2020 U.S Riots

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If your goal is to ensure that the problem is never solved, this is a great way to go about. Enabling and apologising for violent crime, while reinforcing victimhood status.

Why should little Jimmy living in a poor black neighbourhood even try to better himself and escape the cycle of poverty and crime, he has so many white liberals telling him that society is built against him and he has no hope. Any bad decisions that he makes are not his fault.

Stop holding people back Mofra.
If your goal is to ensure that the problem is never solved, this is a great way to go about. Enabling and apologising for violent crime, while reinforcing victimhood status.

Why should little Jimmy living in a poor black neighbourhood even try to better himself and escape the cycle of poverty and crime, he has so many white liberals telling him that society is built against him and he has no hope. Any bad decisions that he makes are not his fault.

Stop holding people back Mofra.
You're way off.
You can't solve a problem unless you identify it and determine the root causes. In the longer term it's far more effective to treat causes than just symptoms.
Check out all of the Leftist race peddlers in this thread - you all must feel so superior constantly virtue signalling & shouting down anyone that doesn't bow to your progressive identity politics with "SHUT UP RACIST".

Pathetic as always.

Ok racist.

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Check out all of the Leftist race peddlers in this thread - you all must feel so superior constantly virtue signalling & shouting down anyone that doesn't bow to your progressive identity politics with "SHUT UP RACIST".

Pathetic as always.
Nonsensical overuse is the reason why the buzzwords have lost all impact
Now the following analysis is from the conservative Treehouse website but I am curious about it because I know next to nothing about the political differences between BLM and AME and how they might be affecting the Left's campaign to throw Trump out going forward?

" Now, considering the amount of media coverage, what I just wrote might sound odd; but I’m not looking at media… I’m looking at the national audience response to the overblown media coverage. There is a big difference and a massive disconnect.

The media are hyping the five days of national mourning and live broadcasting the funerals and events. However, the downstream reception rate appears very poor.

There is a much lower reception and redistribution rate with George Floyd than Trayvon (Orlando), Mike Brown (Ferguson) or Freddie Gray (Baltimore). Those were the last times the Black Lives Matter (BLM) and the African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME network) were in full alignment.

What this indicates to me is a far more significant percentage of the targeted audience are now awake to the manipulative effort of both BLM and AME networks.

Additionally, the long-standing Achilles heel has still not been overcome.

The internal racism within the “people of color” coalition was always the inherent problem for Barack Obama, Eric Holder and Tom Perez (Team BLM), because the Nation of Islam and New Black Panther Party absolutely dislike Latinos.

When Barack Obama attempted outreach to the Latino community he even changed the language. Gaining Latino support was the reason the DNC sent out guidance to use the phrase “people of color” instead of “black” during media coverage. Additionally, Obama’s attempted outreach to the Latino community was always through the illegal alien angle, the “dreamers”; but Obama never delivered on his fake promises and the PoC lingo could not help.

Farakahan and the Nation of Islam do not like Latinos and/or Hispanics. The New Black Panthers do not like Latinos and/or Hispanics. These groups are always in constant conflict. The friendly political relationship between La Raza and the radical Democrats doesn’t compensate for this massive divide amid Blacks and Latinos.

In one way it is still a generational problem. Latinos lean heavily Christian; while the radical NoI and NBPP elements who agreed to align within the BLM movement are heavily influenced by Islam. This is why there are two internal black coalitions. BLM is influenced by Islam, while the AME coalition is Christian.

Through the religious prism the AME network could gain support from the Latino community; “people of color” could work. However, the AME network is not the center of activist energy.

The BLM network is the center of activist operations and that means Islam is favored. [Keep your “people of color”, because the BLM prefers “black”.] Hence, Minneapolis is a good fit for BLM activation because Minneapolis leans Muslim thanks to the decades long influx of Somali refugees imported by Bush and Obama.

The media, especially the political media, are never allowed to talk about the internal ideologies behind the two camps: Team Obama (BLM – Islam) and Team Clyburn (AME – Christian); but the issues are very real and keeping the coalition together is not easy. Seeing Al Sharpton (AME team) deliver his racial narrative to the Minneapolis funeral audience today is a reflection of how important and tenuous the dynamic really is.

The BLM foot-soldiers do not like the lack of purity within the Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton messaging. Two-J’s and Sharptongue are both old-school AME members where religious worship kneels foremost in front of the altar of money.

Those behind the BLM network are more ideological and they see the AME’s lust for money as a risk. It’s a weird interplay and ultimately that’s why the two factions keep splitting apart.

Floyd family lawyer, Benjamin Crump, is more AME than he is BLM. Al Sharpton was Crump’s mentor going all the way back to the Martin Lee Anderson case in 2006. But at the same time Crump needs the BLM foot-soldiers to drum the social justice message in order to achieve maximum impact.

Bottom line today is that Minneapolis opportunists, specifically the Muslim community, will benefit from the current anti-police narrative. The Somali Muslim community wants Sharia-enforcement officers instead of traditional law enforcement. Ergo the Ellison/Omar agenda will benefits from recent events.

However, beyond the local benefit, the new BLM/AME alliance does not seem to be moving the national needle. If you look closely it appears more and more people have caught on to the unspoken and divisive agenda.

Lastly, the long standing issues between Latinos and Blacks is an important angle to watch; especially with 2020 Democrat candidate Joe Biden going down on his knees in favor of the BLM/AME network.

There is a risk that Democrats might lose more Latinos than they will gain amid blacks. This type of political calculation always carries a risk; this is what happens when ideology intersects with the assembly of special interests."

So maybe some of you guyz know more about these aspects and how they may affect Democrat cohesian during these riots?

Three interesting articles worth a read on what they may be protesting about.

I would have thought the Obama Admin would have campaigned strongly and relentlessly for the chokehold to be banned in all Democrat run cities after the appalling death of Eric Garner in 2014.

Instead, crickets.


Yep, the Democratic party has a very tragic, racist history. I don't think this is super well known outside of The States, and even here I'm not sure all of the yanks know much about this. People think the south has always been Republican since forever when in fact it was the opposite for much longer. It was only when Democrat Johnson passed the Voting Rights Act (which Republicans have been trying to strip away ever since) in the mid 1960's was there a flip. Johnson himself, a Texan, acknowledged that he just lost the south for a generation.

And yes, Lincoln was the first Republican president and indeed, pretty "woke" for the day.

So I think it's important to recognise that racism, throughout time, transcends party politics. It even transcends north-south divides, although probably less so. And if this video helps people realise that, then great.

The video doesn't work, however, as some sort of slur against the modern day Democratic party, at least in comparison with the Republicans. The modern Republicans demonstrably have a less diverse supporter base (which alone is not racist) and, particularly with Trump at the help, are much less supportive of minorities, and indeed are detrimental in many cases, particularly with respect to immigrants. The current Republican party has slipped drastically from the days of Lincoln with respect to race, and from the days of Teddy Roosevelt with respect to economics. On the other hand the Democratic party has done well to largely shed its awful racist roots. We should never forget those roots, but that doesn't mean they have to forever define the party.
And of course, I mean I *think* everyone knows this here, but all of the early presidents owned slaves except for John Adams & John Quincy Adams.

This country was literally built on racism. It shouldn't surprise people that it still exists today and is very tough to solve (although a lot of the attempts are rather pathetic).
The south used to be a Democrat stronghold and the north east and west coast a Republican stronghold. That basically reversed around the late 1980s/early 1990s; I always thought that was pretty common knowledge.
The south used to be a Democrat stronghold and the north east and west coast a Republican stronghold. That basically reversed around the late 1980s/early 1990s; I always thought that was pretty common knowledge.

I wouldn't take that for granted.

Those maps are somewhat interesting historically, although doing things geographically is a misleading representation, e.g. with highly dense states like NY.

Even more misleading is Trump's favourite: the county by county statistics. Of course you know, some of those tiny blue dots are like NY with 15 million and Chicago with 8 but whatever, #MAGA

I wouldn't take that for granted.

Those maps are somewhat interesting historically, although doing things geographically is a misleading representation, e.g. with highly dense states like NY.

Even more misleading is Trump's favourite: the county by county statistics. Of course you know, some of those tiny blue dots are like NY with 15 million and Chicago with 8 but whatever, #MAGA

View attachment 887150
Yep, and conversely, huge areas of middle of nowhere states (the Mountain states in particular) cover a single county because of low population.

The south v north east/west coast shift more or less cancel each other out (although due to population shift, it does still advantage the south and therefore the Republicans when it comes to the electoral college), but where the Dems have really been caught napping is the Midwest. For example, consider that a state like Missouri was considered a bellwether until recently - and Obama did almost win it in 2008. But it's a solid red state now.
And of course, I mean I *think* everyone knows this here, but all of the early presidents owned slaves except for John Adams & John Quincy Adams.

This country was literally built on racism. It shouldn't surprise people that it still exists today and is very tough to solve (although a lot of the attempts are rather pathetic).

It is all tied in with the radical non-conformist protestant ideas the founding fathers brought with them too. They saw themselves as the new Israel, the new chosen people called apart by God to found a new community in a new land. Blacks were not part of the chosen people, they were the descendants of Ham who were cursed in perpetual slavery, according to a passage in the Bible that never gets taught to children in Sunday School. They firmly believed God created blacks to be slaves. That attitude has yet to be fully erased.

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2020 U.S Riots

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