Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 11: Just Biden His Time

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Confirmed Bernie Bro in 2016.Part of the Yang Gang in 2020
Admits to donating to Bernie in 16 and Yang in 20

Yeah a real alt righter
Yang is an absolute godsend for someone as intellectually dishonest as Pool.
Not left, not right, not centre, just a political eunuch.
Lets Pool claim "Leftist" credentials while continuing to spout his usual right wing crap.

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I remember reading about Trump in the 1980's. So am reasonably well acquainted with his personality "type" Does he have narcissistic tendencies. Yes he does. But being a narcissist per se does not mean you cannot be POTUS. And he has reached the highest office in the greatest nation on the planet. Whether you like him or not it is an achievement. Look at some of the leaders of the Roman World same thing. Do we really think that humans have changed that much?
History will judge Trump..and his Presidency as no doubt a polarising character. Paul Keating described Hawke in terms of being a narcissist and Rudd also has been seen in those terms. So are we really to be outraged by this term? Only a fool would deny a narcissistic characters right to be a leader.

You have to have a very healthy ego to run for Public Office and some degree of narcissism can and is often be present.
However Trump has serious NPD and is unhealthily so IMHO.
Hawke is a great example - huge ego and some degree of narcissism. However the big difference between him and Trump is that Hawke evolved as a human whereas Trump remains in the unrequited childhood his parents gave him.

Ask yourself if Trump would do any of the following - show empathy in a disaster situation , admit he was wrong, cry in public when talking about his daughter, present logical and articulate arguments instead of childish insults, maintain stable working relationships, respect World Leaders , successfully negotiate with someone instead of hurling abuse and respectfully disagree with someone. Hawke did all of this - Trump not so much :)
I repeat - Trump's NPD is off the scale and not befitting of a POTUS.
I get the feeling you would be happy with a dictatorship, just not a conservative one.

Actually, in all honesty if there was a consistently benevolent dictator out there who was all for human rights and fairness and all that, I'd happily accept it. It hasn't really happened in history yet, but who's to say? Right now most Australian pollies are f*ckstains. They really are. Democracy is the toilet paper they wipe their arses with.

It doesn't inspire me with much confidence going forward.
But with a diminishing return for scientific advancement how can we continue this growth?

An interesting question and glad to see something that I felt was true has been graphed and proven to a degree, the answer would be we have to spend more to find the answers, needs must and all that the alternative being of course population control both passive and likely aggressive.

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Many of them things you've named i hope you realise were known before he was elected in 2016 and some after.

You can keep running with them going into 2020 see how that works out.

IF things don't go their way in November who are they and their base going to blame. Trump/Russia/Ukraine?

Yep the Dems have already started laying the path for that,maybe one day they will look at themselves and see where they're going wrong.

Well I hope the dems don't go down that road that Trump has laid.
And yes some of things I mentioned where prior 2016.
I just find Trump evil and I do try to see what am I missing regarding my beliefs as to why and alas I can not.
Perfectly reasonable response.


Wanna buy a bridge? :tearsofjoy:
What policy wise would make you choose obama over romney but trump over clinton? Obama and clinton are basically the same policy wise.

Well at the time of McStain vs Obama I was underage and thought that the sun shone out of Obama's ass, when Romney came along I still thought that Obama's policies and his overall goal was to "Change the system" and help the most people possible, I'm ashamed to say I was propagandised into believing that and that Romney was a relic from the 80's. Obama and Clinton are very close policy wise you could say Obama is better window dressing for shit though.

I was classically fooled by the fake news media just like a lot of you here who hate Trump still are.

But ultimately your question is incorrect. Trump's policies are rock solid gold compared to Mittens and McStain, in fact they (the RINOs) are basically the same as Hillary and Obama, recall McStains last minute dash to save obamacare? Yeah establishment is the Uniparty you still can't see that.
Hey guys.... what happened ? Thought trump was going to impeached?

He is more popular now then ever before.

People confuse being popular with being decent.

Trump may be popular but he is morally bankrupt. It says a lot about his supporters, how much they are prepared to turn a blind eye to.
Seems like something is happening on the Biden front. Link
What about the other Biden?

“Applying a blatant double standard, Trump administration agencies like the Treasury Department are rapidly complying with Senate Republican requests — no subpoenas necessary — and producing ‘evidence’ of questionable origin,” Wyden spokesperson Ashley Schapitl said in a statement. “The administration told House Democrats to go pound sand when their oversight authority was mandatory while voluntarily cooperating with the Senate Republicans’ sideshow at lightning speed.”
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