USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

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So, I am confused.

Isnt Trump on bail, in multiple courts, one awaiting sentencing.

How is he not hauled in, for incitement, with these racist falsehoods?
Especially in the Jan 6 court?

American Justice Department are weak.
He’s been successful with his bullshit “election interference” accusations. They’re damned if they do, and damned if they don’t.
Trump is the peace candidate. The first president where no new wars were launched and the least amount of bombs were dropped.

You hardcore Trumpers are so low info, its breathtaking :drunk:

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Crazy to think that people consider Joe Rogan to be a "free thinker". Guy has absolutely no idea how polling sampling is done if he thinks a random poll on twitter is more reliable.

"Who the **** are they polling", while taking a 73% pro-Trump public poll posted by Elon on twitter as gospel.

You can't make that up :tearsofjoy:
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So, I am confused.

Isnt Trump on bail, in multiple courts, one awaiting sentencing.

How is he not hauled in, for incitement, with these racist falsehoods?
Especially in the Jan 6 court?

American Justice Department are weak.

Any action to enforce the law on Trump will be appealed to the Supreme court, who will bend the law into pretzels to protect him. They are hoping that if he loses in November, the corrupt judges will no longer protect him. They are kicking the can down the road and praying for better days.

Basically, American law is powerless re Trump at present.

The Simpsons Kiss GIF by FOX International Channels
Don't even have to go that far back.

In Melbourne there was an uproar about Vietnamese eating cats and dogs. Although they called it 'Asian' looking people.

A newspaper report about a man apparently wanting to eat a puppy has prompted the Victorian Government to ban the consumption of dogs and cats.

Agriculture Minister Keith Hamilton yesterday said the government wanted to stop people engaging in the "abhorrent" practice of eating dogs and cats.
Technically cats/dogs are feral in Australia, so no problems with eating them in this country, the damage created by these feral on our fauna is horrendous.
Tried it in Korea, bog average but maybe I got a bitsa.
At least JD Stokey on Twitter has some sense

Amusing that the Klan Flier requests a Stamped Self Address Envelope to a PO Box

Massive, well funded organisation using all the technological advances of the last century to spread the word (whilst using a Gothic font ;))

Obviously, they haven't put a funding application into Russia, China, North Korea or any other country that is wishing to ferment the Fall of the USA
So, I am confused.

Isnt Trump on bail, in multiple courts, one awaiting sentencing.

How is he not hauled in, for incitement, with these racist falsehoods?
Especially in the Jan 6 court?

American Justice Department are weak.
Trump is worried about crime - yet Trump is a convicted felon.

Trump is worried about rape - yet trump has been found liable for sexual assault.

Trump wants to drain the swamp - yet Trump is currently on charges for paying hush money, falsifying records, taking classified documents, election interference.....

It is all ok though. Because GOD sent him.

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The challenge for society at the moment is that the far right don’t believe democracy is vital to the functioning of capitalism. China have shown that an authoritarian state that crushes unions and makes people work a heap can perform well.
I see the functioning or western "democracies" like this;
  1. I essentially agree with Yanis Varoufakis that we are moving away from capitalism back to some form of feudalism.
  2. The right has descended into a populist pack of grifters who will do whatever the feudalists tell them to do as long as they get paid. Trump is the ultimate grifter - he does not care one bit about America or politics - he just wants to get paid. He would sell the desk in the Oval Office or the constitution itself if he could.
  3. The right use endless culture wars and fear not because they believe in it - they don't care. They do it because it works. Trump does not give a shit about immigrants - they serve the drinks at his endless soiree's and change his nappies. And every now and then he marries one.
  4. The feudalists for the most part own the media so the right gets unlimited promotion and support.
  5. There are huge chunks of the electorate who can perfectly coexist with the feudalists and there is almost no conflict between the groups, for example, white nationalists, the religious right, anyone who wants to commit a genocide without consequences, ......
  6. The administrative arm of government has been reduced to "unelected officials" only responsible for actual administration.
  7. The judiciary is not far behind sadly, particularly in the USA and Israel.
  8. For some reason, and entirely against their own interests, people vote for this 🤷‍♂️
He’s just going to say anything now, he’s desperate and can see the loss coming, his language will start getting really unhinged (even for him)
You know that he won't accept the outcome of a loss. It will be the same drivel as last time about electoral cheating and all the morons on the right will lap it up
I think that if you currently support the party that has gone full-on, masks-off racist and the worst you can say for the other side is “their policies aren’t detailed enough”, then maybe it’s time to reflect on how you ended up so fundamentally broken and misinformed.

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USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

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