Player Watch #34: Jack Graham - Part 2

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Shut him down you say? Serong still had 27 touches in a nothing game that was over at 1/4 time played in terrible conditions. Freo were going through the motions after 1/2 time and went into self preservation mode. If we were to have a full time tagger like other teams I would expect to see said tagged player actually "shut down" and be kept to <15 touches.
Serong had very little impact despite the 27. Wasn’t damaging at all and went at 50% disposal efficiency due to the pressure
Shut him down you say? Serong still had 27 touches in a nothing game that was over at 1/4 time played in terrible conditions. Freo were going through the motions after 1/2 time and went into self preservation mode. If we were to have a full time tagger like other teams I would expect to see said tagged player actually "shut down" and be kept to <15 touches.
Serong was also loose on his own in acres of space twice in the last. Lucky Serong torched both chances

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Shut him down you say? Serong still had 27 touches in a nothing game that was over at 1/4 time played in terrible conditions. Freo were going through the motions after 1/2 time and went into self preservation mode. If we were to have a full time tagger like other teams I would expect to see said tagged player actually "shut down" and be kept to <15 touches.
If you've ever seen Serong play for 2minutes before last night you would know how good of a job Graham did to limit him.
We need to pull a Geelong and manipulate a rule so bad it gets changed but we reap the reward. We need a club like Port Adelaide to pay Graham enough for band 1 compensation.

We then need to work some sort of deal where I dunno, we pay a big percentage of Rioli's salary to get extra first rounders. Then we trade a first round to Port for a second rounder, basically them buying a better pick in exchange for overpaying Graham. Then we get Pick 2 as compensation for Graham leaving.

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