Fantasy 2022 - EMPIRE League - Discussion

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People wont gain a better understanding next off season because theyll just see a hypothetical total points theyre seeing already in the Player Stats page.

of course they will, we all know now to value LBs and DEs higher next offseason.
of course they will, we all know now to value LBs and DEs higher next offseason.
Everyone knows that now long before season started too. Still a month of auctions, another month of drafts, another month or two of waivers and trades, before september.

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Everyone knows that now long before season started too. Still a month of auctions, another month of drafts, another month or two of waivers and trades, before september.

I didnt know the extent of it, blame me if you want for that but im not the only one who wasn't aware of the extent until it was elaborated on last Friday.

We are having a majority vote, which you agreed to, nothing has changed. Ive said im happy to go with the majority whatever the decision, while also saying I think we should change it to your system next year if its agreed we go back to 2021 scoring for this year. Pretty fair id say.
The argument tho is the IDP changes are already in prior to this season being played, prior to people making auction bids. So there was no detrimental affect. But removing it now means everyone is affected. It's not like I'm arguing to bring them in now, mid-auction. Youre arguing to remove them mid-auction.

Then there is the whole process of re-building the scoring rules next off season (manual intensive). No un-revert option. Overwriting it now loses it all.
But we have built whole squads on the old scoring haven’t we? The auction kind of pales in comparison
But we have built whole squads on the old scoring haven’t we? The auction kind of pales in comparison
There have been tons of changes made on the fly that affected roster building prior...contract years cap in then out, no vet re-signings or rookie re-signings or tags, then in suddenly, etc. Empire has evolved every year often big changes. The scoring is far smarter for idps now. Would be silly to get rid of it withstands the MFL positional changes thing
Changes made are always for the benefit of the league, adding dimensions, improvements, or remedying errors/loopholes that pop up. Executive commish decisions have always been made on the fly. Commish not a destroyer, but a gatekeeper.

Im not infallible of course. I didnt realize the drastic effect offense had (mfl glitching the total pts) i didnt know either till tgbb and stringer posted the other day. I fixed that because i agreed it isnt good.

With offense ok again. No need to reject the idp staying as its a benefit to all vs mfl position changes and just fairer for the idps themselves.

Often people make suggestions on the fly that are better than what i thought, and ill on the fly bring it in.

Eg....i removed Haskins from Shuttlesworth roster out of respect, but then adp said no its no different to a retired player. True. Or when drd23 said its better that every off season you bring all FAs back to a one year contract with a new salary than have some who are still on their old 4 yr salaries etc. Agreed and did it on the fly. Or when dagless said its better that we can re-sign off contract rookies like the Nfl fifth year extension. Agreed, great idea, brought in on the fly.

I saw errors and problems in scoring and as gatekeeper resolved them. TGBB and stringer brought it to my attention that offense was too harshly affected. I didnt fully know either. And executive decision agreed to amend that. Just encouraging people to not see this is an owners vs despot thing. Its not about nanan'ing me. But asking you all to see that the way it is now (hybrid) is just better and worth pushing forward with.

The offense thing was an error, not a calculated dastardly attempt to undermine the league itself or any owner. I like this league structure and act as gatekeeper, looking out for it, issues, ways to better....more so than owners because as commish im always looking at it, always involved in the nuts and bolts of it.
My final thought on this is that all scoring should be reverted to last seasons and the new idp scoring systems brought in permanently for next year and we can revisit the idea of tweaking any offensive scoring system sometime before the end of season with a look to implementing it for mext season too.
I had picked up on the fact that DTs were outscoring DEs (not inherently obvious as most leagues a DE is the ideal guy to have) some time last year and made sure my squad always ran 2 DTs each week to capitalize on that. I guess the secret is out now but I currently own 4 DTs as opposed to only 2 DEs now to reflect those scoring discrepancies. So while it is kind of a selfish wish to revert back to what it was maybe i'm not the only one in this boat and would need to revisit my list build if these IDP positions are going to become more evenly balanced.
But we have built whole squads on the old scoring haven’t we? The auction kind of pales in comparison
Hallelujah! Just move back to last season and GG.exe stop making excuses that you can’t.

At end of next season explain clearly any proposed changes and impact and ask for a vote.
I still like the changes being recommended/made for IDP now.
And as such I still feel the hybrid change model of reverting the offensive changes back but moving forward with the defensive adjustments is the way to go forward.
I don't believe ol' mate GG is doing anything underhanded, or making changes to gain any advantage, nor deliberately making adjustments to pi$$ people off... I've always seen GG as a commish who is trying to make things as best as they possibly can be... he even stated that he does get things wrong or hasn't seen a better or "righter" way to go about things in a post above, and has been willing to listen to feedback for the betterment of the comp as a whole.
I can see that if we revert all scoring back to the 2021 model, and then review next year, then vote that there's going to be the same $hit$how with those who'll continue to brickwall any suggested/recommended changes. The same issues will arise next season in terms of players contracts/salaries, so I don't see anything changing.
I'm happy to embrace change, and happy for that to happen now, regardless of if I feel I'd benefit or not... I honestly don't know if my players would score better or worse... but I do know that it'd happen across the whole league, not just me.
That's my 2c worth

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I still like the changes being recommended/made for IDP now.
And as such I still feel the hybrid change model of reverting the offensive changes back but moving forward with the defensive adjustments is the way to go forward.
I don't believe ol' mate GG is doing anything underhanded, or making changes to gain any advantage, nor deliberately making adjustments to pi$$ people off... I've always seen GG as a commish who is trying to make things as best as they possibly can be... he even stated that he does get things wrong or hasn't seen a better or "righter" way to go about things in a post above, and has been willing to listen to feedback for the betterment of the comp as a whole.
I can see that if we revert all scoring back to the 2021 model, and then review next year, then vote that there's going to be the same $hit$how with those who'll continue to brickwall any suggested/recommended changes. The same issues will arise next season in terms of players contracts/salaries, so I don't see anything changing.
I'm happy to embrace change, and happy for that to happen now, regardless of if I feel I'd benefit or not... I honestly don't know if my players would score better or worse... but I do know that it'd happen across the whole league, not just me.
That's my 2c worth

Good post, and I agree with a lot of it but I think myself, Lenny and J Shut have all said wed be willing to change our vote and give it the go ahead at the end of the season. I know im happy to do so.
I still like the changes being recommended/made for IDP now.
And as such I still feel the hybrid change model of reverting the offensive changes back but moving forward with the defensive adjustments is the way to go forward.
I don't believe ol' mate GG is doing anything underhanded, or making changes to gain any advantage, nor deliberately making adjustments to pi$$ people off... I've always seen GG as a commish who is trying to make things as best as they possibly can be... he even stated that he does get things wrong or hasn't seen a better or "righter" way to go about things in a post above, and has been willing to listen to feedback for the betterment of the comp as a whole.
I can see that if we revert all scoring back to the 2021 model, and then review next year, then vote that there's going to be the same $hit$how with those who'll continue to brickwall any suggested/recommended changes. The same issues will arise next season in terms of players contracts/salaries, so I don't see anything changing.
I'm happy to embrace change, and happy for that to happen now, regardless of if I feel I'd benefit or not... I honestly don't know if my players would score better or worse... but I do know that it'd happen across the whole league, not just me.
That's my 2c worth
No one's brick walling anything. No one's accusing GG of anything underhanded either. Just simply present proposed changes at end of year and if majority agree make the changes. Simple
Hmmm... hope GG is OK, hasn't been logged on for over 24 hours which is very unlike him.
Had a couple of job interviews yesterday and one this morning. Took the job offer today. Night shift (midnight to 10am) casual, 3 days a week, can add extra days or move full time (less pay + super). I'm just at a point where i want flexibility, "lifestyle", minimal stress and responsibility, not have to learn a whole catalogue of products and services unfamiliar with from scratch. Start tonight and for a for more days as a trial and acquaint to the job.
So, we started the draft June 3rd last year, same date this year?or are others still keen on bidding on some players?
Not one player is being bid on atm

So surely we could wind it up
More likely that he was asleep. I know that when I used to work night shift I wouldn't have been up between 4pm and 8pm

Na sent him two messages in PMs days ago, no replies, definitely got the sads up with me. Oh well, do as you please I guess.

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Fantasy 2022 - EMPIRE League - Discussion

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