USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

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If you want a serious laugh, watch on of the cults rallies, never watched one before, saw one on so thought why not, some seriously funny shit, never seen a politician talk less about policies, and more about the opposition, crowds who attends his rallies and the celebrities who turns up, and a whole lot of other trivial crap. And they had the cheek to have a crack at Joe not being up to it, it was like an old man just rambling away, and the cultists lap it up.
That's the problem. Some of his policies probably aren't all that bad but all he does is insult people.

He's won the nomination, maybe it's time to convince people on what he will do for the country rather than just hang shit on people. do you know he is an actually decent man?
Because he's had 40+ years of public service where his actions have been seen repeatedly. Everyone that meets him that isn't a partisan loves him. He treats people with respect and attention, and connects with them on a level that frauds like Trump can only dream off.

Yes, he may be a socio path with dead bodies hidden everywhere, but it's highly unlikely given the scrutiny his life has been lived under.
The Democrats started the impeachment crap when they tried to falsely impeach Trump based on Clinton Campaign Russia Misinformation. I agree its stupid, but at this point you need to fight fire with fire. The Democrats don't play fair so you need to fight them on their ground.
You'd be all for expanding and stacking the SC then? Republicans didn't play fair there so need to fight them on their ground, yeah?

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guarantee Trump picked him solely because he knows that this lackey will do anything he says (unlike that pesky Pence following the rule of law...)
Would have thought he'd have gone with Tim Scott if that was the criteria, that bloke would legit smear himself in shit and dance a jig in a tutu on stage at a rally if Trump asked him to.
Kyle Kulinski makes a good point on the trump bragging about Elon donating him $45 million a month. Then you get republicans and Elon fanboys thinking that’s awesome

If this was Joe Biden breathing about George Soros giving him $45 million a month the GOP and the right would lose their shit. I can’t think of many Dems supporters who’d think it was awesome either as most want to get rid of donor money in politics.

Not dem politicians mind you, they love the donor money.
I just watched that. Holy shit can you imagine the spontaneous combustion in conservative ranks if Harris was bragging about getting millions from Soros, they'd be calling for instant impeachme... oh wait
I just watched that. Holy shit can you imagine the spontaneous combustion in conservative ranks if Harris was bragging about getting millions from Soros, they'd be calling for instant impeachme... oh wait

The Jewish space lasers would be considered to be confirmed and no longer a conspiracy theory if Harris was thanking Soros for donating 45 million and saying “we need to look after him. I love George, great man”
Sorry I should rephrase the question.

Didnt Joe Biden's daughter (not mine) write in her diary when she was 13 yrs old that her dad Joe Biden (not me) showered with her?
Why ask a question you (think ) already have an answer

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USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

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