2016 QAFA B Central

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Diabolical scenes down at Zillmere last night. Misread the schedule, and was down at the footy park at 6.30pm. Jimboomba were already on the field and looked as though they were having a team meeting before going straight into a warm up. After 30 mins of this and still no sign of Zillmere, I checked the schedule and the game wasn't due to start until 7.45pm!! Jimboomba had a 45 min warm up! Pretty much a training run.

No surprise Jimboomba ran out of legs in the fourth. Overheard coaching staff blaming the umpires in the clubhouse later. Maybe if you didn't abuse the umps late in the fourth, Jimboomba wouldn't have been penalised with a 100m penalty, that cost the reddies a shot on goal.

Redbacks had their chances, didn't capitalise. Zillmere fought to the end, was a cracking game.

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Jimmy Fitz told me 6. Nobody is suggesting 'stacking' just circumstances meant a few blokes couldn't play Saturday this week so 3rds into 2s , 2s into 1s and unfortunately for the power a few 1s into 3s.

Just the way it goes sometimes, luck of the draw.
6 would be about right
Was't it the Collingwood Park boys bragging about how easy their draw was compared to other finals contenders in the comp? Interesting that when the going gets tough, they don't get going. Doesn't bode well for finals time.
no one would have been "bragging". just hopeful that the favourable draw would give us a shot at finals. If we don't make the top 6 , it will be because we were not good enough, no one at CP would suggest otherwise.

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There are a few guys in this Comp who need to realise that's it Friday night social footy. Yeah we all want to win but we aren't playing for sheep stations.

Last week against Sandgate there were 2 or 3 guys (Sandgate forward line) who wouldn't shake hands after the game but the majority of their team were good blokes.

On a positive Note. Good on Ipswich cats. Played hard all game, didn't stop trying and gained a lot of respect from the our playing group.

Regardless of what level, failing to shake hands after a game is disgraceful. So is abusing umpires. Can anyone ever say that once they have abused an umpire, they reversed the decision or umpired 'more fairly'?
I think you will find the opposite was said.

Major was saying he was disappointed the draw was rigged so the alleged top sides all play each other twice, thus potentially altering the finals makeup.

I recall him saying they would have preferred to get there on merit.
I think its probably fair to say those days are over. They got done by Mayne last week and their team is getting worse.

Look at their team tonight


No Mihalopouls, no Curtis, no Moore, no Green, no McEvoy, no Monaghan, no Toohey

Power by 10 goals!

Having a look at teams that are named.

Zillmere without Colvin, Smith, Duce, Burton, Dickfos and Cable.

But Rohan Cash comes back into the side, who can play a bit.

Can't see Zillmere getting anywhere near them with those 6 blokes out though, they've kicked 92 goals this season in total and over 60 of them have come from that group of players!


If you're ever at the TAB looking for a sure thing, see if you can find a horse that QAFL Fan has written off.

Literally NFI !
Was't it the Collingwood Park boys bragging about how easy their draw was compared to other finals contenders in the comp? Interesting that when the going gets tough, they don't get going. Doesn't bode well for finals time.

First of all there's only two Collingwood park club members on here. One only got on her last week. Apart from that's it's only me and I've made it very clear about who I am and where I'm from. At no point have I ever bragged about 'playing finals' or having the easy draw. We were sitting second on the ladder and everybody was knocking us and I simply put we are winning games based on who is put In front of us. I stated we got a favourable draw and that 'if' we were to play finals and one of the top teams were to miss out I would feel we didn't deserve it because we have been done favours with the draw. That's what was said and at no point was I bragging about a thing if you want to have a dig get your facts straight first and I would be happy to cop it on the chin.
Also based on lasts nights result at cooparoo, I didn't attend the game due to a wedding and have called a few of the lads this morning to ask about what happened and the boys I have spoken to were rather embarrassed about not only the performance but also some of the behaviour on the night. Regardless on if cooparoo dropped players or if umpiring went their way throughout the night there is a level of behaviour/sportsmanship/attitude I am trying to develop with the boys at the club. I'm only a young bloke and in my second year at the club but the culture I am trying to create with the help of a few others wasn't demonstrated at all last night. Not being at the game I cannot comment on anything that happened but I can say the way a few of the lads behaved wasn't on and isn't how we at Collingwood park want to be seen or viewed by the rest of the Comp. Frustration levels were high and some of the boys let it boil over but we were beaten and that's that. It will be addressed this week that sometimes regardless of the situation you just need to cop it on the chin, move on to next week and try and put in a better performance.
A big shout out to everyone at the Ippy Cats for hosting us on Friday night.
I think we all know what is like to work through that "building your side" phase which starts with being pumped every time you take the field. The Cats are clearly working through that in a positive and purposeful way - and we loved the way they went about their football on the field and their hospitality off the field.
We saw true community football at its best on Friday. A very good reminder to all of us i think that it's not always just about winning!!

^what he said^

We had the same experience last night at Ipswich. Good bunch of blokes, good hospitality and an enjoyable night.

They've come along way in 12 months.
Was't it the Collingwood Park boys bragging about how easy their draw was compared to other finals contenders in the comp? Interesting that when the going gets tough, they don't get going. Doesn't bode well for finals time.
Don't think any of them where bragging about the draw I heard lots of other whinging about it

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He's a good player, but even when fit he would be well down the pecking order in the Redbacks midfield.
Played at Beenleigh in 2011 in the ones and up until he got injured, he was playing some damn good footy. Never really got his body right again after that. I suppose stepping up to the level he's now at isn't going to help his cause much, and the fact he's 5 years older now.
Jimmy Fitz told me 6. Nobody is suggesting 'stacking' just circumstances meant a few blokes couldn't play Saturday this week so 3rds into 2s , 2s into 1s and unfortunately for the power a few 1s into 3s.

Just the way it goes sometimes, luck of the draw.
So looking at the team sheet compared to the week before there are 10 differant players maybe some was rotation
I know of at least 3 who play in the 1s
Yes flipper you are right. There was another player who played 1 game of seniors. Must have been very diligent in your search. The fact remains there was no stacking. You want to complain that Coorparoo has depth go ahead. We had 7 out in the reserves, and a few out in seniors and still won both games. Get over it.
How's the ankle coming along?

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Well the bastard has cost me Be big dollars ahah No surgery, just plenty of physio, acupuncture. Since it happened I've been doing minimum of 4-6 hours of ice per day aswell as a compression boot. Been off work and in the moon boot but have been doing all the rehab possible to get back ASAP. Have the all clear to head back to training this week most likely miss the Zilmere game but if we are down on numbers might sit a bench spot to help out. Should be right to go the following week. But have been/will be doing everything possible to get back as soon as I can because the boys have been struggling abit. Has been tough sitting on the sidelines but I will be back at some stage this year just depends on how the ankle goes at training. Will be the first time running/jumping/changing directions so fingers crossed.

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2016 QAFA B Central

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