Player Sponsorship 2012 Player Sponsorship

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The Brisbane Lions enable supporters to sponsor individual players for a year, starting from $380 up to $830, depending on the seniority of the player.

In return, sponsors get an opportunity to meet their player and a signed guernsey or photo, among other goodies.

Each year BigFooty organises group sponsorships, with contributions starting from $25. We collectively vote on which players to sponsor, with votes weighted by the amount you've contributed.

Then once the sponsorships are finalised, we raffle out the individual prizes to participants. Again, the more you've contributed, the more "raffle tickets" you get.

In essence, it is a cheap option of contributing to the Club, while having a decent chance of "winning a prize" in return.

It has proved very popular, particularly over the last couple of years, raising more than $4000 for the Club, with dozens of users sharing in the "prize-pool".

This year we'd like to lift the bar, so we're aiming to raise [strike]$3000[/strike] $3330.


If you're interested in taking part, then please read on:

Sponsorship Details

How much does an individual sponsorship cost?


Category 1 - Leadership group                         	$830.00
Category 2 - Players with 100 or more AFL games 	$600.00	
Category 3 - Players with 20-99 AFL games	        $500.00 	
Category 4 - Player with less than 20 AFL games 	$380.00

NB There's a per player limit of 4 sponsors in Queensland and 4 sponsors in Victoria.

What do sponsors get in return?

• Welcome letter from your sponsored player/s
• Option of signed guernsey or a signed and framed photograph of your sponsored player/s
• Recognition in the Season Review magazine and Club website

QLD player sponsors also receive
• Two tickets to a player sponsor function including cocktail food, beverages and a guest speaker
• Exclusive invitation for two to visit the Lions special viewing area for a pre-match warm-up

VIC player sponsors also receive
• Two tickets to a player sponsor function including cocktail food, beverages and the opportunity to meet and mingle with your sponsored player (subject to player availability) and other Lions senior team members

BigFooty Group Sponsorship Details

If you'd like to be a part of our group sponsorship, simply state the amount you'd like to contribute in this thread, then Grimreepah will send you his bank details via Private Message.

the minimum contribution is $25, with BigFooty bonuses offered from $50
• for each $25, a user gets a 3/2/1 vote for the players they would like to see sponsored
• we will organise a purchase of a sponsorship for whoever is the leading vote getter. If that player is sold out we will arrange for the player with the 2nd most votes to be sponsored
• any remaining funds will go towards the next sponsorship. Voting for the previous sponsorship will be wiped, and users will be invited to resubmit votes
• once all sponsorships are complete, the prizes will be allocated. This is done at the end to give everyone equal opportunity to win prizes. Users are given a raffle entry for each $25 they contribute, and with that raffle entry they choose which prize they would like to be in the pool for. The winners will then be drawn at random, and we will convey postage details to the club so that the winners can receive their prize.

BigFooty Contribution

• each year Chief contributes $200 towards each club's player sponsorship(s)
• users who contribute $50 will receive a free BigFooty Gold sponsorship for 12 months. Value = $10. Benefits here.
• users who contribute $100 or more will receive a free BigFooty platinum sponsorship for 12 months. Value = $20. Benefits here.
• all contributors will get a sponsorship badge (aka BigFooty Bling), which can be seen under a poster's username (like my "Rockliff 11" tag). Posters will be able to choose which of the sponsored players they want on their badge.


• the commencement of the sponsorships will begin when the Lions office have processed the playing list. At last communication we were advised that this would not be until January
• the completion of the sponsorships will probably be in early March. Last year the Victorian sponsor function was held on May 1st. To allow enough time to send out the invites, sponsorships had to be completed by April 1st. On top of that we will need at least two weeks to organise the raffle of prizes, and to collect the postage details for the winners.

Who can be Sponsored?

• any of the players on the senior list
• any of the players on the rookie list
• not the scholarship players

History of Sponsorships on the Brisbane Lions Board

2007: Richard Hadley
2008: Daniel Merrett
2009: -
2010: Simon Black, Brendan Fevola and Todd Banfield
2011: Tom Rockliff, Todd Banfield, Ryan Harwood and Jared Polec
2012: Karnezis, Rockliff, Barlett, Lester, Green, Longer and Polec

Keeping updated

Post #2 will be regularly updated with all details of this year's sponsorship(s). When action is required (like voting), we'll update the thread subject accordingly.

Feel free to ask any questions. Grim or I will be happy to answer.


From former "prize winners"...:

Jorgo said:
Winning tickets to the Lions Player Sponsors night as part of our BigFooty Sponsorships in 2010 was a real buzz for me. Of course it helped that I was lucky enough to snaffle the ticket to hang out with Tom Rockcliff one of my favourite players.

Not often do you get the chance to have extended conversations with players so it was a good chance to get to know Tom a little bit. The honesty and openness with which he presented himself says a lot about him. For me though the best part was that it wasn't just me asking questions and starting conversation, Tom himself seemed genuinely interested in having a chat as well.

Throughout the night there was a chance to have much shorter conversations with other players as they mingled about and they all were approachable and friendly. When you throw in the free drinks and finger food the evening was a very entertaining way to get to know a few of our players. Here's hoping I can jag tickets again next year! ;):cool:

pauldrc said:
As a proud winner last year of the signed Jared Polec #4 jumper, I can only say that being a player sponsor in this way is worth it in so many ways....

It's not just about the chance of a prize (although the jumper will look great in my newly renovated office next year, along side my 2001 premiership one...), but more about being part of something so much bigger.

We all know our great club needs us to get behind it however we can, and what better way than by personally sponsoring some of our up and coming youngsters and favorite sons.

This year I also proudly sponsored Rocky (and you also get a neat personalized tag under your username!). I am pretty sure that is was exactly that as to why he then had such a great year!!

Rocky, feeling obliged of course, had to repay me in some way, and thus proceeded to greatly enhance my DT scores every week....absolute GUN. Man, are we ever lucky to have such a great player, may he continue on to even more glory!!

In this same way, by being involved as a sponsor, the fantastic feeling you get from closely following "Your" boys every single week is worth every cent and so much more! How can you put a price on receiving so much personal satisfaction? I'd urge everyone else even contemplating joining in to jump in now and sign up!!

Looking forward once again to the pride of "owning" Patty K, Tinka, or the Bartman (Callum), and the rest of the guys we are lucky enough to secure for another year!!

Go Lions!!!

dlanod said:
In my first year of participation I scored a Lions jumper in the prize raffle. Yes, it's got a paddlepop lion on it but that's more than compensated for by Harwood's scrawl on the back! Immediately dragged me on to the Harwood bandwagon, that's for sure.

blynd_freddie said:
Not being of the materialistic type – not that there’s anything wrong with that – I’ve been privileged to attend a couple of the players sponsorship functions. For me the opportunity to spend some “quality time” either one on one or in a small group environment has been richly rewarding in giving me a personalised insight into some of the machinations of the club and the game as it is played today, from those within.

With the random number selection falling my way last year I WON the Players Function and as I nominated as a Victorian, was able to attend the function held at the old Brunswick Street Oval in Fitzroy - WIN/WIN.

Sheesh… what am I saying? I’m pumping up an opportunity that may reduce my chances in winning my next football ‘magic moment’… where’s that recall my last post button?


GabbaGirl said:
Player sponsorship is a brilliant concept and thanks to BF, I am now hooked. I think I won the jackpot in the 2010 prize raffle when I won Simon Black's company at the sponsors night function. I took along a couple of friends and we all had a ball chatting to the players. Last year I went on to sponsor two players in my own right, although at the sponsors night I claimed part 'ownership' of all the BF sponsored players. :D

Joining in the Big Footy option is a great way to get involved if you can't afford your own sponsorship. The other bonus is the Big Footy membership you get for $50 or $100 - bigger avatars and less ads - you can't lose!

Punter's club = $600 paid

Bigfooty contribution = $200 - paid
Grim $25 - paid
pauldrc $50 - paid
Elixuh $55 - paid
Rally $25 - paid
Ctd $100 - paid
Freddo $150 - paid
dlanod $50 - paid
Caiphus $50 - paid
Ginger Greatness $50 - paid
LION UP $50 - paid
kuklinski $25 - paid
Crazy Webby $50 - paid
mpal6 $50 - paid
Jorgo $75 - paid
LionKing $50 - paid
Tairy Greene $50 - paid
Bunton Rules $50 - paid
PTizzle $25 - paid
Spazzallo $50 - paid
Browndog $25 - paid
matwt73 $50 - paid
Fatcat08 $50 - paid
[strike]cotter101 $25[/strike]
GabbaGirl $50 - paid
irel $50 - paid
king and i $50 - paid
Voss the boss $50 - paid
Clackers $50 - paid
Crusha $50 - paid
mINORITY $50 - paid
Reardo $50 - paid
tancas $25 - paid
Lockie $100 - paid
royboy2 $50 - paid
PattyKisagun $50 - paid
Freakie $50 - paid
sisterka $50 - paid
whatboutbob $50 - paid
The Flying Belgian $25 - paid
[strike]Van Nostrand $50[/strike]
T Factor $75 - paid
doddgey $135 - paid
Haggis McHaggis $25 - paid
sblack $100 - paid
joshhem $25 - paid
patfullfankezz $45 - paid
Whitamin C $50 - paid
notliondown $50 - paid
KungFooSing $50 - paid
Warwick $50 - paid
Antman78 $50 - paid
DeMerritt $50 - paid
The Golfing Lion $100 - paid
Lionwest $50 - paid
chopperduck $50 - paid
bcraze $25 - paid
Gibbo_88 $25 - paid

Number of sponsors = 56 (56)

Total $3710 ($3710)
2012 player sponsorship thread (pledges = $1875)

The NAB Cup dates are as follows:

Feb 25th - first NAB Cup game
Mar 3rd - second NAB Cup game
Mar 10th - third NAB Cup game
Mar 17th - NAB Cup final
Mar 31st - Round 1

Grizzly wants this format

Tag and Membership Info


Name                 Paid   BF         Tag

Grimreepah           $25               Karnezis
Rally                $25               Karnezis
LionKing             $50    Gold       Karnezis
Spazzallo            $50    Gold       Karnezis
TheBrownDog          $25               Karnezis
GabbaGirl            $50    Gold       Karnezis
mINORITY             $50    Gold       Karenzis
tancas               $25               Karnezis
Lockie               $100   Platinum   Karnezis
PattyKisagun         $50    Gold       Karnezis
joshhem              $25               Karnezis
Whitamin C           $50    Gold       Karnezis

pauldrc              $50    Gold       Rockliff
Chasing the Dream    $100   Platinum   Rockliff
Crazy_Webby          $50    Gold       Rockliff
Reardo               $50    Gold       Rockliff
Freakie              $50    Gold       Rockliff
sblack               $100   Platinum   Rockliff
notliondown          $50    Gold       Rockliff

LION UP              $50    Gold       Bartlett
The Flying Belgian   $75    Gold       Bartlett

GingerGreatness      $100   Platinum   Green
matwt73              $50    Gold       Green
Voss the boss        $50    Gold       Green

whatboutbob          $50    Gold       Lester
T Factor             $75    Gold       Lester
Antman78             $50    Gold       Lester

Jorgo                $125   Platinum   Black
Cousin Jed           $50    Gold       Black
cjwalkley            $50    Gold       Black
PertRoosOsborne      $50    Gold       Black
Lace Out             $50    Gold       Black
POBT                 $50    Gold       Black
wabaa                $50    Gold       Black
Football Pope        $50    Gold       Black

kuklinski            $25               Karnezis

Elixuh               $55    Gold       Rockliff
Tairy Greene         $50    Gold       Rockliff
PTizzle              $25               Rockliff
king and i           $50    Gold       Rockliff
royboy2              $50    Gold       Rockliff
Haggis McHaggis      $25               Rockliff
KungFooSing          $50    Gold       Rockliff
Lionwest             $50    Gold       Rockliff
chopperduck          $50    Gold       Rockliff

Caiphus              $50    Gold       Bartlett
Warwick              $50    Gold       Bartlett
Fatcat08             $50    Gold       Bartlett

mpal6                $50    Gold       Lester
Clackers             $50    Gold       Lester
Crusha               $50    Gold       Lester
The Golfing Lion     $100   Platinum   Lester
Gibbo_88             $25               Lester

irel                 $100   Platinum   Black

BuntonRules          $50    Gold       Longer
sisterka             $50    Gold       Longer
DeMerritt            $50    Gold       Longer

blynd_freddie        $200   Platinum   Polec
dlanod               $50    Gold       Polec
bcraze               $25               Polec
Voss the boss                          Polec (change from Green)

patfullfankezz       $45               does not want a sponsorship tag
doddgey              $135   Platinum   does not want a sponsorship tag

*note to self: Jorgo, irel, Freddo, GG and Belgian had their tallies upgraded from the Punter's Club proceeds.

Didn't get badges:

Haggis McHaggis - no Rocky 12 - request has been sent to admin

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2012 player sponsorship thread (pledges = $1875)

1st Sponsorship: Patrick Karnezis $380

Grim                 $25    Karnezis 3, Zorko 2, Bartlett 1
pauldrc              $50    Rockliff 6, Karnezis 4, Hanley 2
Elixuh               $50    Karnezis 6, Hanley 4, Rockliff 2
Rally                $25    Hanley 3, Karnezis 2, Redden 1
Ctd                  $100   Karnezis 12, Rockliff 8, Black 4
Freddo               $50    Golby 6, Zorko 4, Rockliff 2
dlanod               $50    Bartlett 6, Banfield 4, Hanley 2
Caiphus              $50    Karnezis 6, Bartlett 4, Banfield 2
Ginger Greatness     $50    Banfield 6, Hudson 4, Karnezis 2
LION UP              $50    Bartlett 6, Rockliff 4, Golby 2
kuklinski            $25    Karnezis 3
Crazy Webby          $50    Bartlett 6, Black 4, Karnezis 2
mpal6                $50    Bartlett 6, Polec 4, Green 2
Jorgo                $50    Redden 6, Karnezis 4, Bartlett 2
LionKing             $50    Polkinghorne 6, Hanley 4, Karnezis 2
Tairy Greene         $50    Karnezis 6, Hanley 4, Bartlett 2
Bunton Rules         $50    Longer 6, Black 4, Karnezis 2
PTizzle              $25    Zorko 3, Bartlett 2, Hanley 1
Spazzallo            $25    Black 3, Redden 2, Karnezis 1
Browndog             $25
matwt73              $25    Hanley 3, Green 2, Zorko 1
Fatcat08             $50    Bartlett 6, Zorko 4, Leuenberger 2
cotter101            $25    Karnezis 3, Rich 2, Redden 1
GabbaGirl            $50    Hanley 6, Redden 4, Merrett 2
irel                 $50    Longer 6, Yeo 4, Wearden 2
king and i           $50    Karnezis 6, Redden 4, Zorko 2
Voss the boss        $25    Polec 3, Bartlett 2, Karnezis 1
Clackers             $50    Redden 6, Leuenberger 4, Lester 2
Crusha               $50    Bartlett 6, Newell 4, Harvey 2
mINORITY             $25    Hanley 3, Karnezis 2, Zorko 1
Reardo               $50    Rich 6, Longer 4, Bartlett 2
tancas               $25    Bartlett 3, Karnezis 2, Rich 1
Lockie               $50    Karnezis 6, Sheldon 4, Docherty 2
royboy2              $50    Longer 6, Rich 4, Bartlett 2
PattyKisagun         $50    Karnezis 6, Bartlett 4, Docherty 2
Freakie              $50    Karnezis 6, Bartlett 4, Rockliff 2
sisterka             $50    Longer 6, Karnezis 4, Banfield 2
whatboutbob          $25    Bartlett 3, Zorko 2, Karnezis 1
The Flying Belgian   $25    Rich 3, Golby 2, Lester 1
T Factor             $75    Leuenberger 9, Beams 6, Yeo 3
doddgey              $100

Banfield = 4+2+6+2 (14)
Bartlett = 1+6+4+6+6+6+2+2+2+6+2+2+3+2+4+4+3+6 (67)
Beams = 6
Black = 4+4+3+4 (15)
Docherty = 2+2 (4)
Golby = 6+2+2 (10)
Green = 2+2 (4)
Hanley = 2+4+3+2+4+4+1+3+6+3 (32)
Harvey = 2
Hudson = 4
Karnezis = 3+4+6+2+12+6+2+3+2+4+2+6+1+3+6+1+2+2+2+6+6+6+4+1 (95)
Lester = 2+1 (3)
Leuenberger = 2+4+9 (15)
Longer = 6+6+4+6+6 (28)
Merrett = 2
Newell = 4
Polec = 4+3 (7)
Polkinghorne = 6
Redden = 1+6+2+1+4+4+6 (24)
Rich = 2+6+1+4+3 (16)
Sheldon = 4
Rockliff = 6+2+8+2+4+2 (24)
Wearden =2
Yeo = 4+3 (7)
Zorko = 2+4+3+1+4+2+1+2 (19)

               Total    Voters

Karnezis       95       24
Bartlett       67       18
Hanley         32       10
Longer         28       5
Rockliff       24       6
Redden         24       7
Zorko          19       8
Rich           16       5
Black          15       4
Leuenberger    15       3
Banfield       14       4
Golby          10       3
Polec          7        2
Yeo            7        2
Polkinghorne   6        1
Beams          6        1
Hudson         4        1
Green          4        2
Sheldon        4        1
Docherty       4        2
Newell         4        1
Lester         3        2
Merrett        2        1
Wearden        2        1
Harvey         2        1
2012 player sponsorship thread (pledges = $1875)

2nd Sponsorship: Tom Rockliff $830

Grim                 $25    Rich 3, Green 2, Zorko 1
pauldrc              $50    Rockliff 6, Hanley 4, Black 2
Elixuh               $50    Rockliff 6, Leuenberger 4, Rich 2
Rally                $25    Hanley 3, Redden 2, Leuenberger 1
Ctd                  $100   Rockliff 12, Black 8, Longer 4
Freddo               $50    Polec 6, Harwood 4, Green 2
dlanod               $50    Bartlett 6, Banfield 4, Hanley 2
Caiphus              $50    Bartlett 6, Hanley 4, Docherty 2
Ginger Greatness     $50    Banfield 6, Zorko 4, Longer 2
LION UP              $50    Bartlett 6, Rockliff 4, Golby 2
kuklinski            $25    
Crazy Webby          $50    Black 6, Polec 4, Longer 2
mpal6                $50    Bartlett 6, Rich 4, Polec 2
Jorgo                $50    Redden 6, Black 4, Bartlett 2
LionKing             $50    Polkinghorne 6, Redden 4, Hanley 2
Tairy Greene         $50    Bartlett 6, Hanley 4, Longer 2
Bunton Rules         $50    Longer 6, Bartlett 4, Black 2
PTizzle              $25    
Spazzallo            $50    Rockliff 6, Redden 4, Longer 2
Browndog             $25
matwt73              $25    Hanley 3, Green 2, Polec 1
Fatcat08             $50    Bartlett 6, Beams 4, Harwood 2
cotter101            $25    
GabbaGirl            $50    Rockliff 6, Redden 4, Bartlett 2
irel                 $50    Longer 6, Yeo 4, Crisp 2
king and i           $50    Rockliff 6, Redden 4, Rich 2
Voss the boss        $25    Polec 3, Bartlett 2, Longer 1
Clackers             $50    
Crusha               $50    Bartlett 6, Newell 4, Harvey 2
mINORITY             $25    Rockliff 3, Redden 2, Longer 1
Reardo               $50    Rich 6, Rockliff 4, Bartlett 2
tancas               $25    
Lockie               $50    
royboy2              $50    Longer 6, Rich 4, Bartlett 2
PattyKisagun         $50    Bartlett 6, Zorko 4, Docherty 2
Freakie              $50    Redden 6, Banfield 4, Rockliff 2
sisterka             $50    Zorko 6, Polec 4, Green 2
whatboutbob          $25    Bartlett 3, Zorko 2, Rich 1
The Flying Belgian   $25    Bartlett 3, Rich 2, Golby 1
T Factor             $75    Leuenberger 9, Beams 6, Yeo 3
doddgey              $100
Haggis McHaggis      $25
sblack               $100   Rockliff 12, Hanley 8, Black 4
Joshhem              $25    Redden 3, Rockliff 2, Longer 1

Banfield 4+4+6 (14)
Bartlett 6+6+3+6+2+6+4+6+6+2+6+2+2+6+2+3 (68)
Beams 4+6 (10)
Black 2+8+6+4+2+4 (26)
Crisp 2
Docherty 2+2 (4)
Golby 2+1 (3)
Green 2+2+2+2 (8)
Hanley 4+2+4+3+2+8+3+4 (30)
Harvey 2
Harwood 4+2 (6)
Leuenberger 4+1+9 (14)
Longer 2+6+6+4+6+2+1+2+2+1+1 (33)
Newell 4
Polec 6+4+2+1+3+6+4 (26)
Polkinghorne 6
Redden 6+6+4+4+2+4+4+3+2 (35)
Rich 3+2+1+4+4+6+2+2 (24)
Rockliff 6+2+6+4+12+6+12+4+6+6+2+3 (69)
Zorko 1+2+4+4 (11)
Yeo 4+3 (7)

               Total    Voters

Rockliff       69       12
Bartlett       68       16
Redden         35       9
Longer         33       11
Hanley         30       8
Black          26       6
Polec          26       7
Rich           24       8
Leuenberger    14       3
Banfield       14       3
Zorko          11       4
Beams          10       2
Green          8        4
Yeo            7        2
Harwood        6        2
Polkinghorne   6        1
Docherty       4        2
Newell         4        1
Golby          3        2
Harvey         2        1
Crisp          2        1
2012 player sponsorship thread (pledges = $1875)

3rd Sponsorship: Callum Bartlett $380

Grim                 $25    Rich 3, Green 2, Bartlett 1
pauldrc              $50    Bartlett 6, Hanley 4, Longer 2
Elixuh               $50    Leuenberger 6, Redden 4, Rich 2
Rally                $25    Bartlett 3
Ctd                  $100   Bartlett 12, Green 8, Brown 4
Freddo               $50    Polec 6, Golby 4, Lester 2
dlanod               $50    Bartlett 6, Banfield 4, Black 2
Caiphus              $50    Bartlett 6, Banfield 4, Polec 2
Ginger Greatness     $50    Banfield 6, Zorko 4, Longer 2
LION UP              $50    Bartlett 6, Golby 4, McKeever 2
kuklinski            $25    Bartlett 3
Crazy Webby          $50    Black 6, Polec 4, Longer 2
mpal6                $50    
Jorgo                $50    Redden 6, Bartlett 4, Green 2
LionKing             $50    
Tairy Greene         $50    Bartlett 6, Hanley 4, Longer 2
Bunton Rules         $50    Longer 6, Bartlett 4, Black 2
PTizzle              $25    
Spazzallo            $50    Longer 6, Redden 4, Black 2
Browndog             $25
matwt73              $25    
Fatcat08             $50    
cotter101            $25    
GabbaGirl            $50    Redden 6, Bartlett 4, Merrett 2
irel                 $50    Yeo 6, Longer 4, Crisp 2
king and i           $50    
Voss the boss        $25    Polec 3, Bartlett 2, Longer 1
Clackers             $50    
Crusha               $50    Bartlett 6, Newell 4, Harvey 2
mINORITY             $25
Reardo               $50    Rich 6, Bartlett 4, Longer 2
tancas               $25    Bartlett 3, Zorko 2, Longer 1
Lockie               $50    
royboy2              $50    Longer 6, Rich 4, Bartlett 2
PattyKisagun         $50    Bartlett 6, Docherty 4, Cornelius 2
Freakie              $50    
sisterka             $50    
whatboutbob          $25    Bartlett 3, Zorko 2, Green 1
The Flying Belgian   $25    Bartlett 3, Rich 2, Golby 1
T Factor             $75    Bartlett 9, Leuenberger 6, Yeo 3
doddgey              $100
Haggis McHaggis      $25
sblack               $100   Longer 12, Hanley 8, Black 4
Joshhem              $25    Redden 3, Longer 2, Brown 1
patfullfankezz       $25
Whitamin C           $50    Redden 6, Green 4, Zorko 2

Banfield 4+4+6 (14)
Bartlett 6+4+6+3+2+1+3+4+6+4+6+2+4+6+12+6+9+6+3+3+3 (99)
Black 2+2+4+2+6 (16)
Brown 1+4 (5)
Cornelius 2
Crisp 2
Docherty 4
Golby 4+1+4 (9)
Green 2+1+2+8+4 (17)
Hanley 8+4+4 (16)
Harvey 2
Lester 2
Leuenberger 6+6 (12)
Longer 2+6+2+1+6+12+2+6+1+2+2+1+4 (47)
McKeever 2
Merrett 2
Newell 4
Polec 6+2+3+4 (15)
Redden 3+6+4+4+6+6 (29)
Rich 4+3+2+6+2 (17)
Yeo 3+6 (9)
Zorko 2+4+2+2 (10)

               Total    Voters

Bartlett       99       21
Longer         47       13
Redden         29       6
Green          17       5
Rich           17       5
Hanley         16       3
Black          16       5
Polec          15       4
Banfield       14       3
Leuenberger    12       2
Zorko          10       4
Golby          9        3
Yeo            9        2
Brown          5        2
Docherty       4        1
Newell         4        1
Cornelius      2        1
Crisp          2        1
Harvey         2        1
Lester         2        1
McKeever       2        1
Merrett        2        1
2012 player sponsorship thread (pledges = $1875)

4th and 5th Sponsorships: Josh Green and Ryan Lester

Grim                 $25    Green 3, Zorko 2, Beams 1
pauldrc              $50    Lester 6, Harwood 4, Zorko 2
Elixuh               $50    Zorko 6, McKeever 4, Polec 2
Rally                $25    
Ctd                  $100   Lester 12, Zorko 8, Green 4
Freddo               $50    Golby 6, Lester 4, Docherty 2
dlanod               $50    Beams 6, Yeo 4, Newell 2
Caiphus              $50    Banfield 6, Redden 4, Zorko 2
Ginger Greatness     $50    Green 6, Zorko 4, Longer 2
LION UP              $50    Golby 6, Lisle 4, Wrigley 2
kuklinski            $25    
Crazy Webby          $50    Black 6, Polec 4, Longer 2
mpal6                $50    
Jorgo                $75    Green 9, Retzlaff 6, Zorko 3
LionKing             $50    Polkinghorne 6, Redden 4, Hanley 2
Tairy Greene         $50    Beams 6, Lester 4, Hanley 2
Bunton Rules         $50    Longer 6, Green 4, Polec 2
PTizzle              $25    
Spazzallo            $50    Lester 6, Brown 4, Black 2
Browndog             $25    Zorko 3, McKeever 2, Green 1
matwt73              $50    Green 6, Retzlaff 4, Golby 2
Fatcat08             $50    
cotter101            $25    
GabbaGirl            $50    Green 6, Hanley 4, Beams 2
irel                 $50    Yeo 6, Beams 4, Golby 2
king and i           $50    Green 6, Lester 4, Golby 2
Voss the boss        $50    Polec 6, Green 4, Beams 2
Clackers             $50    
Crusha               $50    Lester 6, Golby 4, Beams 2
mINORITY             $50    Beams 6, Green 4, Golby 2
Reardo               $50    Zorko 6, Beams 4, Lisle 2
tancas               $25    
Lockie               $100   Lester 12, Green 8, Beams 4
royboy2              $50    Longer 6, Green 4, Polec 2
PattyKisagun         $50    Zorko 6, Yeo 4, Crisp 2
Freakie              $50    
sisterka             $50    Green 6, Beams 4, Golby 2
whatboutbob          $50    Green 6, Lester 4, Golby 2
The Flying Belgian   $25    Golby 3, Crisp 2, Newell 1
T Factor             $75    Lester 9, Beams 6, Longer 3
doddgey              $100
Haggis McHaggis      $25
sblack               $100   Golby 12, Lester 8, Yeo 4
Joshhem              $25    Beams 3, Polec 2, Crisp 1
patfullfankezz       $25
Whitamin C           $50    Green 6, Beams 4, Zorko 2
notliondown          $50
KungFooSing          $50    Retzlaff 6, Beams 4, Zorko 2
Warwick              $50    Golby 6, Newell 4, Beams 2
Antman78             $50    Lester 6, Beams 4, Yeo 2
DeMerritt            $50    Lester 6, Green 4, Polec 2

Banfield 6
Beams 6+1+4+4+4+4+2+1+2+4+4+3+6-4+2+6+6+4+4+1 (64)
Black 4+6-4+2 (8)
Brown 2-2+4 (4)
Crisp 2+1+2 (5)
Docherty 2+2-2 (2)
Golby 6+1+3+4+6+6+1+2+2+12+2+2+2 (49)
Green 3+3+1+6+6+2+3+4+4+6+6+4+6+4+6+6+8+4+3+2 (87)
Hanley 2+4+2 (8)
Harvey 2-2 (0)
Harwood 4
Lester 4+4+6+6+4+4+12-4+8+6+6+4+9+12+6 (87)
Lisle 4+2+2-2 (6)
Longer 4+2+6+6+2-4+3 (19)
McKeever 4+2 (6)
Newell 2+1+6+4-6 (7)
Polec 2+4+3+2+2+2+2+3 (20)
Polkinghorne 6
Redden 6+4+4-6 (8)
Retzlaff 2+4+6+2+2 (16)
Yeo 4+2+6+8+4-8+4 (20)
Wrigley 2
Zorko 2+6+3+6+2+6+2+2+6+2+8+4-6+2+1 (46)

                     Total   Voters

Josh Green           87      16
Ryan Lester          87      13
Claye Beams          64      17
Mitch Golby          49      13
Dayne Zorko          46      12
Jared Polec          20      7
Elliot Yeo           20      5
Billy Longer         19      5
Bryce Retzlaff       16      3
Simon Black          8       2
Pearce Hanley        8       3
Jack Redden          8       2
Richard Newell       7       3
Todd Banfield        6       1
Jordan Lisle         6       2
Niall McKeever       6       2
James Polkinghorne   6       1
Jack Crisp           5       3
Jonathan Brown       4       1
Ryan Harwood         4       1
Sam Docherty         2       1
Stephen Wrigley      2       1
2012 player sponsorship thread (pledges = $1875)

6th and 7th Sponsorships

Grim                 $25    Longer 3, Beams 2, Polec 1
pauldrc              $50    Longer 6, Golby 4, Harwood 2
Elixuh               $55    Polec 6, Longer 4, Beams 2
Rally                $25    
Ctd                  $100   Golby 12, Longer 8, Cornelius 4
Freddo               $150   Polec 18, Golby 12, Beams 6
dlanod               $50    Beams 6, Harwood 4, Longer 2
Caiphus              $50    Polec 6, O'Brien 4, Beams 2
Ginger Greatness     $50    Longer 6, Polec 4, Beams 2
LION UP              $50    Golby 6, Harwood 4, Beams 2
kuklinski            $25    
Crazy Webby          $50    Polec 6, Golby 4, Longer 2
mpal6                $50    
Jorgo                $75    Retzlaff 9, Polec 6, Zorko 3
LionKing             $50    Longer 6, Beams 4, Zorko 2
Tairy Greene         $50    
Bunton Rules         $50    Longer 6, Beams 4, Polec 2
PTizzle              $25    Beams 3, Longer 2, Polec 1
Spazzallo            $50    Golby 6, Yeo 4, Polec 2
Browndog             $25
matwt73              $50    Golby 6, Yeo 4, Polec 2
Fatcat08             $50       
GabbaGirl            $50    Beams 6, Longer 4, Crisp 2
irel                 $50    
king and i           $50    
Voss the boss        $50    Longer 6, Polec 4, Beams 2
Clackers             $50    
Crusha               $50    Beams 6, Golby 4, Harwood 2
mINORITY             $50    Longer 6, Beams 4, Polec 2
Reardo               $50    Longer 6, Crisp 4, Docherty 2
tancas               $25    Polec 3, Longer 2, Beams 1
Lockie               $100   Longer 12, Beams 8, Polec 4
royboy2              $50    Longer 6, Polec 4, Beams 2
PattyKisagun         $50    Longer 6, Polec 4, Crisp 2
Freakie              $50    
sisterka             $50    
whatboutbob          $50    Longer 6, Harwood 4, Polec 2
The Flying Belgian   $25    Golby 3, Crisp 2, Newell 1
T Factor             $75    Polec 9, Longer 6, Beams 3
doddgey              $100
Haggis McHaggis      $25    Beams 3, Longer 2, Polec 1
sblack               $100   Golby 12, Yeo 8, Longer 4
Joshhem              $25    Beams 3, Longer 2, Crisp 1
patfullfankezz       $45
Whitamin C           $50    
notliondown          $50
KungFooSing          $50    
Warwick              $50    
Antman78             $50    Polec 6, Longer 4, Beams 2
DeMerritt            $50    
The Golfing Lion     $50    Longer 6, Harwood 4, Polec 2
Lionwest             $50    Polec 6, Longer 4, Beams 2
chopperduck          $50    Longer 6, Polec 4, Beams 2
bcraze               $25    Polec 3, Longer 2, Beams 1
Gibbo_88             $25    Longer 3, Beams 2, Zorko 1

Claye Beams 6+4+3+2+2+3+2+2+6+2+2+2+6+2+3+6+2+3+4+2-4+2-6+4+2+4+2+8+1+1+2 (80)
Aaron Cornelius 4
Jack Crisp 2+2+1+2+4 (11)
Sam Docherty 2
Mitch Golby 12+4+6+6+12+3+6+4+4+6-6+4+8 (69)
Harwood 4+4+2+4+4+2 (20)
Billy Longer 4+4+6+2+8+2+4+2+3+4+6+3+2+4+6+2+6+2+6+6-2+6+6+6+6-4+6+6+6+12+2+2+4 (138)
Richard Newell 1
Jesse O'Brien 4
Jared Polec 6+2+9+6+2+4+6+2+6+6-4+6+2+1+6+1+4-1+4+2-6+4+4+12+2+4+4+3+3+6 (106)
Retzlaff 9
Elliot Yeo 2+8+4+4+4-4-2 (16)
Dayne Zorko 1+1+3+2-1 (6)
2012 player sponsorship thread (pledges = $1875)

Nominated Prizes

Name                 $       f or g/p   pregame   letter

Grim                 $25     neither    no        no
pauldrc              $50     neither    no        no
Elixuh               $55     g/p        no        no
Rally                $25     g/p        yes       yes
Ctd                  $100    g/p        yes       yes
Freddo               $150    neither    no        no
dlanod               $50     g/p        no        yes
Caiphus              $50     f          yes       no
Ginger Greatness     $50     f          no        no
LION UP              $50     neither    no        no
kuklinski            $25     f          yes       no
Crazy Webby          $50     g/p        yes       yes
mpal6                $50    
Jorgo                $75     f          yes       no
LionKing             $50     g/p        no        yes
Tairy Greene         $50     f          no        yes
Bunton Rules         $50     g/p        no        no
PTizzle              $25     g/p        no        yes
Spazzallo            $50     g/p        no        yes
Browndog             $25     g/p        yes       no
matwt73              $50     f          no        yes
Fatcat08             $50     f          yes       no  
GabbaGirl            $50     g/p        yes       no
irel                 $50     g/p        no        no
king and i           $50     g/p        no        no
Voss the boss        $50     g/p        no        no
Clackers             $50     g/p        no        no
Crusha               $50     g/p        yes       no
mINORITY             $50     g/p        no        no
Reardo               $50     g/p        yes       no
tancas               $25     g/p        no        yes
Lockie               $100    g/p        yes       yes
royboy2              $50     f          yes       yes
PattyKisagun         $50     f          yes       yes
Freakie              $50     g/p        no        no
sisterka             $50     g/p        no        yes
whatboutbob          $50     neither    no        no
The Flying Belgian   $25     g/p        yes       no
T Factor             $75     g/p        no        no
doddgey              $100    neither    no        no
Haggis McHaggis      $25     g/p        yes       yes
sblack               $100    g/p        no        no
joshhem              $25     g/p        yes       no
patfullfankezz       $45     neither    no        no
Whitamin C           $50     g/p        yes       yes
notliondown          $50
KungFooSing          $50     g/p        no        no
Warwick              $50    
Antman78             $50     g/p        no        no
DeMerritt            $50     g/p        no        no
The Golfing Lion     $50     g/p        no        yes
Lionwest             $50     g/p        no        no
chopperduck          $50     f          yes       no
bcraze               $25     g/p        no        yes
Gibbo_88             $25     f          yes       no

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Re: 2012 player sponsorship thread

Bartlett would be worth a shout imo, if he is able to stay injury free he will be a real fans favourite.
Re: 2012 player sponsorship thread

Bartlett would be worth a shout imo, if he is able to stay injury free he will be a real fans favourite.

I'd be in again I think, and I'd second Bartlett. Bandwagonning early. :D
Re: 2012 player sponsorship thread

Yeah, I don't think Karnezis will last long. Could be sold out already for all we know.

It must be surreal for him, having so much hype after 11 games. I hope the young lad can take it in his stride. Can't wait to see him kick a bag.
Re: 2012 player sponsorship thread

No sponsorships have been done yet, so if we register our interest in Karnezis now we would be OK.

Had a word with him this morning at the Social Club, top kid who seems to have settled in pretty well.

I will be in for $50 again this season!!

Re: 2012 player sponsorship thread

Sod it Grim, let's just kick it off.


OK, first step is to state your contribution and then submit your 3/2/1 votes.


Grim = $25

3. Karnezis
2. Zorko
1. Bartlett

Votes are not final. Until the trigger has been pulled you can always change.

Contributions are in $25 units and the opening post will continually be updated to provide a summary of where we're at.

First sponsorship we will try to do fairly quickly, to get in early, and after that we will take our time a bit more.

Once you have pledged, I will send you my bank details (same as last year). When enough money comes through I will do my thing with the nice lady from the Lions office.
Re: 2012 player sponsorship thread

PAULDRC = $50.

3. Rocky (again)
2. Karnesis
1. Hanley/Redden/Bartlett

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Player Sponsorship 2012 Player Sponsorship

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