AFL Player # 3: Darcy Parish - Calf setback, another 2 weeks - 4/6

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That, or he was second to the ball all night
This seems a little damned if he does/damned if he doesn't to me.

Doesn't tackle and he's a giant defensive liability. Does tackle and it's coz he's behind the game.
I think the call about him trying to change his game to suit what the coaches want is a decent take, I also think he's put on some size which probably takes some time for him to adjust too.

Having said that, his issue wasn't how he played before but more how we set up around him, adding Durham and Perkins around the ball helps cover him when he goes ball hunting, balance looks ok with those guys in there together.

He'll have a big game soon and get into the groove again, I'm sure his recent injuries have hurt his confidence also.

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This seems a little damned if he does/damned if he doesn't to me.

Doesn't tackle and he's a giant defensive liability. Does tackle and it's coz he's behind the game.
It was abit of a piss take comment. The numbers are good to see.. the jogging around with little care doesn’t pass the eye test for me atm but img hoping it’s match fitness
i hate to be another one of the "lets shit on parish crew" but genuinely speaking - as it stands his season (for someone who was seeking he big bucks) has been pretty rubbish. his disposal historically has been extremely mediocre, and it feels like it's regressed. his been surpassed by some of his juniors (caldwell/durham) in terms of how effective they are.

what role does he actually play within the midfield now?
i hate to be another one of the "lets s**t on parish crew" but genuinely speaking - as it stands his season (for someone who was seeking he big bucks) has been pretty rubbish. his disposal historically has been extremely mediocre, and it feels like it's regressed. his been surpassed by some of his juniors (caldwell/durham) in terms of how effective they are.

what role does he actually play within the midfield now?
Good post. I'm not sure what happened but he looked like a beast 8 weeks ago. He cannot even get out of his own way now...
to articulate myself slightly better, over the past month, we've seen Sam Durham and Jye Caldwell, already 2 players who've been considered rock solid by us (at least, and the coaching staff, too) overtake him in just about every facet except cheap disposals. both of them work significantly harder defensively than Parish (from my perspective) and have a significantly better kicking ability both in front of goals and around the ground. Caldwell and Durham will also work hard to get the ball, whereas I feel like I've hardly seen Parish put his head down to try and get a tough ball in our games so far this season. Parish also has looked exceptionally slower around the ground (which may indicate carrying an injury, I don't know) and his a liability basically anywhere on the ground as it stands. according to the stats tonight he had 23~ touches, yet you could be forgiven if you thought he had 10, he was doing basically nothing and I think that's representative of how he is. He disappears and his impact is so insignificant that he'd be better off just not playing.

What's worse though, I think, is that when he does attend the center bounce, he doesn't really do anything in there, offensively or defensively. He had 1 clearance tonight, y'know who also had 1 clearance? Dyson Heppell, y'know who had 2? Our sub, who was on for less than 1/2 the last quarter.

That's the last thing, he's showing nothing, I'd rather give his spot in the midfield to someone who's actually trying their guts out, give it to Tsatas, give it to Caldwell or Durham, they've both proven that they'll do the hard work if they have to to help us win.

6 year contract for what? a ball magnet with neither good disposal skill nor tackling skill?

It defies logic and it'll come up game after game until he either performs well or is deservedly dropped to the 2s.

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I think he's being unfairly maligned tonight. No he is not the stat-pig, ball hunting, clearance machine that we got in 2021 but he was also not diving on the ball, getting sucked into the contest and leaving his man around the stoppages. Even saw him throw a couple of blocks in there, which I don't think I've ever seen an Essendon player do since David Myers was throwing his glorious big body around in 2017.

Hopefully as the year goes on he strikes more of a balance between what he used to be and a true defensive mid, but the player he was before was not sustainable for us. You can't play the big leagues like that in 2024.
I think some are being harsh, he is probably not going to be a 30+ accumulator anymore but that is probably a good thing. He can win a hard ball and has gotten a lot better defensively.
With the premium on a break out of the middle, in particular, teams are not letting him have a free run.

He's never been able to handle physical pressure. So now he's hardly getting his hands on the stoppage ball to waste it.

I doubt much changes.
He's come back from injury and isn't in great form, but he's still having an impact. Obviously a very good player and with Durham, Caldwell and Setterfield also in the midfield he's got his weaknesses covered. He'll get back to his terrier best and get his hands on the ball first and feed off to some one who can burst away or to Merrett who can hit anyone lace out.

Just chill folks.
I don't reckon he was too bad and if he had converted his chances in front of goal I think we would have a very different opinion on his game. Give him a bit of time to get some confidence and form and I've no doubt we'll see a better version of him.
I don't reckon he was too bad and if he had converted his chances in front of goal I think we would have a very different opinion on his game. Give him a bit of time to get some confidence and form and I've no doubt we'll see a better version of him.
hindsights 20/20, if he'd kicked straight we'd have not been so close to losing etc
his role isn't kicking straight infront of goal anyway. his role is being a gun clearance player.

unfortunately brad scott had reorganised our midfield and he seems without a chair.

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