2015 Royal Rumble

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They gave the smarks what they wanted last year, almost like an experimental thing. They'd nerver done anything like Bryan before. Interestingly enough it failed miserably, Bryan missed raws with stuff like his honeymoon and was involved in that awful feud with Kane. They've seen it doesn't work so I doubt they'd try it again.

Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart and CM Punk all had distinct individual characters that they played in the ring thus making them suitable for the WWE style. Daniel Bryan has no in-ring character.

They put him in a program with Kane and then he got injured and you wonder why it didn't work? :rolleyes:

Bryan and Punk should've headlined WMXXX the WWE stuffed that one up majorly, Punk left the company, Bryan got injured and everything they've done since (with the exception of Rollins/Ambrose and Lesnar) has been like struggling in quicksand.
Reigns looks like a jacked up Big Boss Man, give him some proper wrestling attire and then you can say he looks like a wrestler.

Super talented big men just don't exist like they used to. Go look at NXT, all the top guys except for KO are of a smaller, athletic build. This isn't the "smarks" fault, it's the company's. They're actively going out there, signing these guys and putting them on TV.

That Russo video reeks of two irrelevant grumpy old men pining for the "good old days". Times change, get used to it.

Not only that but if they are true to their "wellness policy" the days of 80's monsters like Hogan and Warrior are gone forever.

Flair is arguable the greatest of all time, at least top 5 - he's not a "big" guy, he was an athlete/wrestler first and foremost. If you want bodybuilders petition Vince to start the WBF up again.
Reigns has a look that is unique and looks like a wrestler. He still needs to develop his character a bit more but he does tell a story well.

He has such a unique look that he looks exactly like a shorter version of Diesel Nash 20 years ago.

And when you're citing Vince Russo to support an argument, you've already lost.

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I was much too excited about the Socceroos and the Qld election to sleep tonight. I kind of thought re-watching the Rumble match would bring me back down and put me to sleep.

It didn't. It just got me pissed off all over again.

You know, the worst thing about this match wasn't Bryan. It wasn't really Reigns (although it involves the response that he got).

The worst thing about this match was that no one is more over now than they were a week ago. You could possibly make an argument for Wyatt, cos he was pushed strong. But other than that, the "internet darlings" were all treated like schmos. I don't think anyone cares about Big Show or Kane cos no one thought they were winning. Rusev was looking good until he was treated like a joke for the final elimination. Reigns got booed out of the building. The usual rumble jobbers were treated as such.

Which makes what has long been my favourite match of the year completely pointless. Where were the rumble feuds? The closest we got was Stardust and Goldust.

Where were the star making performances?

They completely wasted the rumble this year.

So Vince did a big FU to the Internet Fans?
They had an absolutely golden opportunity with Wyatt. He was looking great. But then after eliminating, what 5 in a row, he did literally nothing and got dumped over the ropes with no fanfare.

How they managed to **** that up I have no idea.

To make Kane and Big Show look Stong

Now Russo gets canned a bit but he has some good ideas here and really summises the crucial points that smarks overlook.

Makes a great point that wrestling psychology and character has been replaced with athletic ability. You could line up Ziggler, Bryan, Rollins in a row and they all look the same with the same character.

Reigns has a look that is unique and looks like a wrestler. He still needs to develop his character a bit more but he does tell a story well.

Ryback and Rusev are the only two other guys on the roster right now that actually look like a WWE wrestler. If you think the WWE champion should look like Daniel Bryan then you are watching the wrong promotion.

Are you Vince McMahon? Your hard on for big guys is as bad as his is.

To make Kane and Big Show look Stong

And that is what was wrong with the Rumble. At this stage of their careers that is not the position that they should be in. The Rumble is a good vehicle to promote new stars and they ****ed it up badly this year.
Not only that but if they are true to their "wellness policy" the days of 80's monsters like Hogan and Warrior are gone forever.

Flair is arguable the greatest of all time, at least top 5 - he's not a "big" guy, he was an athlete/wrestler first and foremost. If you want bodybuilders petition Vince to start the WBF up again.

But he was not tiny either like Bryan
And that is what was wrong with the Rumble. At this stage of their careers that is not the position that they should be in. The Rumble is a good vehicle to promote new stars and they stuffed it up badly this year.

Well - They have some good Wrestlers in NXT they could bring up like Sammy Zane and Adrian Neville
And when you're citing Vince Russo to support an argument, you've already lost.

So Vince Russo is good enough for Austin's podcast which you swear by yet he's not good enough for you? Interesting.

Filthy please. Sheldon Cooper would be holding the strap right now if Vince Russo had his way. Now I know he doesn't have the build of a say, David Aquette, but the times have changed man.

I said I knew I'd get done in for using Russo but the guy has had some good ideas to go along with his countless bad ones.
Are you Vince McMahon? Your hard on for big guys is as bad as his is.


Is that supposed to be an insult? You make it sound as if Vince McMahon knows nothing about the wrestling.

Also I love it when people use the whole "it wasn't Bryan's fault his title reign sucked" argument. By using that argument you already agree with me that his title reign sucked, yet you want to see it again. If Bryan was the greatest wrestler right now like people claim he could've made that main event extreme rules title match with Kane at least somewhat entertaining. Yet it was one of the most boring matches of the night.

And please, I know it's not all about size, I love Guerrero, Jericho, Punk, Michaels even Mysterio had his moments, but somebody tell me, what is Bryan's character? He's an annoying 12 year old who yells yes and no, oh wait he's also an underdog that overcomes the odds and never gives up. How you guys continue to deny Bryan's inexplicable similarities to Cena is beyond me.
To make Kane and Big Show look Stong

At the complete expense of three rising stars and enormous fan favourites. That's as big a part of people's beef than Reigns is.

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Also I love it when people use the whole "it wasn't Bryan's fault his title reign sucked" argument. By using that argument you already agree with me that his title reign sucked, yet you want to see it again. If Bryan was the greatest wrestler right now like people claim he could've made that main event extreme rules title match with Kane at least somewhat entertaining. Yet it was one of the most boring matches of the night.
its crazy, isnt it? a wrestler people like gets a shortened title run which includes nothing but a feud with ****ing kane of all people and those fans want to see him get another run with the belt and maybe a feud or two with people who arent terrible?

what idiots.
Also I love it when people use the whole "it wasn't Bryan's fault his title reign sucked" argument. By using that argument you already agree with me that his title reign sucked, yet you want to see it again.

What title reign? He had one match against Kane of all people and then got injured..
His next match was going to be a stretcher match against Kane. Did you honestly enjoy where his title reign was going?

So he was just going to have gimmick matches with Kane every week for the next 3 months then lose the title?
its crazy, isnt it? a wrestler people like gets a shortened title run which includes nothing but a feud with ******* kane of all people and those fans want to see him get another run with the belt and maybe a feud or two with people who arent terrible?

what idiots.

Kane is a bigger name and more recognisable to the casual than Bryan. The feud was terrible and all Bryan ever did was do that yes chant in Stephanie's face. If Bryan was to have another title reign it would be the same cringeworthy authority storyline we've already seen. Why would WWE go back to that agIn?
So he was just going to have gimmick matches with Kane every week for the next 3 months then lose the title?

Yep, maybe a match against Orton at battleground before being fed to Lesnar at summerslam like Cena was.

Just imagine the exact same match at summerslam replacing Cena with Bryan. The outrage that would've caused to the smarks would be similar to the rumble, yet the smarks loved that summerslam match. Goes to show how hypocritical smarks can be.
Yeah I also blame Bryan that WWE only use like 6 dudes and write the storylines for them like 30 minuted before RAW goes to air & the only other heel in Orton was busy in the 'Orton vs Cena part 17' feud so he had to work with Kane for like the 3rd year running.

Man those bookers really have it stacked against them having to deal with so much s**tty talent.
Yeah I also blame Bryan that WWE only use like 6 dudes and write the storylines for them like 30 minuted before RAW goes to air & the only other heel in Orton was busy in the 'Orton vs Cena part 17' feud so he had to work with Kane for like the 3rd year running.

Man those bookers really have it stacked against them having to deal with so much s**tty talent.

Actually Orton was working the Evolution vs Shield storyline at the time which was far superior and outshone anything Bryan did during that same period.

I don't feel I'm hypocritical if I only judge wrestlers on what I see on TV, and there is no denying Bryan's title reign was terrible and if he was to have another title reign it would be more authority crap. Make any excuses you want if it keeps you supporting the bearded Cena.
Actually Orton was working the Evolution vs Shield storyline at the time which was far superior and outshone anything Bryan did during that same period.

I don't feel I'm hypocritical if only judge wrestlers on what I see on TV, and there is no denying Bryan's title reign was terrible and if he was to have another title reign it would be more authority crap. Make any excuses you want if it keeps you supporting the bearded Cena.

Pretty sure I was one of the first to call him bearded Cena but yeah. As I've stated on numerous occasions I am neither pro or anti Bryan or Reigns. My issue is almost exclusively with shoddy, lazy booking & writing. Roman Reigns just happens to fit that bill perfectly.

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2015 Royal Rumble

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