Pick 1...
I like your second one tbh. Get rid of the 2 set to lose cash.Still so unsure what to do this week and only have 3k in the bank. I have this bad habit of giving underperforming players chance after chance because I'm so scared of them punishing me after I trade them out. All signs point to Tex being cooked but I just have a sense he might kick a few in the showdown...same with Jiath, maybe defenders can score well against the eagles....
Initial thoughts are:
Gulden to RCD
Rowe to Hall
but that only leaves me 46k for next week....
Other option is:
Gulden to RCD
Tex to Hall
Leaves me with 335k next week and an opportunity to to get both Ridley and Helmet cheaply (for Jiath and Fantasia)
Any other better trades that I'm not seeing?
get 2 in that look like making good money, 1 set to make big scores and creating a surplus for a double backline upgrade will be nice.