Softening a bit at five minutes to midnight doesn’t work. And nor does going full “they’re eating the pets”.Ignore woke culture war issues. Stewart is right, going Republican lite doesn’t work.
The right path for the dems is the Bernie path focusing on the working class and what unites people, not divides them.
The enemies are the lobbyists and billionaires hoovering up all the cash and power for themselves, not regular white/black/gay/trans/latino/men/women etc.
I personally believe that the road to vanquishing trump doesn’t need to involve any streak of populism. They just need to wake up to that fact that these types of politics are the domain of CEOs and a few internet people, and are utterly repellant to everyone else.
Again, if they were to renounce these politics and purge the party of all these types of operators, I genuinely believe they would have wiped the floor with Trump in 2016 and 2024. And don’t do it just before election. They need to establish a track record of being the type of people who can pass the “what is a woman?” test.