Phar Ace
Brownlow Medallist
Neither, but still haven't used the VC yet too - it is TT at the minute but not with any confidence. Will Gulden's run keep rolling against Freo with Warner back? Dunkley is probably too big a risk. TT or EG?2/218 Used the VC on English, no idea who to captain yet, might go Doc. Libba's game was great, just keeps bubbling along.
Against the Dawks:
TT had a 125 last year in GWS colours and a 95 the year before - hard to paste that on him this season. Do the Hawks tag him?
Against Freo
EG had a 153 on the SCG earlier this year, and in 2022 and 2021 had tons then as well.
The numbers are with Gulden I suppose given his ceiling potential. I'll still be nervous that TT will pull out a big one this week.
Just noticed I only have two red dots and both are Swannies - that would be a waste of VCing I guess.
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