USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

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No but Trump is more than happy to go on CNN and Fx, Harris would never dream of going to Fox. She wouls be torn to shreds.
that is because Trump doesn't care about the questions but will only give the tangent he wants to. So the questions don't actually matter.
Oh I see its OK to attack one of the pillars of democracy because the Democrats couldn't stack it with Judges they appointed. How are them sour grapes?
when they are appointed via a partisan political process and can be stalled by the same, yes it is a shit truck

Needs to be independent appointees
Or rather than confirmation hearings, the candidates are listed by case record and judgements anonymously and the house then vote on them without knowing the identities

And irrespective, they need term limits.

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MSc. Self employed for 15 years. Bought out by big corporation Stayed on as area manager for past 10 years. Looking to retire before 55. Yours?
Now with that very impressive resume, I would ask you in all seriousness how you assess Mr Trumps intellect?
What about his leadership qualities?
Thst's weirdly specific.
oopz got my bootlickers mixed up, that was kwikfix / tony duggan / yippeeyiyeo / reidbetweenthelines
Now with that very impressive resume, I would ask you in all seriousness how you assess Mr Trumps intellect?
What about his leadership qualities?

The guy is a genius. Goes off-script, thinks on his feet, speaks his mind, is hated by the political class, is unpredictable does not **** about internationally and he really pisses the woke left. The economy did great under him. The stock market did great. Minorities did great. No wars were started. What's there not to like?

Listen- Trump is the biggest F- YOU from those left behind by previous governments and the pretentious, insincere, wealthy, inner city and privileged middle class whites, in political history. If he takes them down-even just a bit- then that's a good thing.
Listen- Trump is the biggest F- YOU from those left behind by previous governments and the pretentious, insincere, wealthy, inner city and privileged middle class whites, in political history. If he takes them down-even just a bit- then that's a good thing.

No, Trump is a card carrying member of the billionaire pedophile class.

Not a good thing.

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The guy is a genius. Goes off-script, thinks on his feet, speaks his mind, is hated by the political class, is unpredictable does not **** about internationally and he really pisses the woke left. The economy did great under him. The stock market did great. Minorities did great. No wars were started. What's there not to like?

Listen- Trump is the biggest F- YOU from those left behind by previous governments and the pretentious, insincere, wealthy, inner city and privileged middle class whites, in political history. If he takes them down-even just a bit- then that's a good thing.
He is a grifter.

Nothing more to the man.

Never was, never will be.

You’ve been gulled.

God knows there is a pooload wrong with America but Trump is the answer to precisely none of it.
Oh wowee. CNN is now right-wing in your Alternative Facts Universe. :D
Nice strawman pumpernickel, CNN is owned by a maga loving and owning billionaire!
It ain’t what you want it to be!
Now where is that pitch of yours, I’ve still got my cheque book out, I wanna hear all about this business model you designed that a corporation had to own and has paid you for a decade to help run?!
Where is it?
Nice strawman pumpernickel, CNN is owned by a maga loving and owning billionaire!
It ain’t what you want it to be!
Now where is that pitch of yours, I’ve still got my cheque book out, I wanna hear all about this business model you designed that a corporation had to own and has paid you for a decade to help run?!
Where is it?

What has the ownership of CNN have do with CNN's political bias, little drummer boy.
The guy is a genius. Goes off-script, thinks on his feet, speaks his mind, is hated by the political class, is unpredictable does not **** about internationally and he really pisses the woke left. The economy did great under him. The stock market did great. Minorities did great. No wars were started. What's there not to like?

Listen- Trump is the biggest F- YOU from those left behind by previous governments and the pretentious, insincere, wealthy, inner city and privileged middle class whites, in political history. If he takes them down-even just a bit- then that's a good thing.
Thanks for replying. I'm surprised a person with a science degree would find much illumination from him speaking his mind, he sounds like a selfish, greedy, five year old to me. As I respond to your answer I am struck by how adolescent you sound, much like Trump. Pissing people off and being unpredictable are not qualities most people would find positive in a leader. Perhaps a generation infantilised and dumbed down by Fox News does.

I agree he gives a big f-you to everyone but I don't think he's helped working folks or poor folks because he has increased the gap between rich and poor further, which is what I regard as perhaps the greatest problem in western countries. Sure, he gives those left behind a vehicle for their grievances but does nothing substantial to help them. It's a con.

I'm also surprised how fact free most of what you have said, You say the economy did great, I would disagree and say it did OK if you don't mind adding trillions to the debt and making rich folks richer. The stock market did great, just as it did under the dems. I don't think Joe started any wars. I'd be interested to see what evidence you have for minorities doing great because more job creation has happened under the dems than Trump. His big challenge was Covid, which he mismanaged terribly with the US having 10x ther death rate of Oz.
Instead it just perpetuates the opposite - it allows either side of politics to get a judge that leans their way on the SC until they die.

What was that you were saying about political interference?
The system was mostly working until 2016 with usually a single vote majority either way. That allowed for serious debates within the chambers for justices on either side to be persuaded or not. There have been justices that have could be swayed with convincing arguments against their perceived leanings.
An absolute majority of 6-3 tosses all that out.
The manner in which that situation came about was a perversion of the system. That alone is the reason why expansion of the court is being floated, or even being taken half-seriously. It would be a power move to combat the upending of norms perpetrated by the Federalist/Heritage/GOP and McConnell. Had they held off on the Barrett nom, it would not have come to that. Maybe some grumblings but nothing more. The shitstains that are MAGA or Christo-Nationalists bleat about civil war. The SCOTUS capture is actual action taken to grab power. That IS something that stir up the divisiveness necessary for conflict.
Lifelong tenure has its problems, but I feel it is mostly when a justice hangs on too long. There maybe should be a better mechanism there. I don't know what unintended consequences term limits would give birth to.
The corruption of the present court is also probably not a new thing. But it does put the imbalance into more stark relief. There absolutely needs some code of ethics at the least. Imposed by whom, I don't know.
Thanks for replying. I'm surprised a person with a science degree would find much illumination from him speaking his mind, he sounds like a selfish, greedy, five year old to me. As I respond to your answer I am struck by how adolescent you sound, much like Trump. Pissing people off and being unpredictable are not qualities most people would find positive in a leader. Perhaps a generation infantilised and dumbed down by Fox News does.

I agree he gives a big f-you to everyone but I don't think he's helped working folks or poor folks because he has increased the gap between rich and poor further, which is what I regard as perhaps the greatest problem in western countries. Sure, he gives those left behind a vehicle for their grievances but does nothing substantial to help them. It's a con.

I'm also surprised how fact free most of what you have said, You say the economy did great, I would disagree and say it did OK if you don't mind adding trillions to the debt and making rich folks richer. The stock market did great, just as it did under the dems. I don't think Joe started any wars. I'd be interested to see what evidence you have for minorities doing great because more job creation has happened under the dems than Trump. His big challenge was Covid, which he mismanaged terribly with the US having 10x ther death rate of Oz.

It depends on who he pisses off.

Here's your facts ( Just before COVID decimated the world economy)

The debt increased more under Biden.

Lifelong tenure has its problems, but I feel it is mostly when a justice hangs on too long. There maybe should be a better mechanism there. I don't know what unintended consequences term limits would give birth to.
The first thing I thought of is stalling a case due to the imminent retirement and nomination of a Judge more amenable to the delayed case

Justice delayed is justice denied
Thanks for replying. I'm surprised a person with a science degree would find much illumination from him speaking his mind, he sounds like a selfish, greedy, five year old to me. As I respond to your answer I am struck by how adolescent you sound, much like Trump. Pissing people off and being unpredictable are not qualities most people would find positive in a leader. Perhaps a generation infantilised and dumbed down by Fox News does.

I agree he gives a big f-you to everyone but I don't think he's helped working folks or poor folks because he has increased the gap between rich and poor further, which is what I regard as perhaps the greatest problem in western countries. Sure, he gives those left behind a vehicle for their grievances but does nothing substantial to help them. It's a con.

I'm also surprised how fact free most of what you have said, You say the economy did great, I would disagree and say it did OK if you don't mind adding trillions to the debt and making rich folks richer. The stock market did great, just as it did under the dems. I don't think Joe started any wars. I'd be interested to see what evidence you have for minorities doing great because more job creation has happened under the dems than Trump. His big challenge was Covid, which he mismanaged terribly with the US having 10x ther death rate of Oz.

  • Unemployment rates for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, veterans, individuals with disabilities, and those without a high school diploma all reached record lows
  • Unemployment for women hit its lowest rate in nearly 70 years
  • Nearly 7 million people were lifted off of food stamps
  • Poverty rates for African Americans and Hispanic Americans reached record lows
  • Income inequality fell for two straight years—and by the largest amount in over a decade
  • The bottom 50 percent of American households saw a 40 percent increase in net worth
  • Wages rose fastest for low-income and blue-collar workers—a 16 percent pay increase
  • African American homeownership increased from 41.7 percent to 46.4 percent
The first thing I thought of is stalling a case due to the imminent retirement and nomination of a Judge more amenable to the delayed case

Justice delayed is justice denied
Yeah, or the opposite, ramming one through before an unfavorable change. There are so many different scenarios going so many different directions that it is very difficult to find a perfect fix.
Like all things in this era, there is a convergence of norm-breaking in the SCOTUS. Any reforms have to be well thought out by people with good legal minds, a clear perspective and vision of consequences down the road. And even then, it wouldn't be clear cut.

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USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

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