Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 12: This thread it’s going to disappear; One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear

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Hydroxychloroquine rated ‘most effective’ coronavirus treatment, poll of doctors finds

Damn you Trump.
How dare you spread false hope about a drug.


Saying ‘What do you have to lose?’ about an unproven and potentially dangerous medication isn't 'spreading false hope'.
So why keep defending him?

I haven't defended Trump once today. I have just given my view on hyroxycloraquine and the hoarding of prescription drugs.
Once again your irrational thought ain't a cure, their is no cure. It's about minimising the effects, the duration of the virus so that seondary infections don't occur.
What is wrong with you !!!

That’s not how it is thought to work, if indeed it is to work

A doctor really shouldn't be a doctor if they can be badgered by a patient into prescribing a drug they don't need.
Doesn’t mean this isn’t an unnecessary side tracking of the public debate. And doesn’t change the fact that there is good evidence of supply shortages for patients who need it for autoimmune conditions.

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That’s not how it is thought to work, if indeed it is to work

Doesn’t mean this isn’t an unnecessary side tracking of the public debate. And doesn’t change the fact that there is good evidence of supply shortages for patients who need it for autoimmune conditions.

Who is sidetracking the debate exactly.

Why would the media keep asking questions about it at the presser if they were worried about it sidetracking the main issue.
That’s not how it is thought to work, if indeed it is to work

Doesn’t mean this isn’t an unnecessary side tracking of the public debate. And doesn’t change the fact that there is good evidence of supply shortages for patients who need it for autoimmune conditions.
Or that there is a great need for masks for healthcare workers and such, for ventilators, for more testing- this stuff is needed right now and trump needs to address these frontline issues too.
Or that there is a great need for masks for healthcare workers and such, for ventilators, for more testing- this stuff is needed right now and trump needs to address these frontline issues too.
Jared has been doing his research and can confirm these items aren't needed
Page after page of rational argument using facts and truth and logic is “triggering”.

Ohhhhhhh Kayyyyyyyyyyy thennnnnnn.

Only lesson being “triggered” is you. By all the facts, truth and logic.

I haven't defended Trump once today. I have just given my view on hyroxycloraquine and the hoarding of prescription drugs.
Thanks for the clarification.

Yet, you seem SO concerned about my prescription anecdote, despite refusing to acknowledge that the drug that I brought forward a scrip repeat on is not claimed to be of any use in treating COVID.

Nor that this property developer in the Oval Office hasn’t ever chosen to cause a run on any other medications except Hydroxychloroquine.

Sound like a barracker to me.

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Jared has been doing his research and can confirm these items aren't needed
Jared’s been such a big help. Apparently he interrupts incredibly busy people regularly, to say whacko, unhelpful stuff.
Just been reading they didn’t put orders in for the equipment till March- way too late.
You couldn‘t make this stuff up.
Poor old America.
Page after page of rational argument using facts and truth and logic is “triggering”.

Ohhhhhhh Kayyyyyyyyyyy thennnnnnn.

Only person being “triggered” is you. By all the facts, truth and logic.
I think the horrible death count that rises each day for all to see has rattled Trump supporters.

Even the most blinkered can’t dismiss that as fake news.
Jared’s been such a big help. Apparently he interrupts incredibly busy people regularly, to say whacko, unhelpful stuff.
Just been reading they didn’t put orders in for the equipment till March- way too late.
You couldn‘t make this stuff up.
Poor old America.
They'd have been paying absolute top dollar by then too. So much for making the best deals.
Jared’s been such a big help. Apparently he interrupts incredibly busy people regularly, to say whacko, unhelpful stuff.
Just been reading they didn’t put orders in for the equipment till March- way too late.
You couldn‘t make this stuff up.
Poor old America.
He thought corona was a beat up and essentially knew more than everyone else in the room.
Seems to have a touch of the K Rudd in that regard but at least Kevin got elected
I think the horrible death count that rises each day for all to see has rattled Trump supporters.

Even the most blinkered can’t dismiss that as fake news.

It should rattle everyone, not just Trump supporters.
IG of HHS is on thin ice , survey of 300 hospitals say they need more tests
trump hates bad news
Very fiesty , attacks reporter about the small loan scheme
She was appointed in jan , will she make easter?
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See above. I did it myself when the crisis first hit. I take a medication as needed, that I wouldn't want to run short of, so I "cashed in" a repeat now just to make sure I have a good supply on hand.
In Aus they print the date a repeat was filled onto the script and log it into a database also. You can't get a refill without a certain amount of days passing.
He cannot now get it because doctors have been badgered into prescribing it for something for which it might or might not work.

Guess who's responsible for that?
The doctors who are prescribing it unnecessarily.
just a coincidence

You get that generic meds can be made by any company? And that Novartis are donating 130M doses? Take it to the conspiracy forum!
100% factual? Trump is a self-serving narcissistic c*** etc is 100% factual?? Please provide your supporting evidence that conclusively proves each one of the adjectives contained in your hypothesis natural law.

The fact that you knew there are people who read this thread who support Trump and would read your comment makes it troll like.

Yes, 100% factual. For evidence, see every press conference the man has ever done.

People are dying and he's talking about Facebook likes and his Twitter following.
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