A Section 2011

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Mock all your want, I'm not the one with an inflated ego owing to some ridiculous weekly ritual that has the equally social inept posters frothing at the mouth.

Seems you are now included in the "socially inept posters" foundation considering you have now posted again and at the same time taken an almighty unprovoked swipe at one of the more popular members of this forum!!
hahahah YES!!

playing with fire getting into a verbal stoush with RAH RAH my friend!!!
And Rah Rah had a go at me for being fond of the same sex. If you could pull your fist out of his behind for just a moment and construct a proper argument, that would be super.

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Socially inept we might be but we do enjoy Rah Rahs rants as it breaks the monotony of the endless posting of tips. Hummer - best you ply your trade back on the clubbies forum. Anyway how about we talk footy. From the De La website I see another U19 debutant this week and the 8th from last year U19 P’ship team to play seniors in 2011. A more remarkable stats is that 21 of the 22 players who will run out for the De La seniors on Sunday played U19s for the club. Wonder how that stacks up against the mob they are playing.
The De La Unders team from last year was unbelieveable - all credit to them....their model there is very hard for any others, maybe Xavs excluded, to match. It is all well and good to play kids in A Grade but they have to be ready, and clearly they are.
What’s up with you Hummer 21? Funny as Aids hey? And then you come back on and try to rev things up again. A little like our old mate Richo-man who has been unheard from since his once off effort. You bob up on A Section accidentally when your real place in life is the D4 Board and throw around hand grenades. Well, we don’t need your type on here thanks mate. Your sort of people make my skin crawl. Funny as AIDS. I’ll give you one thing. At least when challenged, you did have the balls to come back. But then, we should have known. Its not the first time you’ve had the balls is it hummer!

Until then bloggers, it had been a very poor week on BigFooty. Tips Tips Tips. If that was what I wanted to see I’d go to Beaumaris to watch “the Fergals” training. Funny how if you take just one letter out of that nickname it still describes them. Or we’d wait for the record and read Gerald Fitzmichael’s page (is he leaving too?). So if you are out there Mal from Malvern, and you are indeed not Osama, show yourself. For the good of the forum.
Otherwise, GOI did some more shameless baiting, and OTP put his tips in on Sunday and got 2/5. I might give this a trah, as I am not faring well.
My favourite entry this week was from Ron Jeremy 69. He suggested he couldn’t wait for OM’s v Werribee at Werribee next year. Clash of cultures? Contrast in the carpark? Well, even at 0-6 one needs to be positive and look at the upside. That’s what ah’d be doing. I’m a glass half full kind of guy mahself, particularly when it’s a little Shiraz like the one I’ve been quaffing this afternoon. Reckon the OM’s would be thinking Werribee is a lot closer to their holiday houses at Lonsdale or Lorne, and as such it represents a spiffing chance to get away early for a quiet Saturday night down the coast. For others a chance to check their flocks in the sprawling western districts, maybe pop in on Malcolm and Tammy for a cup of tea and one of her famous date scones. Fine OM’s stock old Malcolm.
As for the carpark, well the OM’s have taken the Range Rovers on some fantastic long trips before. Once they even played Haileybury at Keysborough! A year or two back there was Ivanhoe. And as for the new grammars out there at Bulleen, well, pack the thermos! Again, looking at the upsahd, it’s a good chance to educate the youngsters about how it takes all types.

Anyhoo, to this week’s prognosis:
Apparently the boys from St Brendans Mordialloc Tigers stayed over in Bulleen rather than make the trip twice in a week. They are acclimatized now, and will pull away from the Panthers late in the game. (My suspicion of the Panthers finally paid off last week).
Fashion Clash of the century at Trott. Purple will outplay Magenta. Should they both wear clash jumpers so it looks like a football game instead of some sort of convention that Hummer21 would attend?
Xavs to dunk the biscuits.
Blues now on a roll. Gollum has them playing good footy again.
And fahnally, OM’s to venture to the place where finals are played. (North North Brahton). Only problem is they are playing a side likely to play finals, old “of the room”. If its windy and rainy, and good weather for ducks, I reckon they can break their duck. No really.

It’s not far from Brahton, so I might fill the hipflask with Chivas and sit under the SHOLLYWOOD sign on the far wing with the schnoodle.

Whilst I’m speaking of SHOLLYWOOD, what about the fallout at HQ from the public outcry against the Heath Ledger and Max on Monday (note neither have been seen this week). Poor old Jeremy Bourke and Jess Ware were axed. That’s the equivalent of cutting Moloney and Jurrah from the Dees whilst extending Dean Bailey’s contract for 3 years.

Sorry to have been so long in ranting lads. Was delayed following school pick up at Brahton Prahmary. Lahcra clad Yahmmy Mahmmys everywhere, fresh from the gym (too cold for tennis). Beamers, Mercs, Volvo’s, the odd Porsche. Looked a little like the carpark at Werribee.
.......... One day they’ll wise up that mah kids don’t even go there.

Gollum has them playing good footy again.

From a B Grade poster, this wins thew line of the year, by the length of our carpark, Go Hoes.

Hope to see you in 2012

B Grade Max
It’s not far from Brahton, so I might fill the hipflask with Chivas and sit under the SHOLLYWOOD sign on the far wing with the schnoodle.

Honestly it's a shame they don't allow pooches @ SHOLLYWOOD park, I'd
probably attend a lot more games if they did.

My tips

Just home from a fantastic game of 19s under lights at the Shollywood Bowl, Haileybury came from two goals down to finally be seven points up, Mentonians kicked a goal with two minutes left and just couldn't get it near the sticks before the siren. Bloods by a point.

Hope Blues and Trinity serve up similar tomorrow - see y'all at the varsity.

Congrats to the the latest kid getting his run in the 1s for de la. Hes a fantastic player to watch, hard as nails in the Sheild like mould. Came back from a horrific injury last year wish him a long a grade career!

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WOW, not going to get on the wrong side of Rah Rah.....even tho he doesn't rate my team!! Any way, l would have given that nuf nuf a serve too...just a fly by nighter.

l doubt anyone picked the card this week but the results do open up a magnificent round next week.
We have 1 v 2, 3 v 4, 6 v 7, 8 v 9, 10 v 5

OM's on the winners list at last.....they are not that bad.
Panthers lose another close one and got Xavs this week away. Like most clubs there are still a few missing but you are only as good as the team on the park.
STBM move the ball well, the game could have gone either way, you can't give teams big starts especially in those conditions.
OX winning games like basketball teams....leaving it to the last seconds.
OT's win last week took it out of them and UB took advantage.
Collegians took out last weeks loss on OH.

Well next week will sort out who is who. There should be a prize for anyone who picks the card. maybe a Rah Rah can shout a latte down at his favorite Braahton establisment???

Anyway lads, how about you say a bit more than just your tips??? Would make the forum a lot more interesting.
WOW, not going to get on the wrong side of Rah Rah.....even tho he doesn't rate my team!! Any way, l would have given that nuf nuf a serve too...just a fly by nighter.

l doubt anyone picked the card this week but the results do open up a magnificent round next week.
We have 1 v 2, 3 v 4, 6 v 7, 8 v 9, 10 v 5

OM's on the winners list at last.....they are not that bad.
Panthers lose another close one and got Xavs this week away. Like most clubs there are still a few missing but you are only as good as the team on the park.
STBM move the ball well, the game could have gone either way, you can't give teams big starts especially in those conditions.
OX winning games like basketball teams....leaving it to the last seconds.
OT's win last week took it out of them and UB took advantage.
Collegians took out last weeks loss on OH.

Well next week will sort out who is who. There should be a prize for anyone who picks the card. maybe a Rah Rah can shout a latte down at his favorite Braahton establisment???

Anyway lads, how about you say a bit more than just your tips??? Would make the forum a lot more interesting.

OMs very impressive today. On paper a very very good side and while probably too far back to make it will cause a few headaches in the run home. De La very poor, particularly early. 4th time this year they have given the opposition a 6 goal head start. Got within 11 pts early in the last but OMs too good and deserved the win.
WOW, not going to get on the wrong side of Rah Rah.....even tho he doesn't rate my team!! Any way, l would have given that nuf nuf a serve too...just a fly by nighter.

l doubt anyone picked the card this week but the results do open up a magnificent round next week.
We have 1 v 2, 3 v 4, 6 v 7, 8 v 9, 10 v 5

OM's on the winners list at last.....they are not that bad.
Panthers lose another close one and got Xavs this week away. Like most clubs there are still a few missing but you are only as good as the team on the park.
STBM move the ball well, the game could have gone either way, you can't give teams big starts especially in those conditions.
OX winning games like basketball teams....leaving it to the last seconds.
OT's win last week took it out of them and UB took advantage.
Collegians took out last weeks loss on OH.

Well next week will sort out who is who. There should be a prize for anyone who picks the card. maybe a Rah Rah can shout a latte down at his favorite Braahton establisment???

Anyway lads, how about you say a bit more than just your tips??? Would make the forum a lot more interesting.
hello chaps, splendid afternoon at North North Brahton.
Amazing how one can fight off the chill wind of the wick with a little chivas in the hipflask.
Carlton old boy, what about a prahz for anyone who picked the card this week eh? I know one household in Brahton where the cork has been popped on the Henschke tonaght. Looking forward to seeing the tipping chart tomorrow. Yes thats raght. Fahv from fahv for rah rah this week. knew that De Lahh maght struggle after church.
Wondering if we'll ever hear from hum-bug again? Ooooh the lahte will slide down the throat extra well in the morning. (Hey hummer, does talk of things slahding down the thoat ring your bell old boy?).
hoo roo lads.
Good working tipping the OM's, did you have inside info Rah Rah?

Did anyone see the OS v OX match? Apparently OS had a kick after the siren to win and they were only about 30 out in front....true?
Good working tipping the OM's, did you have inside info Rah Rah?

Did anyone see the OS v OX match? Apparently OS had a kick after the siren to win and they were only about 30 out in front....true?

Yes yes congrats on your 5 this week........only noticed after l had finished.
l believe that to be true with OS v OX, thats 3 OX games decided by last minute kick and ALL gone in OX favor. Does that mean they are not as good as previous or that they don't really kick into action until the second half of the season??? Guess l am gonna see for myself next weekend.....and l will be picking the Panthers.
hello chaps, splendid afternoon at North North Brahton.
Amazing how one can fight off the chill wind of the wick with a little chivas in the hipflask.
Carlton old boy, what about a prahz for anyone who picked the card this week eh? I know one household in Brahton where the cork has been popped on the Henschke tonaght. Looking forward to seeing the tipping chart tomorrow. Yes thats raght. Fahv from fahv for rah rah this week. knew that De Lahh maght struggle after church.
Wondering if we'll ever hear from hum-bug again? Ooooh the lahte will slide down the throat extra well in the morning. (Hey hummer, does talk of things slahding down the thoat ring your bell old boy?).
hoo roo lads.

Inshallah everybody - I am writing from my new digs near the Khyber Pass in nrthn Pakistan - I apologise for being incommunicado for the past couple of months or so but the 'Arab Spring' that has arisen over this neck of the woods has kept me rather busy, so to speak - anyway onward asnd upward.
Speaking of onward and upward, what in Allah's name happened yesterday at EP? I was able to get excellent coverage of the game on Southern FM and listened as DLS went from chocs to boiled lols in the space of a week - funny game isn't it - sounds like Maxi will be going back to the drawing board to devise an even more complicated and complex gameplan for next week - as for the OM's, well, let's wait and see if they have awoken from their rather lengthy pre season slumber. Rah rah, was that you I could hear on the radio actively 'encouraging' the umpires or was that the call to prayer from the mosque down the road? Anyway, until next week everybody - Salaam (peace to all).
Inshallah everybody - I am writing from my new digs near the Khyber Pass in nrthn Pakistan - I apologise for being incommunicado for the past couple of months or so but the 'Arab Spring' that has arisen over this neck of the woods has kept me rather busy, so to speak - anyway onward asnd upward.
Speaking of onward and upward, what in Allah's name happened yesterday at EP? I was able to get excellent coverage of the game on Southern FM and listened as DLS went from chocs to boiled lols in the space of a week - funny game isn't it - sounds like Maxi will be going back to the drawing board to devise an even more complicated and complex gameplan for next week - as for the OM's, well, let's wait and see if they have awoken from their rather lengthy pre season slumber. Rah rah, was that you I could hear on the radio actively 'encouraging' the umpires or was that the call to prayer from the mosque down the road? Anyway, until next week everybody - Salaam (peace to all).

Just read the papers and can't believe the result from yesterday! The wind must have been blowing a gale for a 6 goal first qtr then 5 the next? How did my boy Lyle Patterson go for the Panthers?
Inshallah everybody - I am writing from my new digs near the Khyber Pass in nrthn Pakistan - I apologise for being incommunicado for the past couple of months or so but the 'Arab Spring' that has arisen over this neck of the woods has kept me rather busy, so to speak - anyway onward asnd upward.
Speaking of onward and upward, what in Allah's name happened yesterday at EP? I was able to get excellent coverage of the game on Southern FM and listened as DLS went from chocs to boiled lols in the space of a week - funny game isn't it - sounds like Maxi will be going back to the drawing board to devise an even more complicated and complex gameplan for next week - as for the OM's, well, let's wait and see if they have awoken from their rather lengthy pre season slumber. Rah rah, was that you I could hear on the radio actively 'encouraging' the umpires or was that the call to prayer from the mosque down the road? Anyway, until next week everybody - Salaam (peace to all).
Morning all.
Broke with tradition today, and had 9 holes at RMGC to start the week. Have just stopped by the Pantry now to avail mahself of the free wah fah. And there it is, like a phoenix from the ashes, Mal from the mosque. Welcome back oh wise one.
'twas not ah talking to the boys in lahm green. you'd have struggled to hear me from the vantage point in the front of the Bentley parked on the outer wing. Had hoped to be sitting in the shadows of the SHOLLYWOOD lettering, but am told the planning application is at VCAT, held up by the second part of the Elsternwick upgrade plans, the stone carving of VAFA legends faces in the hill by the scoreboard - Mt Rushmore style. Sholly, Phil Stevens. Bear Connell. Happy to take suggestions on who else you think deserves the honour.
Just read the papers and can't believe the result from yesterday! The wind must have been blowing a gale for a 6 goal first qtr then 5 the next? How did my boy Lyle Patterson go for the Panthers?

Assuming you mean Carl Peterson?? He was great. His 4th put the Panthers in front late but they couldn't hold on. Such an even comp. The gap between best and worst is so little.
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