Fantasy 2024 - Omega League - Discussion

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I'm probably stretched at 3 league mate

I dont think I could put in the effort required to join this league too

What about after EOFY?

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Pickens being in the free agent pool a surprise but GG gone full homer at 1.04. If you've got him in another league with GG trade him to him now. Pickens is up for trade in Alpha Exe Gesis :)
Interesting that he was in the FA pool for sure. Saw him there myself and would have taken him later on, certainly not 1.04 though

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I should also say **** you to Danny Dimes.

My current QB situation 🤮:

Bryce Young
Kyler Murray
Daniel Jones
Andy Dalton

(add JJ now).

Still got you covered there.

Kyler can do the heavy lifting for you I think.

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