3 Bomb blasts in Athens !

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Its interesting peka how you put up the roofless barcelona swimming complex and the one in perth.

Why didn't anyone complain about them? Simple, greece are the hosts after sydney, its all jealousy, australia dont want to lose their tag as having hosted the best olympics ever.

If this was barcelona now, they would be facing the same crap from the aussies.

A bit childhish i think.

Can not wait to see channel 7 show the american anthem 100 times compared to greece's none

Also i have heard that at the opening ceremony greece will come out first and last. From what they are saying in greece about the opening ceremony that are in rehearsals, it looks like its gonna be something special.

However the aussies think that all the rehearsals need to be done in the olympic stadium hahahahaha. Uhm sorry to say this but rehearsals can be done anywhere and they have already started rehearsing in the main olympic stadium.

Stay tuned next week to free to air t.c for another addition of which australian reporter in athens can make the biggest idiots of themselves. Should be interesting cant wait.

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Like winston churchill said " greeks do not fight like heroes, but heroes fight like greeks"

There aint much wrong with being proud.

Really their is nothing better then being a greek australian

Theres still time to jump on the bandwagon australia and send a message to these dumb reporters and support the games.

We need support from Australia, not always negative reports. Im convinced its a minority, im telling you every aussie agrees with me. We just need more support from where it counts and thats the media.

C'mon media prove everyone wrong, your going to have to say something good sooner or later because the evidence will be there and the progress inside the spiro louis stadium is going rapid.
Leichtenstein is a nice country, very nice actually.

Anyway things in athens are coming good because i have seen the real reporting on t.v inside the stadium as of yesterday. Sure they struggled but by opening ceremony night you will find that their is nothing wrong and things will be perfect.

The olympics has nothing to do with which country has had the better games, its about loyalty and support and having fun and enjoying the company of other countries. In sydney, australia was supported by all countries including greece. All they want is the same in return. Im asking aussies to get behind the games and support it and let the media be idiots, c'mon we are so much better then that and even you can agree that the reporting is way over the top.

When the media is attacking greece and saying that security in athens is bad, it shows no trust, it shows no support and with reporting like that, the australian media are just going to make it harder for the athletes and the crowds to enjoy themselves in athens.

All this paranoia from the media is not helping, but dont worry about them, the general public in this country has more brains then them. Its just a minority, wanting athens to fail is like wanting a terrorist attack. Its wrong and if the games turn out great, you certainly wont see the athens organisers saying "i told you so" or stuff like that.

Its all about fun, competition and safety and so far every indication shows that things will be okay.
Originally posted by toulairene
America, australia and israel, please stay home and watch the games from your homes and dont bother coming cos not a person in greece gives a stuff about you.

Originally posted by toulairene
We need support from Australia

make up your mind, tosser :rolleyes: :eek:
hang on evade, no support from you, i mean real aussies not the 10 heroes that come in here.

More proof i have support coming up

P.S.\ Being Greek in Oz must be hardcore - it looks like the Auzzies really ****ing hate greeks


I won't read ANYTHING coming from the Australian media anymore. It's such complete BS.

btw, why can't they just build a quick roof over the freaking stands?? It doesn't have to be anything spectacular.

IMO they should have built the indoor pool as the main pool, when they constructed the whole thing... they should have made it bigger and around 15.000, so events could take place no problem instead of only 6.000 and this mess outside.

wow, they really want us to fail at this. ****ers

What is up with the Aussies??? Why do they bitch so much?? They need to loosen up a little!!! Go to Outback Steakhouse and have a Foster's or something!!!

pesto re hellas! problem is they wee the best games ever, and dont want to be uncrown, yet they dont understand that every games that goes by is rated the best games ever. they are ****en small!

they want there atheletes to be safe, yet promote our nation as unsafe! muther ****ers have made this entire world a war zone and now its squarely on our sholders? **** that

Let's ask them to organize the Olympics for Greece on the smoking crater once known as the WTC and them ask them again where it's safe.

Americans-British-Jews-Aussies-Turks, = M-A-L-A-K-E-S.


It all comes from the link above. Yeah sometimes it does suck to be a greek in oz. Those are the views of greeks here and in greece. Notice they mainy refer to the media and to the aussies like evade and bunsen burner.

I made up my mind

Some people here suck and bunsen burner and evade you are among them.

But your not true aussies so i may as well not bother.
Originally posted by toulairene
Yes coca cola the bastards took the 96 games from us but where were the aussies to stick up for us?
I thought you were an Aussie? If you were born in this country you should refer to Australia as 'us'. maybe you have an identity problem? Traitor perhaps?

The media here have brought it to the point where if greece does well, it will overtake sydney.
After every games they always say it was the best ever. It's like when you first see your friend's new born and tell them how cute it is.

At least we captured our terrorists.
So now you admit they were terrorists. I give you some credit for admitting you have absolutely no idea what you're on about.

America, australia and israel, please stay home and watch the games from your homes and dont bother coming cos not a person in greece gives a stuff about you.
Ok tough guy, we'll all stay home.

Time will tell and you will all look like morons.
We have nothing to lose, but you do. No one here has said the Games won't be a success, whereas you have stuck your neck and said they will definitely be. There can only be one loser here.

Yes bunsen burner i can predict the future
You seem to love making a fool of yourself.

and obviously you cant cos we are going to make fools out of the skips the yanks and the poms and theirs nothing you and all your follow skippys (which is not aussie cos im an aussie and your a skip) can do about it.
How would you make a fool of me? I've never said that the Games won't be a success - all I've really been doing here is pointing out how much of a dumb idiot you are.

Obviously you dont know much bunsen burner
Well of course not. How could I possibly see into the future? At least I am aware of that much.

since when is a group of youths known as a terrorist organisation.
Terrorists don't necessarily have to belong to a terrorist organisation. You again demonstrate your inherent stupidity.

Now you have done a second backflip and have gone back to saying the bombers aren't terrorists. You'd be a shoe-in for a medal (except the gymnastics stadium probably won't be finished)
Originally posted by toulairene
all the aussie media has done is try and ruin the games and in the end its going to backfire.
How can the media possible ruin the games by writing stories on the progress of the stadium construction? Your dad is really thick.

I cant wait to see the shock on peoples faces when the olympics begin and everything is in order.
I'd be (very) surprised if it started late, and surpised if they didn't have any hiccups.

Ah you gotta love them skipps and their reporting.
Stop being a knob.

But in the end we can't win, cos i can just imagine the backlash by the aussies if the olympics are great.
You're an idiot if you think there would be an Aussie backlash if the games were great. You've probably lived your entire life (approx 14 years) in this country and haven't picked up our culture.

Greece ole ole ole we are on course for making idiots out of many people.
hate to burst your bubble, but you're an Aussie. If you stay in this country, your kids will grow up to be little skippy's.
Originally posted by toulairene
Little do you know what greece has done for this country,
The Greek migrants of the 40s and 50s have done quite a lot, but we don't need traitors like yourself who spend all their time bagging our country and anglo-Australians when it is your country too.
Originally posted by toulairene


Let's ask them to organize the Olympics for Greece on the smoking crater once known as the WTC and them ask them again where it's safe.

Americans-British-Jews-Aussies-Turks, = M-A-L-A-K-E-S.

But your not true aussies so i may as well not bother.
Well it's obvious you certainly aren't (a true Aussie). You were born here and seem to hate everything about Australian culture.

Have you ever wondered why heaps of Greeks immigrate to Australia whilst next to no Aussies immigrate to Greece? You seem to want to be able to pick and choose rather than embrace. You're a tool and will not get many people's respect.
hahahahaha. November 17 terrorist group were caught 2 years ago, Yes we did have terrorists but they were caught. Nothing to do with the bombing a few days ago at all.

Uhm you amongst others are pretty vocal by saying the games will be a shambles. I stick my neck out cos i believe. We wont lose anything, greeks have pride. We can only achieve from here and thats by having the greatest games of them all. If not well bad luck, im a confident person and believe in greece as do many others.

Yes my friend, a bomb goes off in coburg in victoria, does that mean the man responsible is a terrorist, the australian media referred to him as an "underworld figure" not a terrorist. check up the meaning of terrorist. Bombs and terrrorists dont always coincide.

Mate i have given you the proof that all greeks are filthy at this country's media. I can provide more but that will be stating the obvious.

No traitor here. Im australian with greek heritage, thats known as a greek-australian. Stop the crap mate, im talking about the media. I have reffered to myself on here as an aussie many times as well as a greek. Thats because im both, not bright are we?

You call me a tough guy? Uhm only the aussies (us) are bitching about security along with the yanks and poms.

So the greeks that post on other forums bagging the aussie media are idiots as well? Again very stupid boy you are.

Your making a fool of yourself, im only stating facts about this country's media. Get a life.

Fancy the media acting tough towards greece. The greeks invent democracy which we now live in. The greeks always have openly defended australia and john howard when he went to greece.

If Australia and other countries dont want to come then thats fine. The greeks wont care, i will cos i will miss the chance to see my country performing in my second country. You know greek/australian. Its called having 2 identities. I dont like to see either of them being made fun of. You make think im a hardcore greek but i see myself as more australian since i was born here.

If greece did this media barrage in the 2000 games, i would have come on here and made fun of the greeks and supported australia ( You know my country of birth).

When i see something wrong i comment on it. The media is going overboard. I consider that to be wrong. I showed you the other threads from other forums of people who know what im talking about. So are you trying to say bunsen burner that 10 million greeks and a further million from australia that believe me are idiots? You should watch your mouth a bit and cos i can read you like a book, no mate im not a tough guy but you think you are.

Again a bomb doesn't mean its a terrorist act. Learn about that please.

Im not exactly sure about this, but i just have to pose this question to you, why is it that when a person disagrees with you, you decide to personally attack them? Facts are facts, when you came into this thread, you made comments like "sick bro" and 2cool4u". I hadn't said anything offensive up until that point and only after i started making fun of you, why? cos im not taking crap from a moron like you.

You stick your nose where it dont belong, can i mention another thread, NOOGIE THE SHEEP, great guy, he tells people that he will stop posting on this site, and you said some very bad words to him. Can you explain why? are you an angry man? is your wife not giving you any? i dont blame her either. My views are honest, yours are just ridiculous, racist and hypocritical.

Im not the only one that thinks your an idiot.

Im a proud greek australian but im not proud in living in a country that has people like you in it jackass. IF YOU DONT SUPPORT DONT WATCH, IF YOU WANT TO MAKE FUN OF GREECE'S SECURITY DONT COME, its that simple.

Lets hope we (australia) make the right choice.

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Greece is a small country, of course aussies wont want to got there, but more aussie tourists go to greece then what greeks come here as tourists. why? maybe they feel as though greece is a nice country. Aussies dont go to any other countries either in europe.

Uhm dont asians and africans also come here. Uhm i think its to live a better life. In saying that, what does the olympics have to do with it? Why is the media so stupid.

Do you blame the greeks for being a tad racist? i mean honestly after some of the things that have been said to me on this thread, i dont think many of you can talk about racism.

Remeber i never started it.

Yes blame it all on the wogs, no blame it on yourself as well, it takes more then 1 race to tango. BTW poms are not wogs.

If you were mature enough, you would know that the racial problems that exist are far more complex then what you make it out to be.

Answer my question tough guy bunsen burner, why do you attack everyone that disagrees with you?

I think your a bit racist as well.
Hang on bunsen burner, where did i state that i hate everything about australian culture? i like the footy and love west coast, i like my city of melbourne, i like going to kick the footy in the park with my friends (aussie friends like me),i love watching adam gilchrist smash the english bowling all over the ground,i scream my head off when i watch ian thorpe racing against the americans and jumping up and down with joy when he wins and yes i love enjoying a vb with my mates, yeah my dads thick, god knows what that makes you.

My dad is smart like many others that believe in what im saying here, i told you, 10 people on bigfooty making fun of me and greeks is not the view of this country.

Your the traitor that makes makes this country look bad, its too bad that good aussies have to pay for it.

Look its common knowlege that most of europe hates australia, do i agree with that? certainly not, why? cos australia hasn't done anything to europe.

But the media here should be ashamed of their treatment of greece.

You made it clear that you hate greeks, i made it clear that i hate the media in australia and a small portion of our people.

Simple really, you dont respect me and i wont respect you, but dont go saying that i dont respect australian culture because you dont know me, i love australia with all my heart, i love greece as well and its a shame that a thread that was created to report on the bomb in athens turned into something like this.

Bunsen burner its not your fault, its the people responsible for raising you who are to blame, they taught you not to respect outsiders. Trust me people like you (2% of the australian population) will be wiped out.
Yes goalsfrom50out, you are from europe, i couldn't believe it when you didn't back me up, but then i knew when you stated your a pom that you would be against me. It comes back to the three tenors and you know who they are.

Of couse i mean your from the mother country, not my mother country your not and your view is irrelevant, you do realise most of europe hates the poms.

Dont have to be einstein to work that one either.

BTW good job jennifer anniston a proud greek american who stuck up for greece when she was bombarded about her identity and the olympics.

See this is what i dont understand, jennifer aniston wants to carry the torch cos of her greek heritage, why on earth do the yanks get on her back? Stupidity i think. Pete sampras the same,
its obvious the idiots from this country and america have a lot in common.

Like i said small minority.
Originally posted by toulairene
you do realise most of europe hates the poms.

Yes. Only because they're jealous that we gave them football. And like we care what a bunch of wops from Greece think ... Greece doesn't even matter to Europe. The EU would function a-okay if Greece were flattened.

You very well know that europe hates australia

No, Europe doesn't hate Australia. Moronic wops like you might, but the average German, Dane, Swede et al wouldn't.

poms dont count

Yeah, and Greece is Europe's most important country too, I bet. :D
So your saying that the 10 million in greece and the other millions around the world including celebrities that agree with me are idiots? I guess if people share the same views as me their must be some truth to what im saying.

Like i said, you dont count goalsfrom50out cos your not really european.

Im happy to be australian, but if you want you can join your buddies in the states since your so pro american.

I admit im not smart, but by god if you think im gonna sit here and watch morons tell me im wrong then you have another thing coming.

I would rather be dumb then be a suck like a few of the people that are replying to me are. How does it feel to be shown up by a dumb guy like me?

You dont have to be smart to be right, the facts are their, the media is full of crap, a few people in our country believe it.

Why dont you go and tell the record holding grand slam tennis winner pete sampras that hes wrong.

Why dont you go and tell jennifer aniston that greece sucks?

How about our very own claudia karvan and mary coustas? why dont you tell them greece sucks?

Why dont you go and tell the scud who proudly wheres alexander the great on his arm that he is wrong.


What me and those celebrites have in common is that we all believe in the same thing. That the media has no bloody idea at all.
Well if greece wasnt around where would democracy be?

dont make me start on the poms since they were the one's that let turkey invade cyprus in the first place and did nothing with the americans to stop it.

Who stood up to the ottoman empire moron and defeated them?

Europe does care about greece, europe hates poms.

So u created soccer, they play like morons.

The best soccer in the world is in spain, not in england.

too bad you cant play cricket either, how long has it been since you won the ashes?

Is england good at anything?

Dont reply by saying that greece sucks at sport as well, greece has 10 million people and england has about 60 million yet we (australia and greece)still beat you at everything.
remember minority of poms aussies and yanks are my targets here.

But i dont have to be smart to know what im saying.

If im wrong i will admit it, but how can i say something that i truely dont believe.

About the olympics and the role of greece in the world i am right, greece never harmed anyone, did greece stand up to america and kick them out of there army bases in 1992? yes they did

did greece tell george bush where to go when he tried to bring greece into war? yes they did

Did greece help australia after the bali bombings? yes they sure did.

What did tony blair do? go to war

why did he do it? god knows

Do europeans hate the poms for going to war? yes they do

They are all facts, call me stupid all you like but the facts are there.
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