Universal Love Thank You Jack Riewoldt - Link To Presser In OP

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My favourite Jack moment is was from the 2020 Granny when he slotted a set shot from the boundary line with a few minutes to go, essentially sealing the game. It was the best shot at goal I’ve ever seen. Big moment big time clutch player — Jack had always been. You just knew at crunch times with ball in hand, he was likely to kick a goal
It was those years of Jack that make me embrace a rebuild as i know that there are really fun times along the way, even though you dont win a flag or even win a final. Rooting for him during that time to win the Coleman was as good as a final for me, it was so much fun.

Richmond has been a dark time for most of my life, but Richo & Jack provided immense joy even when things were genuinely s**t. They made me want to keep on watching, they gave me a reason to be excited every weekend. As i get older and the game changes, its really hard to replicate that, so both their careers will always hold a dear place for me

It's surreal to have this all happening at the same time as Dimma about to accept a role for another club. I'm not sure if its a day where he should be there or not, as if he does it will become a weird distraction to the moment, & this moment really belongs to Jack & Trent. There should really be over 60,000 at this game, no excuses. Its going to be a emotional day
you understand what rooting means in Australia ?

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Universal Love Thank You Jack Riewoldt - Link To Presser In OP

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