Player Watch #21: Noah Balta - Pleaded Guilty To Be Sentenced March 27th

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What a load of rubbish. "balta was helping his mate". Yeah righto, and now he has let down his mates, his employer, his coach & his supporters & family.

The club just set him up for life and he has done this "to help a mate".

Club didn't suspend Marlion, but chose to suspend Noah for a month. Last year we fought over if he should be forward or backl as he was our best option for both roles - now we start the year with him unable to play either & he is 100% fit and ready.

Club wouldn't suspend him for a month because "he had chances to leave, but stayed". What trash. And if true - why the fk is the club acting so inconsistently between Marlion (who could & definitely should have broken ties with the filth he is associating with - literally a pedo), then suspended Noah for a month.

I thin the oppo supporter came in here about as peaceful and clear in his intention to just pass on what he knew without starting a fire, fight & be antagonistic. Do we really want our forum to be as much of an echo chamber as the Carlton one is? Thanks for sharing SUNS - I appreciate a oppo who comes in, acts like a visitor and just wants to share the juice they have fully acknowledging its 3rd hand - its what bigfooty should be about -not banning people
I can give you one reason for why the difference in Balta and Pickett. Completely different administration. Perhaps Shane is going down a different path/style to Gale?
I can give you one reason for why the difference in Balta and Pickett. Completely different administration. Perhaps Shane is going down a different path/style to Gale?
Two vastly separate approached by the Club, Marlion has plead personal innocence from the get go, so Gale publicly supported a player who is saying they are innocent, and Marlion still is that until he is proven guilty.

Pretty sure Balta has likely said he did do the physical actions to the club, especially with the nature of what Richmond has delivered in a suspension (likely in a meeting between club and Balta, and agreed to course of action).

All the alarmists thinking the administration doesn't support the players seems to be misguided, seems to be so much resentment of the Club in certain supporter camps, now that we have completely moved on from our Dynasty era. Whats Dunne supposed to do, if the player has admitted a degree of guilt and has done what was reported, he cant come out and say that Balta is innocent, that is just dumb if they tried that.

As a few have posted, I reckon Balta will plead guilty and his lawyers will seek a 'no conviction to be recorded' and go for suspended sentence/community order. Likely Balta may have indicated this to the club and as such Richmond's actions now are helping the matter, by dealing out a decent punishment
Yeah, we aren’t using this as an excuse to be raciat

Since when is pointing out facts racism? Do you have any grip on reality? Maybe if your family has woken up twice to aggressive engineers and Dr's welding machetes in their faces making threats to kill even after all wallets, phones, keys and Jewellery were handed over at 3am to rob them not once but twice within months. It's great having female family members requiring medication just to try sleep because they no longer feel safe in their own homes. And our sick justice system means you cant even truly defend your family and property. A group of 12 Sudanese with machetes hacked a guy to pieces in Whyndemvale over the weekend. Just another day in the reality that's become Australia. Does that vicious attack offend you? Or are you only offended by people who point out the truth?

Dustin Martin's Dad was deported for looking scary, no real convictions! How many stabby stabby machete wielders have been deported?
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You should keep biting your tongue instead of pretending you know what happened. The matter is fairly simple, one crowd was giving it to another group which Balta was apart off. When the baiting targeted one of the girls they were with a few of baltas group went the biff and a brawl ensured

Balta joined in to help protect his mates as they were outnumbered and the bloke he hit, hard went down. There was zero coward punch or king hit, utter bullshit.

Due to the bloke balta hit being injured and balta clearly being a easily identifiable person, he got on the front foot and handed himself in.

Club knows the story and the 4 weeks is mainly for the fact Balta had plenty of time to exit himself from the brewing altercation, as the baiting went on for an hour or so before the fight started.
Thanks Tiger71. I fail to understand how anyone can read this and feel compelled to "Thumbs down" this info?
I'll throw my support behind you. Cheers and thanks for the info.
There's another version not too dissimilar to your account doing the rounds which is also quite incriminating for Balta. This is a serious question - I'm not being frivolous - what is the role of the pizza in all of this?
Its always Pineapple.

Caveat for Groupie because the beer that always, always has to accompany needs to meet specific requirements.
I’m assuming you were also there being how close you are to some of the facts.

If not a coward punch or a King Hit how would you describe the punch that hit a blindsided guy who was only intending to defuse a situation? Also no mention of the kicking to the ribs whilst he was down? Not a move that screams of nobility.
Nah, yer crappin on. Suns supporters don't exist.

Anything on the other side of that aspires to be the dust of fine salt.
Its always Pineapple.

Caveat for Groupie because the beer that always, always has to accompany needs to meet specific requirements.
Fosters is piss. I lived near the fosters brewery in Manchester for a time and the place stank to high heaven.
I can give you one reason for why the difference in Balta and Pickett. Completely different administration. Perhaps Shane is going down a different path/style to Gale?
The circumstances are completely different, Pickett has protested his innocence, Balta has effectively pleaded guilty , speaks for itself . I wouldn’t at all be surprised if pickets charges were ultimately dropped
The circumstances are completely different, Pickett has protested his innocence, Balta has effectively pleaded guilty , speaks for itself . I wouldn’t at all be surprised if pickets charges were ultimately dropped
dunno about "dropping" charges, one co accused pleaded guilty to the robbery; Pickett providing his credit card to help the crime occur, is the "aggregated" part of crime. WA cops definitely be taking Pickett to court.

Wasn't Pickett's mobile phone in the vicinity?

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Aight, been watching this thread and biting my tongue. But can’t hold out much more from having my say. Obviously there is a lot of legal water to go under the bridge, so I will only say what is factual and wont cast any stones myself

The bloke who was hit was the one trying to defuse the fight/situation . Contrary to what a lot of people want to believe here, Noah was the last one in to what was to this point a non violent (albeit volatile) situation. The bloke who got hit copped a decent but not huge head gash (from a king hit from behind while standing trying to defuse a fight from happening), a concussion and in my opinion, the worst of all, fractured ribs from where he was kicked multiple times while he was on the ground.

I wont go into who, what started the initial confrontation because what I know about that is only speculation. But Noah was not part of it, nor was the bloke he hit.

I don’t expect everyone to take what I am saying as gospel. After all it is only an internet forum. I’m sure the truth will all come out closer to/after 30th Jan. Maybe the footage will even find its way out. But before slurring on the guy that was hit, please consider that just because Noah is a ‘hero’ in a lot of your eyes, does not mean he is immune to making a bad mistake like a lot of young, drunk blokes do. And remember, when casting your opinions or guessing what happened, the ‘flog’, ‘loser’, ‘campaigner’ that got hit is a human too.

Sorry for intruding. But hope I can shed some light!
do you have any info on the scats recent punch ons?
dunno about "dropping" charges, one co accused pleaded guilty to the robbery; Pickett providing his credit card to help the crime occur, is the "aggregated" part of crime. WA cops definitely be taking Pickett to court.

Wasn't Pickett's mobile phone in the vicinity?
A good lawyer would get those charges lifted, my name was on my daughters original ph acct ,,,, thx optarse u coonts for abusing my personal data but I digress and also my mrs lends out her cc for kids (who are adults mind u ) to use when I catch them out buying my bday present
So moral of the story just coz a ph pinged on a tower that was linked to u or a cc in your name was used
Doesn’t mean twas u unless of course further incriminating evidence , which there maybe I dunno
Two vastly separate approached by the Club, Marlion has plead personal innocence from the get go, so Gale publicly supported a player who is saying they are innocent, and Marlion still is that until he is proven guilty.

Pretty sure Balta has likely said he did do the physical actions to the club, especially with the nature of what Richmond has delivered in a suspension (likely in a meeting between club and Balta, and agreed to course of action).

All the alarmists thinking the administration doesn't support the players seems to be misguided, seems to be so much resentment of the Club in certain supporter camps, now that we have completely moved on from our Dynasty era. Whats Dunne supposed to do, if the player has admitted a degree of guilt and has done what was reported, he cant come out and say that Balta is innocent, that is just dumb if they tried that.

As a few have posted, I reckon Balta will plead guilty and his lawyers will seek a 'no conviction to be recorded' and go for suspended sentence/community order. Likely Balta may have indicated this to the club and as such Richmond's actions now are helping the matter, by dealing out a decent punishment

Anyone who thinks the AFL’s fingerprints aren’t all over the 4-week suspension has been asleep for years. AFL would’ve found out the basic facts, and asked what we were doing about it. We probably said we’d wait for the court case to play out. AFL would’ve said they didn’t quite hear us, and asked again what we were doing. We probably said a 2-week suspension. Funny enough they didn’t quite hear us again … so we said 4-weeks and they said ‘that sounds like a good idea’.

AFL would’ve 100% been sure to have the suspension not too short as to embarrass themselves with what they gave GWS players for playing dress ups.

Anyone who thinks this suspension wasn’t insisted upon by the AFL is kidding themselves.

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Wonder if Noah turns up to court
He was granted conditional bail, I think that means he can’t skip this.
Outside the courthouse right now though and I can’t see much media here if any

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Player Watch #21: Noah Balta - Pleaded Guilty To Be Sentenced March 27th

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