USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Biden II

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Okay, we've had a good run. Some have had a good laugh and others have melted a little, but from this point we're improving the standard of discussion.

The rules for the SRP are thus:
... and I'd like you all to stick to them.

From the Trump threads:
Mod Notice
* Thread monitored actively. User who drag it down will be removed

Specifically: reference to TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) and its counterpart 'Trumpanzee' or anything similar will no longer be allowed.

Personal attacks are also to be kept to a minimum.
Play nicely from here, please.
At least Mercedes isn’t being considered in a poll …then again I don’t care do you?
Not one bit other than being invested in watching the SRP melt in November when America is made great again. It's hilarious to me

'Biden is in steep mental decline, it's actually quite dangerous and embarrassing'. A perfectly logical sentence, unless you post it here then you get 10 nutcases defending (and cheering) him.

He's living proof it doesn't matter who does that job, it's tokenistic. He isn't capable of thought or decision making so this is proven now, why should anyone care who does the job?
Not one bit other than being invested in watching the SRP melt in November when America is made great again. It's hilarious to me

'Biden is in steep mental decline, it's actually quite dangerous and embarrassing'. A perfectly logical sentence, unless you post it here then you get 10 nutcases defending (and cheering) him.

He's living proof it doesn't matter who does that job, it's tokenistic. He isn't capable of thought or decision making so this is proven now, why should anyone care who does the job?
You do realise they are little more than a figuire head for the administration…I’m not only concerned with Trump but the republicans as a whole clearly don’t want democracy and are actively trying to limited access to voting and other rights

Hate Biden all you want but his administration has proven to be competent and respectful and doesn’t encourage a civil war Christian Faccist regime nigtmare

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He's living proof it doesn't matter who does that job, it's tokenistic. He isn't capable of thought or decision making so this is proven now, why should anyone care who does the job?
I do agree that at some level this is correct

But that is when the norms of society are at play

It happened with Reagan when the ship sailed in smooth waters and it is the same today - there is no will to rock the boat. No great agendas at play like there would be with Trumplicans

When Bannon and Stone are openly calling for the removal of all democratic function and are open to a dictatorship then a docile or uncaring President is ideal for them to wreak havoc
I do agree that at some level this is correct

But that is when the norms of society are at play

It happened with Reagan when the ship sailed in smooth waters and it is the same today - there is no will to rock the boat. No great agendas at play like there would be with Trumplicans

When Bannon and Stone are openly calling for the removal of all democratic function and are open to a dictatorship then a docile or uncaring President is ideal for them to wreak havoc
A useful idiot indeed ..scary times
Geezus - we have one candidate who's brain was eaten by worms and eats BBQ dog and another candidate who wanted a puppy executioner as VP????

The US is a strange place.
Geezus - we have one candidate who's brain was eaten by worms and eats BBQ dog and another candidate who wanted a puppy executioner as VP????

The US is a strange place.
Sadly the extremists minority elements of society has found a very loud voice over there I hope Australia never follows the same trend …but it shows how quickly it can go south when you give them a platform to wreck havoc on society
Almost like there was a world wide trend of inflation increasing post covid spending

Trump has been incredibly lucky timing wise, the whole world was basically subject to inflation post-covid. And imagine running for prez 3 times and being up against Hillary and this version of Biden twice, 2 of the most historically bad candidates you could ever hope to face.
I was told by the left that it was so I took their word for it.

The police where there guiding them around anyways.
Thanks Tucker.

As always, unsure why police offering no resistance in areas where they were vastly outnumbered just somehow cancels out all the 100s of hours of video from other areas, bizarre take :drunk:
You are comparing him to the lowest common denominator… is that what we have stooped to? It’s like choosing between a pedophile and murderer to babysit your kids…..
We should have higher standards than that.

I want neither of them back. I don’t need a hero and villain like many of the manchild in here who won’t feel safe if Biden doesn’t cuddle them to bed every night.

RFK jnr would be steeets better than Trump or Biden. Still imperfect and far from ideal but better than those two. And yet I never hear any of you leftists endorse him over the senile cognitively impaired Biden.
Then why not protest vote for RFK?

Here’s a thought experiment if GOP candidate was RFK with his current policy stance…. Would you still vote for Biden?
Coz he's no chance of winning, and making such a protest vote likely increases Trump's chance of winning. Breaking the 2 party duopoly is a nice cuddly thought, but (with their system especially) it simply ain't gonna happen. Ross Perot got about 20% back in '92 - and not a single electoral college vote. Talk about a children's dream lol.

So when the rubber hits the road its a choice between Biden and Trump. Not that hard to understand if you're rational and operating in reality. You're of the mind you are (both equally terrible) because for some reason you can't bring yourself to acknowledge that there actually is a pretty major difference between Trump and Biden, one you have been conscientiously avoiding for awhile now for some reason.
lol come on mate - assume that the election result is close, same electoral college votes as last time but just in Trump's favour. You know that Biden isn't going to behave as Trump did, and won't take actions to try and flip the the thing or delay the handover. This is substantial differentiator between the 2, yes or no?
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I would vote for a metal rod over Trump at least democracy would still be protected …for all of Biden’s flaws with his age he still has handled the shitstorm after a Trump presidency and still supports human rights.
Don't think the bolded claim can reasonably be made considering his unconditional support of the genocide in Gaza. A big factor as to why he was so down in polling even before the debate.

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Not one bit other than being invested in watching the SRP melt in November when America is made great again. It's hilarious to me
No chance of topping MAGA nation's frothing seething multi-month dummy spit here in 2020 ;)

Suspect most will shrug their shoulders and say the Democrats got what they deserved, I know I will. Absolutely shambolic candidate and campaign.
No chance of topping MAGA nation's frothing seeting multi-month dummy spit here in 2020 ;)

Suspect most will shrug their shoulders and say the Democrats got what they deserved, I know I will. Absolutely shambolic candidate and campaign.
You are absolutely living in a dream world if you think Trump winning won't have harder melts than him losing. Trump has broken people's brains

He's been president for 4 years, so we have proof of what it's like and people STILL think he will 'end democracy'. It's cooker shit on the other wing but 'TDS' is a banned acronym, why?

There'll be riots in November. Oh not riots, 'peaceful protests' where buildings burn. Sorry but the 'anti Trump' brigade are at least as unhinged as the MAGA's, I'd say more so but we'll see come November for sure
You are absolutely living in a dream world if you think Trump winning won't have harder melts than him losing.
You weren't around on this board in 2020 then? It was pretty epic.

Trump has broken people's brains
He sure has lol. Seriously, go back and have a look at some of the election/fraud threads from the end of 2020 - some of the most irrational broken people you will ever see, and some of the best internet you will ever read. If you're just in it for the melts you'll love it!
New Fresh Prince inspired RFK slogan.

"If you make me President, I'll take a real BITE out of crime!!!"

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He claims it was a goat but who really knows....we live in a world where blue maga still believes Biden is mentally competent and had a "bad day".
He claims it was a goat but who really knows....we live in a world where blue maga still believes Biden is mentally competent and had a "bad day".
We also live in a world where blokes like you are apparently psychologically incapable of acknowledging Trump tried to disenfranchise 80 million voters and flip a democratic election.

Dunno if I'd be throwing stones if I were you.
I would vote for a metal rod over Trump at least democracy would still be protected …for all of Biden’s flaws with his age he still has handled the shitstorm after a Trump presidency and still supports human rights.

A Trump presidency would be Nazi German 2.0 with the revenge attacks and stripping away further rights not to mention the shit show globally with what will occur with a Christian Faccist America
No it wouldn't. The person you are voting for is a puppet with no control over his faculties let alone the country.

What human rights does he support and at what time in his whole political career has he supported them?

Nazi Germany? What a crock of shit.
Biden is mentally competent
He obviously is.

and had a "bad day"
He obviously did.

As it comes out that he has more bad days then is good for a person with his authority to have, then it is a problem. That seems to be coming out now.

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