3 Bomb blasts in Athens !

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The Olympic Games is a war!

Greek group says bombs aimed at Olympics
Thu 13 May, 2004 12:02

By Karolos Grohmann

ATHENS (Reuters) - A makeshift bomb has exploded outside an Athens bank and a Greek fringe group has claimed responsibility for three blasts in the city last week, saying they were to protest heavy security measures for the Olympics.

Thursday's early morning blast outside a branch of Alpha Bank caused minor damage and no casualties, but will raise more concern about the safety of the Games this summer.

The group "Revolutionary Struggle" told the newspaper "To Pontiki" last week's bombs which damaged a police station but caused no casualties were a response to Olympic security plans.

"With regard to the Olympic Games we say that Greece's transformation into a fortress, NATO's involvement, the presence and activities of foreign intelligence units show clearly that (the Olympics) are not a festival like Games organisers say, but it's a war," it said in a statement sent to the newspaper.

"All members representing the international capital, global mercenary killers and state officials, as well as well-off western Olympic tourists planning to be here, are not welcome," it said.

Greek Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis has said the recent blasts were isolated domestic incidents which did not affect the security of the Games.

"We are preparing well for the safety of the Olympic Games in order to avoid and prevent any potential threat," Karamanlis told reporters on Thursday.
Call me toolboy as much as you like, the fact is i was right about the games being ready and again these are domestic isolated events that have existed for many years, they wont kill tourists, their aim is to get high profiled government officials, basically tony blair and george bush should stay home if they know whats good for them.

The prime minister said isolated events, people here are overdoing it, for god sakes the alpha bank was targeted 12 times last year so give it a rest.

The olympics will be fine as will the people attending.

The only crap is coming from the media, if the greek prime minister says its fine then it means their is nothing to worry about.

Bunsen burner, i fooled you last time, i can easily do it again, greece will not be attacked during the olympics.

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btw the french have been against greece as well so nothing they say suprises me, greece has never been attacked, they wont be attacked, these are scare tactics cos this group in greece doesnt have the balls to pull of something big, they have been all talk for many years. With security so high they really wont be trying anything silly. The government knows that and thats why they are being treated like school kids.

I mean if countries are worried then simply dont go to athens, its not as if they care. The ioc stated that security is fine, sure anyone can say that they want to target the olympics but its all talk. Not much more can be done,when john howard acts like a **** weak leader and upgrades the travel warning, these terrorists in greece are getting what they want, i think howard was way out of line, no other country has upgraded their travel warning so why should we? He acts all tough but when it comes to the crunch he turns into a **** weak leader.

Finally, security spending is a record high, athens will be the safest place in the world during those two weeks. Terrorist attacks can happen anywhere and really security sometimes just cant prevent it, however the security in greece will be so tight come august that little harm can be done.

The chief olympics organiser was right in saying that the travel warning was unfair and she is also correct about australia taunting greece.

Government needs to give this a rest, everything possible security wise has been done to ensure that the games are safe.

I bet if sydney was facing these problems now they would have chocked under the pressure, remember greece took 4 years to complete a 7 year job. Also it really is not greeces fault that they didnt want the products used for the sydney games to build its olympic stadium and rightfully so since this stadium will look much better.

This group will be caught before the olympics and they will be put in jail. The only way these games can be ruined is if greek terrorists ruin it, al qaeda and other foreign terrorist groups dont stand a chance. All it needs is some caution and when the time is right the greek government will pounce on these morons and the games will go on untroubled.
Originally posted by toulairene
Call me toolboy as much as you like, the fact is i was right about the games being ready and again these are domestic isolated events that have existed for many years,
it's still terrorism, there's still bombs, and these people have threatened to detonate some at the Olympics.

they wont kill tourists,
And you can personally guaruntee this?

their aim is to get high profiled government officials, basically tony blair and george bush should stay home if they know whats good for them.
I thought it was internal? What would they want with Blair and Bush?

The prime minister said isolated events, people here are overdoing it, for god sakes the alpha bank was targeted 12 times last year so give it a rest.
Isolated but one bank was targeted 12 times last year?

Dude, you're in the 'too dumb basket'. You're embarassing yourself and you don't even know. Even after it's pointed out to you.

The only crap is coming from the media,
Yes becasue they are the ones who report things. der.

if the greek prime minister says its fine then it means their is nothing to worry about.
Oh of course. PM's never lie.

Bunsen burner, i fooled you last time, i can easily do it again,
You and Le Stat must be brothers.

greece will not be attacked during the olympics.
I've never said it will, but that's a ridiculous comment saying it definitely won't.
Well if john howard keeps on talking tough and then acting like a old fart then do you blame these terrorists for being confident.

Greece can only be attacked by their own, they will be caught because unlike the yanks they can actually catch terrorists and the olympics will go ahead and be great. Not saying the best but cos its greece and with their proud history it will be great.

I cant guarantee that their wont be attacks tried, i can guarantee that a 9/11 repeat is out of the question, yes it is internal but when foreign leaders come they become targets, i know killing is wrong but i would rather them take out howard,blair and bush and leave the public alone and if given the opportunity they would murder all 3 of them. However just because these terrorists hate government officials, it does not mean they will kill large masses of people. These groups have existed for over 20 years and the most that they have been able to kill in a single attack is like 2 people, they dont target large crowds. Anyway they will be caught and the australian government should stop pretending about knowing everything about greek terrorism cos they have no clue and they should worry about themselves and their jealousy towards greece.

Not a single person was killed in this latest threat, the bomb was found in the bank and the security did its job, a bomb goes off in glasgow killing people and yet greece still manages to get more blame.

This problem is greeces and australia should stay out of it, greece doesnt give a crap about john howards 2 cents worth, however when he starts telling people in our country to pretty much stay away then he is putting himself in hot water and he should watch his mouth.

Stop talking about the negatives, isnt it funny how now that the venues are on track the media has turned its attention to security, preperations are going perfectly as 90% of the stadiums have already had their test runs. It looks greece will have to prove the media wrong again, we all know they will.
Think back to 1992, basque group etta were constantly giving out warnings and saying that they were going to ruin the olympics and nothing happened. Why? cos these groups are little chicken ****s.

Same with the terrorists in greece, they complain about security being to strict yet they try and play their sily little games, they are starting to push their luck and with the olympics fast approaching they really would not dare doing anything stupid.

They can try as much as they want but once this anti-terrorism training camp finishes in greece next week i dont think they will get to far, they have embarrased themselves and their country and if they want to be heroes then they are going to have to pay the price the same way that november 17 did 2 or so years ago.

But these things happen in every olympics and well they aren't doing a very good job of hiding so hopefully this threat will be eliminated before the olympics, as far as foreign terrorists go i just cant see it happening, not with that much money spent.
the greeks need to keep on the job to get the whole thing done...whilst im confident the place will be ready...if t hey slacken theyll be stuffed. Im also not confident about there landscaping jobs...it seems pretty slack- as for terrorism...the greeks have one thing the yanks never will...and thats respect from the muslim world.

The greeks actually support a palestinian state and they have always supported the arab cause. greek-arab relations are actually pretty good- so i dont think that the olympics will be targeted. i think the arabs would be more interested in the US, Australia and Britain.

Secondly...people in Australia want to take the **** out of the greeks...they forget in 2006 Melbourne hosts the Commonwealth Games and Australia has been named by terrorists as a target. Lets hope the Australian and Victorian Government spend $1 billion defending us as well!
I cab safely say that the greeks are indeed keeping on the job, they are working day and night and their is no doubt everything will be done. Test runs on 90%of the stadiums are already done.

The clean up of the city got underway this week and come august it will look like their was never any doubt. But i dont recommend it for future hosts however they made up for the time that was wasted and everything will be done before august so they will get some time to sit back just before the opening ceremony. Stadiums are done except for the main one which is no concern at all. They met the ioc deadline with a week and a bit to spare and if they keep on working as hard as they are now then they will cruise through it all.

As for greeks supporting a palestinian state, of course they do, if their is one thing that the greeks hate its most certainly arogance, israel, u.s.a, britain and sadly even australia thanks to howard are arrogant. They support a palestinian state but they dont like the terrorist actions coming from both sides.

Its obvious that the media and the government down here are trying to take the **** out of greece but the greeks dont care and john howard is a moron for upgrading the travel warning to greece.

Lets just wait and see for melbourne 2006 if the media do the same thing as what they have done to greece.

The way i see it as it stands, greece will most likely not be attacked, its not just respect for the arab people, its respect for all people. As for the local terrorists in athens, they are a joke, they are not big event terrorists and i doubt it that they will use the olympics to make a statement, sure they said tourists are not welcome but they most likely will be gone before the olympics even begin. That group isnt even listed on americas hit list which just shows how weak they are. International terrorists just dont have the excuse to go for greece, politically greece has not put a foot wrong in almost its entire history, especially when it comes to dealing with other countries. If an attempt is made to get greece, well 1 billion in security spending should be able to prevent all attacks. Athens should be the safest place in the world come august.

All round things should be okay, people need to stop getting scared, well in greece not a single person cares about these local terrorists and on the greek news it was briefly mentioned. It doesnt matter if the alpha bank is the main sponsor of the olympics, the alpha bank has been targeted for the last 12 years in greece but their is a big difference between a bank and an olympic complex, like i mentioned yesterday, greek terrorists dont have the balls to target the olympics.

Now this i love, poor reporter, i guess he deserves for trying to show up greece, well security is doing its job.

Lets see that channel 7 reporter jump over some fence now and make fun of the greeks.

Well action had to be taken sooner or later, i mean if a reporter can get permission to get inside the stadium then he should do that, rather then trying to sneak in illegally, he got what he deserved.
Later on the british journalists claimed that they walked around the stadium for 2 hours without being touched, hahahahahahahaha, yeah right thats why they got detained before even entering the complex.

Point here is, its common knowledge that they are trying to create newspaper headlines for their articles. Sadly from now on these journalists are going to get grilled by security.
3 bombs went off in instanbul turkey this morning, no damage was caused however the hsbc bank was the target of this attack like in greece last week, but i guess not many people care, if it happened to greece it would be everywhere.

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Uhm im just updating the situation in athens, people are still reading and face it, i was right because their is no need to make fun of greece anymore, your not posting cos you know that i was right all along. So psst, i dont give a crap if you dont reply. I bet if that bomb was in greece rather then turkey you would have come on this thread acting all tough so its good to see that im keeping you quiet.
Originally posted by Supertiger
the greeks need to keep on the job to get the whole thing done...whilst im confident the place will be ready...if t hey slacken theyll be stuffed. Im also not confident about there landscaping jobs...it seems pretty slack- as for terrorism...the greeks have one thing the yanks never will...and thats respect from the muslim world.

The greeks actually support a palestinian state and they have always supported the arab cause. greek-arab relations are actually pretty good- so i dont think that the olympics will be targeted. i think the arabs would be more interested in the US, Australia and Britain.

Hooray hooray someone has seen the light.

Greeks and Arabs are on good terms, many arabs have immigrated to greece (and we dont lock them up in prison camps like yous do with their kids).... aswell as Greeks always helping the Kurds (who are sellouts to the americans but we still helped them).. aswell as giving aid and supplies to the middle east in the past... ever since the anglo scum decided to destroy the world.

They would never hit the symbol of peace in a respect neutral country like Greece. If it wasnt for americans and british the games would be 100% safe.. but theres alot of oil in the middle east.. err I mean WMD..err I mean evil dictators.

If anyone fuks up the olympics it will be the americans doing something, dont rule it out they are the kings at ruining everything.

Stop bashing greece, because weve given the world so much.. what has australia given the world...seriously??? The Hills Clothesline :D *

Go and watch your american filled tv with your insignificant government becoming the biggest joke in the world by the day and leave one of the most respected, history and tradition filled countries in the world.


* Sorry I fergot yous also dominate sports 1-5 countries play across the world.
arabs arent the only terrorists.

if i were a terrorist, the olympics would be an irrestible target. bombing it would certainly cause a lot of terror. which is obviously their aim.
Greeks are on good terms with everyone these days, theres even a movement between Greece and Turkey, we event ried to host euro 2004 together.

Freedon fighters have sympathy right around the world, theres no way they would tarnish that by hitting the olympic games. If it was in New York, London or Australia it would almost be certain something would happen, but definately not in greece.
Originally posted by bunsen burner
I don't usually point out typos or spelling mistakes, but you continuously use 'there' instead of 'their'. It's quite obvious to everyone that you aren't too bright. Take the hint (sorry, I forgot that you are slow).

Heres a tip, because greeks we like to help others in need. Goto your local newsagent and ask the person at the counter where the news from alternative sources magazines are. Buy one or two and you will see articles from neutral countries from europe, and even some articles from USA on current world issues. They tell you the truth, you can even post some of the stuff they talk about and you will sound like some sort of expert when they come out in the mainstream media in 4 months - year time.

Please dont talk about Greece anymore, you have no idea whats going on there and you rely on CNN for your information, the worst news channel (excludes Fox News which shouldnt even be considered a channel) on this planet.

I find it hilarious that an isolated country which once upon a time had good intentions has become a target because of a racist, brainless government...yet people still support their policies.

Bali Bombings... you got blood on your hands John Howard.
Originally posted by Carmelo Anthony
Heres a tip, because greeks we like to help others in need. Goto your local newsagent and ask the person at the counter where the news from alternative sources magazines are. Buy one or two and you will see articles from neutral countries from europe, and even some articles from USA on current world issues. They tell you the truth, you can even post some of the stuff they talk about and you will sound like some sort of expert when they come out in the mainstream media in 4 months - year time.

Please dont talk about Greece anymore, you have no idea whats going on there and you rely on CNN for your information, the worst news channel (excludes Fox News which shouldnt even be considered a channel) on this planet.

I find it hilarious that an isolated country which once upon a time had good intentions has become a target because of a racist, brainless government...yet people still support their policies.

Bali Bombings... you got blood on your hands John Howard.
I fail to see what your post has got to do with what you quoted.
Olympics 'not al-Qaeda target'

THE 2004 Olympic Games in Athens are not currently considered a target by the al-Qaeda extremist network, the leader of the radical Islamic group al-Mouhadjiroun said in remarks published today.

"Concerning the Athens Games, I do not believe that Osama (bin Laden) and al-Qaeda will strike your capital," said Omar Bakri Mohammed, who is suspected of having links with Abu Qatada, an alleged al-Qaeda leader in Europe, told the Greek newspaper Eleftherotypia.

The August 13-29 Games are seen as a prime target for a potential terrorist attack and the Greek government has ramped up security since this week's deadly bombings in Madrid, asking for NATO's help to prepare for the event.

"They are more likely to choose targets in the United States, Britain, France or any other country involved in operations against Islam and Muslims," added Bakri, who is based in Britain.

"Athens would tend to be the least probable target because up until now its position has not provoked us."

However, he added, should "the Greek government change positions and start getting more involved and supporting the US position against Muslims, at that point, yes, you will be in real danger."

Asked about the possible existence of al-Qaeda cells in Greece, Bakri said he was not sure.

"I am certain there are mujahedeen in every country, but I am not in a position to know how many. I am not a member of al-Qaeda and I do not have direct contacts with them," he stressed.

The Spanish government is currently investigating several purported claims from the al-Qaeda network that it carried out the atrocities in Madrid.

I don't believe anyone here has said Al Queada will target the Olympics. The terrorists everyone else are talking about are the ones from greece.
Yep al qaeda not targeting olympics, as all greeks know, domestic terrorists are not capable of anything more then a small bomb, i cant see any problems occuring as far as terrorism goes.

Australian government is **** scared of getting into an argument with the greeks, if they keep this up they will look like an embarassed bunch when they see how good athens is.

All they had to do is mind their own business and everyone would have been happy, but first 60 minutes, then the news and current affair, seriously i cant wait for the olympics to start so the damn government, media and all the people that believe their crap can just shut up.

The Australian tourism minister comes out and starts acting tough with athens and then he says " we all know sydney were the best games ever". lol from what i can see the aussies are ****ting themselves cos they dont want to be overtaken by greece. Its obvious they are jealous and want greece to fail. If they werent jealous they wouldnt spend so much time talking about athens. The calatrava roof costs more then half the sydney olympics put together.

The olympics will be great, with greece its simple, if they cant do things great then they wont do it, i think its gonna be great.

Yeah fox news and cnn what a disgrace. Our t.v channels are not far of either.
Greece is the home of thousands of pakistanis, good pakistanis, al qaeda said that greece is not a target unless they start supporting the u.s in relation to the treatment of arabs, the position of greece will never change, we only support people who need help and are less fortunate then countries like america and australia. George w bush must have been dreaming if he thought that greece were gonna send its troops to iraq, sorry bushy but greece doesnt go to a war that is based on a lie.

Greece only fights if an allie is attacked, 9/11 occured and greece supported the u.s and maybe even sent some troops because the united states was attacked and innocent lives were lost. But to ask greece to go to iraq, a country that has never harmed greece and really has not harmed america is just crap. Good luck trying to find those weapons of mass destruction. Our government here in oz is weak, i dont give a crap how close we are with america, if its not justified then its a no go zone.

Thats why i am proud of my greek heritage, we care for all people but theirs a point where even greece has to draw the line and now they are getting really ****ed off at the aussies, the brits and the yanks for their ridiculous over-reporting.
In regards to terrorism, the only thing greece is scared about is if they get bombed by america, i wouldnt put it beyond them to make us look like scum. Let the yanks try and do a shifty and we will gladly go to war with those morons, i cant see the yanks finding much support if thats the case.

Many palestinians are christian orthodox, greece is a christian orthodox country. We have good relations, if the yanks wanna play big brother with the israelis, greece and other european countries will gladly play along with palestinians because those poor palestinians have been getting screwed by the yanks and the israelis for far to long.

The great thing about greece is, they are not scared to tell america to buzz off, they stand up for themselves. Even terrorists respect that. I have said this many times but greece as far as politics goes has not put a foot wrong in its entire history.

That is something to be proud of.

The aus, pom and yank governments need to stop whinging because at the end of the day its greeces olympics and the greeks can do it however they want.
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