Autopsy 2023 Rd 7 Charlie's Blues beat Eagles by a tonne

Who played well vs the Eagles in Round 7

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Quarter Time Scores
5.6.36 - 2.3.15

Half Time Scores
9.8.62 - 3.4.22

3 Quarter Time Scores
14.12.96 - 3.7.25

Full Time Scores
23.14.152 - 6.8.44

Quarter Time Stats

Qtr Player Stats.jpg

Half Time Stats

Half Player Stats.jpg

3 Quarter Time Stats

3 Qtr Player Stats.jpg

Full Time Stats

Final Player Stats.jpg

Final Player Stats 2.jpg

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I know it’s only the Weagles, but I could sit here all night and compliment every single player for an absolutely ruthless & outstanding performance.

but, there’s only one thing I want to be known, Vossy, look how much fun they had out there, please, PLEASE let them play with complete freedom.

I ****ing love you BAGGERS!!!!