USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Biden II

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Okay, we've had a good run. Some have had a good laugh and others have melted a little, but from this point we're improving the standard of discussion.

The rules for the SRP are thus:
... and I'd like you all to stick to them.

From the Trump threads:
Mod Notice
* Thread monitored actively. User who drag it down will be removed

Specifically: reference to TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) and its counterpart 'Trumpanzee' or anything similar will no longer be allowed.

Personal attacks are also to be kept to a minimum.
Play nicely from here, please.
You are absolutely living in a dream world if you think Trump winning won't have harder melts than him losing. Trump has broken people's brains

He's been president for 4 years, so we have proof of what it's like and people STILL think he will 'end democracy'. It's cooker shit on the other wing but 'TDS' is a banned acronym, why?

There'll be riots in November. Oh not riots, 'peaceful protests' where buildings burn. Sorry but the 'anti Trump' brigade are at least as unhinged as the MAGA's, I'd say more so but we'll see come November for sure
2016 is unparalleled for melting. It was the end of the world. The threads are all there to read.

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I would vote for a metal rod over Trump at least democracy would still be protected …for all of Biden’s flaws with his age he still has handled the shitstorm after a Trump presidency and still supports human rights.

A Trump presidency would be Nazi German 2.0 with the revenge attacks and stripping away further rights not to mention the shit show globally with what will occur with a Christian Faccist America
This is just insane dribble. I remember all the talk if Trump won the first time it would be like NAzi Germany it was nothing like. I can't believe people would even compare that.

What are all these rights you say Trump took away from people?

The Shit show globally under Trump? This has happened all under Biden as world leaders see him/USA weak under the Biden Administration. How much has the Ukraine fleeced the US for? The middle east is far worse under Biiden. And Africa (I know no one cares about it as it's Christians getting murdered) is in a terrible place.
being invested in watching the SRP melt in November when America is made great again. It's hilarious to me

This right here is the problem. All these people, just like you, want to 'watch people melt' by voting for Trump.

Except then they've actually elected Trump. The guy who's clearly told us exactly what he plans to do. The guy who stacked the supreme court with Justices that have just about anointed the office of President as King.

Hilarious indeed.
He's been president for 4 years, so we have proof of what it's like and people STILL think he will 'end democracy'. It's cooker shit on the other wing but 'TDS' is a banned acronym, why?

The US is in the worst state I can remember it being in, directly attributable to Trump. And this time he's already told us he wants to go further on all the stuff he did last time. He already has a stacked SCOTUS that has created very real long term issues by removing the protections of RvW, and that have recently told us the President is immune to any criminal charge they can justify as being part of their duty as President.

I guess it's all hilarious until it's not, despite it being bleedingly obvious that it's deeply problematic already.
You do realise they are little more than a figuire head for the administration…I’m not only concerned with Trump but the republicans as a whole clearly don’t want democracy and are actively trying to limited access to voting and other rights

Hate Biden all you want but his administration has proven to be competent and respectful and doesn’t encourage a civil war Christian Faccist regime nigtmare
Another bizarre take the Voter ID is limiting access to voting. Trying to ensure elections are not tampered with are apparently.
The US is in the worst state I can remember it being in, directly attributable to Trump. And this time he's already told us he wants to go further on all the stuff he did last time. He already has a stacked SCOTUS that has created very real long term issues by removing the protections of RvW, and that have recently told us the President is immune to any criminal charge they can justify as being part of their duty as President.

I guess it's all hilarious until it's not, despite it being bleedingly obvious that it's deeply problematic already.
And who's been in for 4 years?
The US is in the worst state I can remember it being in, directly attributable to Trump. And this time he's already told us he wants to go further on all the stuff he did last time. He already has a stacked SCOTUS that has created very real long term issues by removing the protections of RvW, and that have recently told us the President is immune to any criminal charge they can justify as being part of their duty as President.

I guess it's all hilarious until it's not, despite it being bleedingly obvious that it's deeply problematic already.
IT's in the worst state because of Trump?

I'd look at it it's in a bad way for year.s I was in San Francisco in the early 2000's and loved it only to go back 4 more times over the last 10 years. (A number of different presidents) And it is just getting worse and worse. It is honestly disgusting now and I refuse to go there.

Similar issues with Chicago and New York. There are a number of different factors as they are all big cities etc. But all Democrat dominated states as well. I have been going to the South a lot more and these places are thriving
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The end of the world was forecast. WWIII was a given. None of the doomsday stuff happened except their team lost. I understand the team losing part as 1996 loss to North took me 10 years to get over.
His tenure culminated in a violent attack on a government building... But yeah, people were just upset because their team lost... :rolleyes:
Why do you get joy out of seeing other people be miserable?

Do you think that if you see other people miserable, it will make you less so?
It is only because they are making themselves miserable, I wouldn't take pleasure in the misery of anyone if they were actually impacted by the issue I was celebrating. The difference is a Trump presidency will solely be a source of good for the world and anyone who laments it or would be miserable because of it is just a brainwashed fool - and as such it is funny and appropriate to enjoy them putting themselves in a prison of their own making.
by not taking the sensible option of being a reasonably successful one-term president should he win he’ll be remembered as a doddering old man in cognitive decline who may well not see out his presidency. or worse ensure a divisive, corrupt, revengeful, mendacious, convicted felon gets another term to wreck the joint.
I see you've chosen to ignore my real world example and hold on to hyperbole and embellishment. Says all it needs to really...
"2016 is unparalleled for melting. It was the end of the world. The threads are all there to read........" This is what you responded to. I am not interested in tangents.
It is only because they are making themselves miserable, I wouldn't take pleasure in the misery of anyone if they were actually impacted by the issue I was celebrating. The difference is a Trump presidency will solely be a source of good for the world and anyone who laments it or would be miserable because of it is just a brainwashed fool - and as such it is funny and appropriate to enjoy them putting themselves in a prison of their own making.
The irony of using this statement whilst directly drinking the Trump kool-aid and paroting his supporters talking points.
And who's been in for 4 years?


This is the kind of surface-level response you get from someone who thinks about voting based on the melts.

No matter who was in power now, they'd be left holding the bag of the post-Covid fallout that's also smashing the rest of the world.

Biden wasn't the one who spent months before and after the election undermining the democratic institutions or stacking the SCOTUS for example.

Trump has been incredibly lucky, he inherited an extremely stable economy after Obama, that had come through the GFC, then the one single thing he had to deal with - Covid - he did about as bad a job of as possible, and before the wider implications of that came home to roost, he was ousted. He's also faced probably the two weakest Presidential candidates ever to have run.

It doesn't take a huge amount of reading to understand this, but apparently even that eludes pro-Trump people. And you're a pro-Trump person. Because you think it's funny and all about the melts. You've fallen for it.
"2016 is unparalleled for melting. It was the end of the world. The threads are all there to read........" This is what you responded to. I am not interested in tangents.
How is suggesting that maybe the end of the world did begin to occur (or at the very least, the potential end of American democracy) a tangent?

Are you suggesting that the fears expressed by many posters about the potential implications of a Trump presidency were unfounded?

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