2022 Women's Basketball World Cup Thread

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Jackson’s aura and presence on court is phenomenal. Even the refs are intimidated by her.

**** off Chinese fans with your booing, you’re getting home court calls.

If ESPN could stop the audio cutting out all the time, that’d be great.
Jackson’s aura and presence on court is phenomenal. Even the refs are intimidated by her.

* off Chinese fans with your booing, you’re getting home court calls.

If ESPN could stop the audio cutting out all the time, that’d be great.
Xu Han not intimidated by her though. Stuffed her good.

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Yeah I know, was being a smart ass.

Add in our missed lay ups and scores are level.

Just can't afford to brick away easy points in a game where we're finding scoring opportunities so tough.
Other than that, this game has gone about as well as I could have expected for us.

Sami having to do too much though. Non sustainable for another half. She must be absolutely cooked right now with the load she has carried all tournament.
Seems weird that Allen has played 8 mins yet they haven't really gone to her. Almost like they're just using her as a decoy, but it hasn't worked.

Our bigs need to figure out a way to score against theirs or we're toast.

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Is there any other player who has such a gap between their best and worst as Whitcomb does? Shooting us out of it here.

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