3 Bomb blasts in Athens !

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Originally posted by toulairene
Well im not a bright spark and yet i still make you look like a moron.
You and Le Stat should hook up and be buddies. You both believe your own crap.

Where does that leave you bunser burner. Ok first you make fun of nick.g, then you proceed with your little car jokes, then you say things like "2cool4u" and other stereotyping comments after that. Previously a few months ago, you were on about greeks having big noses, Your racist towards greeks and its been obvious all along cos i can sense a theme coming from you and really i dont think much of you at all.
Well I've noticed you've stopped using childish text abreviations. Do you think we can try and get some paragraphs now?
since when does taking 2 hours to post a pic a long time? you know unlike you that hangs on the net all day, others have lives but i did provide you with pics little boy.

When atlanta was bombed, the media was very different. You cant compare it after 9/11. Thats a fact, the media changes, now the media is in love with that word "terrorism".

The proof was in the pics, where did all the bulldozers go in such a short time frame? more media crap.

These are quotes from other forums

but remember, the more frenzy and fear created by the media, the more focus and ratings they'll have! it is sad but the more scared people are, the more likely people are to watch. at least that's one angle to this whole thing. but i agree, jim thorpe, i wish the media would back off.

if they did stop this nonsense reporting, they might have to talk about how wonderful the Games will be and all the wonderful renovations being made in Athens, etc... and I guess the media just could not have that!

I'm sure the media will find something to complain about right up until the opening ceremony.


so i guess there are many idiots arounfd if people share the same views as me right? go and have another hissy fit.

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- Soccer quotes
- Asian racial jokes
- Australia should go to Athens

I've asked you three times now to backup your claims. How come you can't do it? Do you really think people haven't noticed how full of crap you are?
Originally posted by toulairene
since when does taking 2 hours to post a pic a long time?
Do you think that if you tell lies people will believe it and you won't be exposed?

You were first asked on the 7th may and 3.53pm to post pics. After being asked several times you finally posted some on the 8th of may and 6.22pm. You made plenty of posts inbetween, so you can't use being away as an excuse.

Do you really think people aren't aware that you are full of it?
Originally posted by toulairene
go away moron, look at your posts.
I've given you a prime opportunity to expose me as an idiot, a liar, and a racist. I thought you would have jumped at the chance? I wonder why you won't back up your claims? Could it be because you are a liar and an idiot?
Yes skippy kelly everyone thinks your a good bloke lol. I think your a top bloke

Otaku maybe the wogs like communicating in sms style format.

Olympic roof comes up starting today.

The whole thing will be done at the end of this month. Cant wait.

Greece's patients with the americans is starting to wear thin, the yanks are getting it good cos they just wont quit it about the security, that government is in shambles. Fancy a country that causes most of the worlds problems acting tough to greece about security, lol greece is so scared of them hahahahaha.
One i found today..

Load of hot air over Athens

Jon Henderson
Sunday May 9, 2004
The Observer

Standing too close to the British media as they overheat with excitement, proclaiming how unsafe the Olympic Games are going to be, is threatening to turn into a far more perilous exercise than actually going to Athens.

Last week, the Times provided yet more material for the already-overworked scareometer when it led its front page with a shock-horror story that the Games might have to go ahead with the main Olympic stadium missing its protective roof.

Spare me, please.

The story gravely quoted a UK Athletics official as saying: 'If it gets really hot and there is no roof, it will be unbearable for them.' The 'them', it turned out, were not even the athletes but the spectators, poor dears, who, if they are British, will probably spend much of their non-spectating time frying on a nearby beach.

The story overlooked the fact that the same stadium that is being refurbished for the Olympics staged the 1997 world athletics championships, also in August, with a timetable very similar to the one that will be used for these Games. No one even mentioned the idea of putting a roof over it. And no spectators expired.

No Olympics athletics competition has been held under cover. Los Angeles and Atlanta, the American cities that staged the 1984 and 1996 Olympics respectively, are both nearer to the tropics than Athens and, as will be the case this time, held track-and-field events in the daytime and evening. The wide open Los Angeles Coliseum, in particular, proved a perfect setting.

Raising the roof, as it were, as a health issue - and, incidentally, my information is that it will be ready on time - is even more absurd when you consider that the giant lid designed by Santiago Calatrava for the Athens Games was primarily envisaged as an aesthetic embellishment, not as a shield with which to protect those inside.

If the Greeks are guilty of anything it is hubris, a failing their classical forebears identified and gave its name. The roof, 18,000 tons of steel and glass, was included in plans in defiance of advice by some Olympic officials in order to make it the most striking centrepiece of any Games. 'The government wanted to do something spectacular to follow Sydney,' a representative of the organisers tells Observer Sport .

The media, particularly within the Murdoch empire, seem incapable of helping themselves when it comes to the Olympics, unable to see beyond the conditioned reflex of peddling scare stories.

Obviously the security issue is a genuine concern, but even this is in danger of being exaggerated. The history of major terrorist attacks shows that the perpetrators seek out unprotected, unsuspecting targets, which hardly describes the state Athens will be in come the start of the Games on 13 August.

If there is a risk in going to Athens, it is far more likely to be the prospect of boiling over with frustration with transport, whether you're there as a working journalist or simply to enjoy yourself. A friend, who pays regular visits to the city, reckons: 'These are going to be the hardest Games to keep on the move.'

Greeks are keen on their democracy. They may not take kindly to the sort of restrictions that the authorities are hoping to enforce, especially on the streets of Athens. Goodness knows what a little civil disobedience will do when brought together with a huge influx of visitors all trying to make use of a transport system that is still likely to be under the jackhammer.

If you are going to Athens for the Games, forget the bulletproof vest or expensive course in how to survive when incarcerated by terrorists - just remember to pack the tranquillisers.


I almost collapsed when i took a look at this. Really from what im seeing on t.v i can happily say that i am wearing a grin on my face and im am quitely confident.

Also i never heard the media say that the athens olympic village that was completed last year is the best in olympic history.

Oh well, it looks like something special is about to be pulled off.

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Sorry if i offended anyone with those pics, im just trying to make the news of the athens games fair and balanced since everybody in this country has failed to do so lol.
I dont particularly care either way...but it seems to me that the pics presented about 6 pages ago by those claiming the greeks have disgraced themselves show clearly that whilst the venues arent finished...the major infrastructure is in place.
Originally posted by Supertiger
I dont particularly care either way...but it seems to me that the pics presented about 6 pages ago by those claiming the greeks have disgraced themselves show clearly that whilst the venues arent finished...the major infrastructure is in place.

no one has said they have disgraced themselves...thats is toolboy blathering on.

What has been said is that they are way behind schedule.

They were awarded in 1997, yet didnt even start work till 2000...the IOC has on many occasion expressed concern over the lack of progress.

The IOC has taken out insurance (the first time ever).

None of the buildigs were ready for the first deadlines...

all in all, pretty much a shambles.

Whether the greeks can make it work is still to be seen.
Its looking good, all the venues excluding the olympic stadium are either finished or are receiving the final touches, the olympic village looks brilliant, veledrome looks classy, if the roof comes up it should be the greatest ever and it would block out the sun which is what many athletes are complaining about. Anyway once the roof comes up its just the seats that need to come in which only takes a day, as does filling up the olympic swimming pools.

Still making fun of others bunsen burner? thats okay i dont mind but athens is starting to deliver the goods, i have been confident for a while but when i was watching the greek news you could see the reporters and the builders celebrating and having a laugh, i mean they can see whats happening first hand, so if they are confident everyone should be confident. I knew from last week but i was not sure until the arches starting coming over the stadium, the cleanup in athens has already begun, the ancient ruins shown on t.v will be gone very shortly and the city really has improved a lot. Transport is one of those areas that may be finished on the last minute like 1 or 2 weeks before the games but as far as venues go they are on track easily.

As far as security goes athens should be the safest place on earth during the olympics. People are complaining about preparations for the opening ceremony, i can safely say that all opening ceremony prepararations were completed last year, everything should be completed during july, but they are working day and night like machines in greece so being ready is not a problem, its all about putting on a good spectacle.

I swear those pics shown on 60 minutes were from like 3 months ago rather then 2 weeks ago, thats what outraged many greeks because you could see the progress that the stadium had made.

I think athens will prove many sceptics wrong, its just one of those things where people should wait and then comment because you can see the media backtracking as of yesterday.

Evade grow up lol.

Please reporters in england, its november 17 terrorist group, not november 21 as many of you have printed in your articles. Anyway its good to see things balancing out.
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