2020 U.S Riots

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I'm stunned the yanks are so patient.

There'd be dead cops if that was here.

I’m surprised there haven’t been revenge attacks yet on some of those cops. A few of those hit n runs seem like accidental collateral damage in an attempt to get away rather than intentional. If some of them do start getting killed in cold blood it’ll be well deserved based on what’s playing out on our screens.
I'm stunned the yanks are so patient.

There'd be dead cops if that was here.

I don’t think Aussies have it in them. This isn’t the 80s.
Nowhere did I use or even mention the word racism. Nowhere.

All I did was question your statement:
"their actions are not unreasonable for given the state of US society."

Do you have some kind of mind-reading IQ test that can be administered from the other side of the world? And a remote-operated PTSD diagonisis machine? Do all divorcees hate their lives? Honestly, this is some whackadoodle psychoanalysis you're performing. It's quite remarkable that you are able to perform this level of psychoanalysis on the cop without whilst simultaneously railing so hard against people who are assuming the cop is racist. But, moving on. Even if you are right with respect to your diagnosis, I am still not sure how his behaviour could be anything other than unreasonable. While I sympathise with PTSD victims, low-IQ people, and divorcees, I don't think these conditions make it reasonable for people to kill other people where they have a clear choice.

Anyhow, I've noticed you later pivoted from "not unreasonable" to the word "understandable", which has quite a different meaning. Is this what you meant when you said "not unreasonable"? Sure we can understand a murder. E.g., I can understand why Carl Williams shot Mark Moran. Was Carl Williams' behaviour unreasonable? I certainly think so. If you really meant "understandable" then sure I am happy to let this discussion drop off.

1) If you think people join the police force or military because they are blessed with choices, you're kidding yourself. Cops are just one level up from the criminals, who were fortunate enough to get a job.
2) Cops with any IQ don't sit there with a smug look on their face, whilst being filmed, with a knee on someones neck.........after taking the criminal out of a car because an ambulance is coming to take them away. That's right, an ambulance was called because the criminal couldn't breathe, he was taken out of the car and then IQ boy puts an knee on his neck, whilst another kneels on his side flank and another on his legs. Is that the actions of a man blessed with IQ?
3) A normal functioning and rational man (specifically a policeman) doesn't behave the way we have seen the police behave (including the police officer who killed Floyd). The mental health condition could be PTSD or some other mental illness but it certainly isn't the act of a man with a reasonable state of mind.
4) The militarisation of police and the attacks on citizens reinforces my belief the mental health condition is pervasive and driven by fear, just like we see anxious dogs striking out. Being ex-military myself, I have seen what fear and stress can do to individual and organisational behaviour. So I guess I'm drawing on experience.
5) The change of wording was designed to provide further clarity and I'm glad you can identify the the difference. I see both the criminal and the criminal police officers as victims of their own circumstances living in a society where they are set up to fail. If I was wrong, commissioners, mayors and governors would be held criminally responsible for some of the acts we have witnessed. Instead we will see the plebs sacrificed.
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Isn't it funny how when a radical Muslim terrorist blew himself up at a concert and killed 20 white people (many children) we were told "don't look back in anger" but when a police officer kills a black man we are told peaceful protest is no longer good enough and all white people need to change.

It's almost as if there's some kind of agenda but I can't quite put my finger on it...

one is a terrorist and the actions of reprisals against innocent muslims is not reasonable

the other is brutality and oppression, that has institutionalised protections meaning cops can kill and assault citizens without concern for legal prosecution. They can lie in courts and present false evidence, leading to gross injustice. On top of that you have an education and health system that results in predetermined outcomes on lives.

Forget the racist bullshit and look at the real cause and you'll see the difference like night and day

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one is a terrorist and the actions of reprisals against innocent muslims is not reasonable

the other is brutality and oppression, that has institutionalised protections meaning cops can kill and assault citizens without concern for legal prosecution. They can lie in courts and present false evidence, leading to gross injustice. On top of that you have an education and health system that results in predetermined outcomes on lives.

Forget the racist bullshit and look at the real cause and you'll see the difference like night and day
But all white people are guilty when one cop kills someone?
But all white people are guilty when one cop kills someone?

and that's why I feel it is dangerous for many to quickly jump and highlight this issue as a racist issue rather than a broader social framework of generational poverty, no hope and guns.
But all white people are guilty when one cop kills someone?

oh and let's say we took out all the blacks, yellows and browns out of the US. Would we eradicate police brutality? I don't think so, that's why I feel the issue is more complex than race.
“Drew brees is a person, he has some worth ”
Lebron: “shut up and dribble”

Hmmm. Black athlete should shut up and play sports. Yet, white athlete is allowed to share his opinion since he has some worth. Ugly racist.The way she said it too. Very disgusting. Complete reversal for the white man.

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It will be interesting to see if she responds since she and Fox now know about it as many are talking about it and LeBron has responded. Laura and Fox will probably ignore it and claim its fake news.
3) A normal functioning and rational man (specifically a policeman) doesn't behave the way we have seen the police behave (including the police officer who killed Floyd). The mental health condition could be PTSD or some other mental illness but it certainly isn't the act of a man with a reasonable state of mind.
4) The militarisation of police and the attacks on citizens reinforces my belief the mental health condition is pervasive and driven by fear, just like we see anxious dogs striking out. Being ex-military myself, I have seen what fear and stress can do to individual and organisational behaviour. So I guess I'm drawing on experience.

This is because citizens are legally allowed to arm themselves to the teeth with semi-automatic weapons. Literally any person the police deal with might be armed and capable of killing them at a moment's notice. Their procedures are to assume the worst in every person, even in the way they pull people over to give them a speeding ticket, every person is assumed to be a dangerous criminal who will turn on them if given a moment's lapse in concentration. The police are trained in a warfare mentality like everyone is out to get them. That has got to mess with their minds.
This is because citizens are legally allowed to arm themselves to the teeth with semi-automatic weapons. Literally any person the police deal with might be armed and capable of killing them at a moment's notice. Their procedures are to assume the worst in every person, even in the way they pull people over to give them a speeding ticket, every person is assumed to be a dangerous criminal who will turn on them if given a moment's lapse in concentration. The police are trained in a warfare mentality like everyone is out to get them. That has got to mess with their minds.
Power raid is a tough guy and never lived in America. Has no idea what is going on. Only what he get brainwashed from online and tv. Poor soul

Let’s look at the Democrats history in regards to blacks

While we are posting videos, you should watch this one as well:

And then you can predictably tell me its liberal garbage video and doesnt prove anything, because thats what you are all about, isnt it?

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2020 U.S Riots

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