2015 Royal Rumble

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Kane is a bigger name and more recognisable to the casual than Bryan. The feud was terrible and all Bryan ever did was do that yes chant in Stephanie's face. If Bryan was to have another title reign it would be the same cringeworthy authority storyline we've already seen. Why would WWE go back to that agIn?

Unfortunately Bryan isn't responsible for the moments that killed his reign, such as when he literally ran away from Kane as he threatened Bryan and Brie.
Kane is a bigger name and more recognisable to the casual than Bryan. The feud was terrible and all Bryan ever did was do that yes chant in Stephanie's face. If Bryan was to have another title reign it would be the same cringeworthy authority storyline we've already seen. Why would WWE go back to that agIn?
Actually Orton was working the Evolution vs Shield storyline at the time which was far superior and outshone anything Bryan did during that same period.

I don't feel I'm hypocritical if I only judge wrestlers on what I see on TV, and there is no denying Bryan's title reign was terrible and if he was to have another title reign it would be more authority crap. Make any excuses you want if it keeps you supporting the bearded Cena.

Do you work for the WWE?

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People can complain about the shitty booking all they like , it's not going to change when those same people who hate the booking so much keep tuning in every week.

Casual fans don't give a shit about Kane.

Ask a random walking down the street do they know the wrestler Daniel Bryan. Then ask them if they know the wrestler Kane. Or show them a picture of the two. I'd be willing to bet more people would be able to give some vague description of Kane (wears a mask, undertakers brother etc.) than people who could give a description of Bryan. That's why people like Kane are able to stick around.
Why would you change something if people keep giving you money ?

Because if you don't change then people will stop giving you money.

Do you have arguments to go along with your pictures?

Oh well I assumed you worked for the WWE or atleast knew someone who did and that's how you've been knowing for a fact the outcome of Bryan's title reign if he didn't get injured.
Ask a random walking down the street do they know the wrestler Daniel Bryan. Then ask them if they know the wrestler Kane. Or show them a picture of the two. I'd be willing to bet more people would be able to give some vague description of Kane (wears a mask, undertakers brother etc.) than people who could give a description of Bryan. That's why people like Kane are able to stick around.

In Australia you're probably right but in America where people still watch wrestling Bryan is a contemporary name.

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They haven't stopped giving money and they won't. When the question is asked "if you hate it so much why watch?" the main response is "to see if it gets better" and that's what happens they'll keep watching. The Rumble didn't go to plan but it didn't last year either and WWE rectified that and out on a solid WM that had some of the greatest moments in wrestling. There's no reason that it can't happen again.
Oh well I assumed you worked for the WWE or atleast knew someone who did and that's how you've been knowing for a fact the outcome of Bryan's title reign if he didn't get injured.

He was advertised on tv to fight Kane in a stretcher match at money in the bank if he was able to. I haven't assumed anything.

I just put in the hypothetical what if Bryan lost to Brock the way Cena did, would the internet still love that match? But the more I think about it, the more I think that's probably the way they probably would've gone.
I just put in the hypothetical what if Bryan lost to Brock the way Cena did, would the internet still love that match? But the more I think about it, the more I think that's probably the way they probably would've gone.
I think you're probably right :p

It depends. I could honestly have seen them put Brock over Bryan like that. It would create an unstoppable monster heel the likes of which we've never seen before.
Kane is a bigger name and more recognisable to the casual than Bryan. The feud was terrible and all Bryan ever did was do that yes chant in Stephanie's face. If Bryan was to have another title reign it would be the same cringeworthy authority storyline we've already seen. Why would WWE go back to that agIn?

its almost like you dont realize the wwe themselves are the ones who booked the "cringeworthy authority storyline".
People can complain about the shitty booking all they like , it's not going to change when those same people who hate the booking so much keep tuning in every week.

This is stupid and simplistic. You don't stop voting for a party because they'll never win. I didn't stop watching TV because some of my favourite shows got crap. I don't stop watching West Coast or Philadelphia because they both make stupid decisions in spite of their fans boos.

Wrestling fans are creatures of habit, but more than that they're creatures of hope. They've spent years being told that WWE listens to them - how asinine is it to suggest that rather than make your voice heard, you instead give up?

I just put in the hypothetical what if Bryan lost to Brock the way Cena did, would the internet still love that match? But the more I think about it, the more I think that's probably the way they probably would've gone.

I didn't think anyone did love the match. They loved the fact that Cena got a beating because it was Cena. And his own fans accepted it because it's Cena - you were pretty sure he'd get it back at some stage. (The only reason he won't is if Lesnar leaves.)

The question you pose is irrelevant.
This is stupid and simplistic. You don't stop voting for a party because they'll never win. I didn't stop watching TV because some of my favourite shows got crap. I don't stop watching West Coast or Philadelphia because they both make stupid decisions in spite of their fans boos.

Wrestling fans are creatures of habit, but more than that they're creatures of hope. They've spent years being told that WWE listens to them - how asinine is it to suggest that rather than make your voice heard, you instead give up?

I didn't think anyone did love the match. They loved the fact that Cena got a beating because it was Cena. And his own fans accepted it because it's Cena - you were pretty sure he'd get it back at some stage. (The only reason he won't is if Lesnar leaves.)

The question you pose is irrelevant.
I haven't given up. Instead of being a whiny little bitch and pretending I know the business better than the WWE I just watch and I actually enjoy it now. All you've done is bash anybody on this board who enjoys what they've seen or if they go against what you say.
I haven't given up. Instead of being a whiny little bitch and pretending I know the business better than the WWE I just watch and I actually enjoy it now. All you've done is bash anybody on this board who enjoys what they've seen or if they go against what you say.

I respect that & try to refrain from shutting down others on their opinions rather opting to state my own but genuine question for those who do enjoy/are enjoying the current product & in particular the Roman Reigns push & agree with it happening so early.... Why?

The dude has so many things to improve on before being given such massive spotlight. I just wonder why some people do think this is the best route. All I've heard so far is because he looks the part or he's 'pretty'. Who cares, It's pro wrestling, not softcore pr0n. Most of the dudes on the roster look the part, that should be a given.
So, what sets him apart now or justifies his current position?
its almost like you dont realize the wwe themselves are the ones who booked the "cringeworthy authority storyline".

I loved the TV show Friends and the character Rachel. However I have not enjoyed a single Jennifer Aniston film since then. When I watch a Jennifer Aniston film I don't pretend she's still playing Rachel and go along with it because 'I know she has the talent to be a great funny actress'. Instead I say I loved Jennifer Aniston in Friends but hate her as a film star. Does Jennifer write her awful film scripts? No, but she goes along with them and is willing to take the rewards and money associated with it, so therefore I feel she is open for criticism for being in those films.

When alot of internet fans watch Daniel Bryan, they think they're watching the American Dragon or Bryan Danielson, but they're not, they're watching a WWE creation. You are free to still enjoy his performances in those other promotions before he made it to WWE, but as a WWE performer, he is open to the same criticisms as everyone else. The storyline writing has been bad for alot of people. In fact, Kane has been put through some of the worst storylines ever but still manages to stay relevant. Why don't internet fans cheer for Kane or say 'I'm so tired of Glenn Jacobs being given terrible storylines, he should be WWE champion again.'?

Daniel Bryan headlined Wrestlemania last year as the bearded Cena and deserves critism for it. Unconditional support for a wrestler because of his work in other promotions is hypocritical. Mistico was a huge star in Mexico wrestling, did you unconditionally support his run as Sin Cara? Should Mistico be booed everytime he appears for AAA because of his terrible WWE run? Of course not, it's a senseless way to watch pro wrestling but it's how alot of older fans view it these days.
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I respect that & try to refrain from shutting down others on their opinions rather opting to state my own but genuine question for those who do enjoy/are enjoying the current product & in particular the Roman Reigns push & agree with it happening so early.... Why?

The dude has so many things to improve on before being given such massive spotlight. I just wonder why some people do think this is the best route. All I've heard so far is because he looks the part or he's 'pretty'. Who cares, It's pro wrestling, not softcore pr0n. Most of the dudes on the roster look the part, that should be a given.
So, what sets him apart now or justifies his current position?

I have never said he should be in this position but he is and we have to deal with it because it's not going change. It could flop or it could be a winner but we aren't going to know until he's given the chance.

People want new faces pushed and there is fresh faces getting pushed and main eventing ppv's , there's no reason Roman can't be one of those.
His next match was going to be a stretcher match against Kane. Did you honestly enjoy where his title reign was going?

Exactly it was booked pathetically even disregarding his injury. I don't think that can be put on Brya. Some of his performances over the last couple of years have been incredible though, I remember some random Raw he had a gauntlet match against 3 guys where he absolutely smashed it. He has incredible talent and athleticism but of course the WWE couldn't find a better opponent for him than Kane? :rolleyes:

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2015 Royal Rumble

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