Senior 18. Sam Walsh

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Can see it now....

Lukosius, Rankine, whoever, will come out and have a blinder (probably against us) and the usual suspects will be asking for SOS's head


Walsh is bust proof, he may not become the best player from his draft, but he will be one of the best number 1 picks
Spot on Azz

It’s what they bring off field also, Walsh by all reports is a great guy & complete pro...& a leader
Yes yes definitely
The Church of Walsh

Holy Church Of Walsh?

We're really adding to the standards the CFC will require to be competitive for a long time.
Nothing better than the players themselves driving the standards amongst their peers. Will make for a great pay-off.
Will be 23 a game. Which I’ve said before and was attacked for.

Bet I don’t get attacked now....

Don't think you were attacked and until the season gets in full swing, it will be difficult to know what sort of output Walsh will have.

I remember Gaff started being tagged from his 4th game onward, so let's just enjoy him without the expectations
I know this may bring in others players on our list but what Walsh does is increase standards and help the 2nd to 4th year players step up. If Walsh can prove in his first year that you can get 20+ touches and contribute despite being slightly undersized and not AFL hardened it will tell our others to bring it more regularly. If not it’s not a bust for them it probably gives them a little time and space to develop at their own rate without having to take a large percentage of this burden. Development is not linear. Walsh’s development definitely isn’t but he sounds he will be starting off at every high level and I hope for exponential increases and for him to tear the competition apart in his 2nd and 3rd years. Yes he hasn’t played a game yet. But I think we have a huge piece coming for the puzzle that fits quite nicely in #17. We may only need 2-3 more pieces in future.

Can wait for the rest of the competition to see.
I know this may bring in others players on our list but what Walsh does is increase standards and help the 2nd to 4th year players step up. If Walsh can prove in his first year that you can get 20+ touches and contribute despite being slightly undersized and not AFL hardened it will tell our others to bring it more regularly. If not it’s not a bust for them it probably gives them a little time and space to develop at their own rate without having to take a large percentage of this burden. Development is not linear. Walsh’s development definitely isn’t but he sounds he will be starting off at every high level and I hope for exponential increases and for him to tear the competition apart in his 2nd and 3rd years. Yes he hasn’t played a game yet. But I think we have a huge piece coming for the puzzle that fits quite nicely in #17. We may only need 2-3 more pieces in future.

Can wait for the rest of the competition to see.
Love it
There are also other probable factors that make it go both ways. I think Dow deserves the very same accolades to be honest and I am sure that part of Walsh looking so good so soon is because of Dow and SPS and LOB and others bringing Sam in to feel at ease from that first minute. A young team welcoming another young gun in. A lot different to being the new kid on the block amongst a vast array of older fellows. So its all our men that deserve the praise whenever one is a standout.
And go Sam go !

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Yes he hasn’t played a game yet.
Yes he hasn’t played a game yet.
Yes he hasn’t played a game yet.
Yes he hasn’t played a game yet.
Yes he hasn’t played a game yet.
Yes he hasn’t played a game yet.
Yes he hasn’t played a game yet.
Yes he hasn’t played a game yet.
Needs repeating people.
I have loved the look of him since mid last year, but FFS, calm the **** down. He has not parted the red sea just yet.

He will though.
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I’ve read with interest most of the commentary on Sam Walsh. I’m pretty excited. Last year’s highlights were impressive but I couldn’t get past how slim he looked. So slim that I thought he would take years to fatten him up.

What happened?

This kid already looks mature. The legs, arms and shoulders ripple with muscles.

I’m excited.
Has two strong Nathan Buckley like attributes this kid. Think carefully.

1. The professionalism / will to get the best out of himself. At a very young age.

2. Perpetual motion / awareness of where the ball is going/ constantly in play/ hard running (ok maybe that’s few rolled into one).

There are many differences of course. But he does remind me of Bucks in those ways.

Agree with the Bucks comparison

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