USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

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Okay, we've had a good run. Some have had a good laugh and others have melted a little, but from this point we're improving the standard of discussion.

The rules for the SRP are thus:
... and I'd like you all to stick to them.

From the Trump threads:
Mod Notice
* Thread monitored actively. User who drag it down will be removed

Specifically: reference to TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) and its counterpart 'Trumpanzee' or anything similar will no longer be allowed.

Personal attacks are also to be kept to a minimum.
Play nicely from here, please.

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Why’s his opponent now making such a deal of her race?
She's not, it was Trump who turned it into a big deal yesterday and the racist fools that think he's a good idea have taken it and run.
If all Trump has is to race bait then Harris must be doing OK. Watched that interview from this week just wow....he cannot speak in a calm, coherent, respectful manner to anyone.
Unsurprisingly for a man that doesn’t read or listen, he doesn’t know a great deal, certainly not nuanced policy ‘content’. He just bullshits. Eg. he doesn’t know what DEI stands for, other than it is the new right wing code for ‘another n***** parachuted into a position they don’t deserve’.

He made a fool of himself, with the bleach suggestion through ‘a little bit of knowledge can be dangerous’. In the afternoons he’d sometimes get bored watching TV and walk into West Wing meetings. He’d listen a couple of minutes, pick up what was being said and then insert himself into the conversation - boasting about his expertise on the matter. This day it was the Covid Team’s meeting and he overheard them discussing conditions not conducive to bacteria/microbes multiplying - later at the press conference off he goes, much to everyone’s embarrassment.

His act, when trying to appear knowledgeable and sincere, is not in the remotest plausible. How so many people fall for it beggers belief. In a job interview he’d be f****d with the second question.
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The prisoner swap should be lauded by both sides of politics but nope, Trump makes it all about him and his ego and lies. Who cares which Pres negotiated the release.

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Errr, what? There is no 'narrative'. Just the occasional reference to her mixed ethnicity here and there, mostly from the Looney Tunes crowd on Fox.
Exactly. She attended Howard University Washington DC in 1983 - 40 years ago. That’s a long time being black. President of Black Law Students Association at University of California 1988. Then 2011: first black Attorney General of California.
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The claim that Jamaican's aren't black is news to this guy....

Bob Marley Laughing GIF
See what Trump's little performance does?

Get people responding, and energise his weirdo army to get out and talk about race, while blaming the object of their hate for the hate.

We all know the tactic now. Claim you're "Just asking questions" while guiding the opinions of viewers and fans looking for someone to blame for their grievances, real or imagined.

The impressionable weirdos out themselves online through social media, making it clear they can be manipulated by...

The political operatives in the field - the organisers and the figureheads, their lieutenants and wannabes - who take their cue from the politicians and opinion-spouts. These ghouls gather up the angry mob to descend on the target. This could be online, or in the street like we've just seen in England.

It serves nobody but the people positioned in power or positioning themselves to take power.

More and more over the decades the common factor across different societies have been the Murdochs, clipping the ticket on the way through. Taking the ad money. Trading the political favours.

Elon Musk wanted a taste of this, but has found it harder to monetise, though he is getting there. But with Elon it's a bit different. To my eye he personally looks more like the dimwit in the field being rounded up by the manipulators. Posting sycophantic "Amen!" responses to the messages of the more skilled hate-preachers.

The objective is to distract from the rich people's culpability in holding prosperity back from the population. Direct that anger at the foreigner, the darker-skinned, the "funny named".

None of this is new or original. It's been pointed out before, many times. Sadly it keeps happening.

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USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

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