USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

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Joe and Kamala shut down refineries, aka cut the supply of oil and gas because of the Green New Deal.

Cut the supply, Inelastic demand - basic economics. COVID was the excuse.

The Biden administration has now outpaced the Trump administration in approving permits for drilling on public lands, and the United States is producing more oil than any country ever has.

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A lot of of trolls popping up, all seem to lack an avatar.

Can only assume they are trolls that post under several accounts, with nothing better to do. Cant see Vlad spend many rubles to try and influence an Aussie Rules political discussion.
The choice of Tassie as a team is a nice change from West Coast.
So Trump may be right about Springfield and pets being eaten after all .

But hang on ABC news reached out to the mayor. Fact checked and said it didn’t exist.

Whilst it isn’t dogs, it has happened to cats and geese. That’s not fake news, but this stuff is really really happening.

What they said was there was no credible reports at the time.

Even if this ends up being 100% legit, it’s looking pretty desperate for your mob that you think this is a home run that will swing the election.
Harris is marked to a higher standard against Trump on everything. In fact everyone is. It's called false equivalence. It's particularly popular with climate change deniers too.

Basically as long as Donald speaks English ok (well sort of) and doesn't piss his pants on live TV he gets a pass mark. Meanwhile Harris has to sell her policies in detail else she gets called out even in reputable outlets - even the Aussie ABC did it.

It's particularly obvious when Trump drops a clanger. Imagine Harris had rambled incoherently about immigrants eating dogs. Like with Biden, the headlines would be about the Dems needing a new candidate.
So much this.

Its crazy when you think about it. Harris has to run a near perfect campaign, no slip ups, no gaffes, deal with demands on her to produce detailed policy on everything. Trump, as you say, just has to not piss himself* and doesn't need to provide a shred of policy detail on anything, while making about 5 statements weekly that would end any other campaign. Thats his true superpower, desensitising people so much to his bullshit and lowering the bar for the GOP base so low that he can run like that with no worries at all.

Legit incredible.

*and even if he did it wouldn't make much difference :drunk:
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Trump easily wins Nevada, Arizona and North Carolina.

Pennsylvania will come down to which candidate the Jewish population choose to support since there is a high Jewish population in that area. I think given Kamala’s flip flop stance on fracking she won’t win there
WTF has fracking got to do with the "Jewish population"??!!

Care to elaborate why Trump wins Nevada, Arizona and NC "easily"? He lost Az and NV last election.

If you believe that, you should have a good bet on it, you seem pretty confident.

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So she gave him the Monica treatment on the plane by the sounds of it.
Probably - but she's a great example of Trump accepting anyone , no matter how crazy, if they blow smoke up his orange arse.
What a collection of misfits , lunatics and extremists he has around him.
Trump has proven to be a catastrophe with his appointments and hangers on..................
The previously Trump (and Russia) friendly The National Interest has changed tone a bit. Perhaps they know the 'Blue Wave' is coming.

'Donald Trump did not show the capacity to understand or track complex issues while president the first time, and his capacity, like that of any other 78-year-old man, is expected to decline even more during a second term.'

Probably - but she's a great example of Trump accepting anyone , no matter how crazy, if they blow smoke up his orange arse.
What a collection of misfits , lunatics and extremists he has around him.
Trump has proven to be a catastrophe with his appointments and hangers on..................
My theory is, that she’s the one willing to say all the racist shit that he wants to, to rile up his base, and she’s dumb enough to do it and take the heat for it.

That’s why he loves her, she can say what he wants to.
So Trump may be right about Springfield and pets being eaten after all .

But hang on ABC news reached out to the mayor. Fact checked and said it didn’t exist.

Whilst it isn’t dogs, it has happened to cats and geese. That’s not fake news, but this stuff is really really happening.

"My work partner's brother in law", sounds pretty solid :tearsofjoy:

"That’s not fake news, but this stuff is really really happening" :drunk:

There is literally nothing in that post or that bizarre video confirming this. Christ you people are easy to manipulate.
Lindsay Graham is nothing then a war mongering, career politician fool. Graham talks about incinerating Russia to the ground, well if that’s what you want why don’t you go over there and fight weak boy. Don’t send young boys to the slaughter house for your war machine.
Ahh, a Loomer fan.

Another piece of the puzzle falls into place :tearsofjoy:
Speaker Johnson is a disgrace, as are half the republican party who support that idiot.

Hows her stance on fracking, flip flop, flip flop. Pennsylvania will vote replublican because they see through her rubbish.

Isn't it funny how the left cry that democracy is at threat when election results don't go their way.

Trumpers don't think that dictator stuff at all. Maybe they don't want endless wars, no more money being spent on the Military industrial complex, no trans surgery for kids, no more wide open border. Geez how radical is it to believe in those things.

You are considered MAGA for having those views when in reality most people ideologically probably don't want any of that stuff.
Leftists cry that democracy is at stake when elections DO go their way, but the right tries to subvert them.

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Speaking of wasting taxpayer money, are you upset at the republicans for wasting exorbitant amounts of time and money on that sham impeachment inquiry they quietly closed off when it was no longer politically useful?
and don't forget they tested the waters for investigating Walz as soon as be was nominated for VP.
They have the thinnest playbook in politics; one play.
And let’s face it, politicians are good at saying things in specific ways that are difficult to fact check. It’s why they don’t often give direct answers to questions.

The problem was Trump was saying things definitively. They ARE eating cats and dogs. They ARE performing post-birth abortions. Those definitive statements are easy to fact check. If he had said something like “There have been reports of immigrants eating cats and dogs” then that’s harder to pull him up on. Those reports could be absolutely full of shit, but so long as they exist he wouldn’t be lying in the strictest sense of the word.
The list of things that Harris has been accused of lying about are also matters in dispute, or of interpretation. So strictly speaking, it should be a list of things the right disagrees with Harris about.

Easy to spin as lies to those that implacably believe the right wing media juggernaut.

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First he won now its 50-50

I bet none of the ''conservatives'' will be posting mid November
They will. Trump will get out to an early lead due to how America counts postal votes. He will declare himself the winner. Conservatives here will post how "great it is Trump one but they don't really care". Then the postals will be counted and Harris wins. Trump doesn't admit defeat and causes a riot when Harris oversees the senate making her President

Yes it's the 2020 election script but it is what they'll do

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USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

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