.... near useless plodder.My Daughter's friend from Primary school her family are big donors at Carlton and her dad has done scouting for them for about 15 years. Used to see him all the time but still catch up a few times a year. This guys a straight shooter.
I remember the figures cos I remembered it as Stuart Maxfield (27) x Craig Lambert (4). Heaps of players out there getting overpaid on promise. Us and North bumped Hamish Hartlett up to $800k cos we were desperate for a doozie. Tigers were paying Conca $600 and the swap for a homesick Gaff fell over cos they pissed themselves that he was getting that. Polecs probably still getting $750k to play Xbox. Graham would be on $600k or not much less. Which is a joke when Vlastuin, Grimes would never been paid as much as the near uaeless plodder.