty much got what he wants now.
If I can be the contrarian here (as I was never a huge fan on KBs to begin with), don't forget SEN was on its knees financially before Hutchy took over. They're far better off since he took over and have more live sport too. If they go national successfully after buying those radio frequencies last week, that'll be some sort of turnaround after where SEN was years ago

Of course this doesn't excuse the blandness in their daytime programming, but I'd hope to think more long-term than others here. Hopefully the money generates to a point that the company can bring in more proper big names, which would then make for better content and ratings.

Don't take this as defending Hutchy, but take it as the optimistic view.
KB is a subtle old troll, but he was fairly likeable.

Yes he babbled on a repeated himself, ALOT "AFL football is a unique game, a quirky game.."

But there's also something very nice about listening to a guy that has knowledge of football from the 1950's-2010's.

An old coger on the phone could drop an obscure name from the 60's and KB would reminisce on his memories of that player, club etc

I'm going to miss that portal into sporting history that KB was able to provide, those types, a little bit like the WW2 vets are dying out.

Now we will get a Sam McLure type that can't see past about 2005 in his sporting knowledge.....

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"AD-SEN" is definitely an apt moniker. FMD! I might run the stopwatch over the first hour of Off The Bench again, because every third sentence from Heverin on Saturday seemed to be mentioning sponsors. As I've said, Hutchy has also done it to Sportsday on 3aw. When David Hookes died, I had 2 or 3 of his last shows on tape, so I kept them. I listened to one of them a while ago, and there's NO live reading of ads during content.

I hope Turf goes back to Odd The Bench. Is it just me getting older grumpier, or is it nowhere near as good as it was a couple of years ago?
Six or Seven minutes of Magaret from Sunbury every week? WTF?! I guess they were desperate to replace the country racing segment/ad.
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"AD-SEN" is definitely an apt moniker. FMD! I might run the stopwatch over the first hour of Off The Bench again, because every third sentence from Heverin on Saturday seemed to be mentioning sponsors. As I've said, Hutchy has also done it to Sportsday on 3aw. When David Hookes died, I had 2 or 3 of his last shows on tape, so I kept them. I listened to one of them a while ago, and there's NO live reading off ads during content.

I hope Turf goes back to Odd The Bench. Is it just me getting older grumpier, or is it nowhere near as good as it was a couple of years ago?
Six or Seven minutes of Magaret from Sunbury every week? WTF?! I guess they were desperate to replace the country racing segment/ad.

Loved tuning in and listening to it 8-10 years ago. Was funny and easy listening, and what I thought a bit of a fresh take on the Coodabeens.

Now....rarely listened for 5 years and the little I have, quite literally sounds the same every time. Same gags, same ads to the point you could almost repeat it word for word.

Outside of maybe Whateley - it sums up the station really.....rinse and repeat.
every third sentence from Heverin on Saturday seemed to be mentioning sponsors.

That's a recent disease across all the commentators, across more than a few of the commercial networks.

It's so bad now, I'm sure Whately drops the Adviceline injury lawyers ad while playing with his kids.
Everyone praising KB probably hasn't heard the afternoon slot for the past 6 months.

But I love the fact he's quit while the season is still going - a nice little middle-finger to Hutchy.
yeah but it felt like going through the motions from the get go, the praise is coming from 30+ years of memories from a lot of radio stations, many dead and buried
Funny how growing up there was no one in footy I hated more than KB. Grew to love hearing him fill in the morning time slot. Didn't work as well in the afternoon.

Contrast is Roos who was my favourite non Carlton player ( maybe just behind Robbie Flower) who I can't stand listening to now.

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1116 SEN 2024 line up

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