Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 15: "Like a miracle, it will disappear."

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Aug 12, 2012
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its god damn ******* OBAMAGATE!!!

get it right peoples
Has there ever been a bigger "gate" than Obamagate?

Surely it's got to be the gatest gate of all time?
Ah yes, America, good old respectable America.

Or...not? Imagine being in control of the Twitter account for the GOP Judiciary House Committee and deciding to troll a previous Democrat opponent because you've successfully stacked the court in a way that'll potentially destroy all progress the country has made.


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Ah yes, America, good old respectable America.

Or...not? Imagine being in control of the Twitter account for the GOP Judiciary House Committee and deciding to troll a previous Democrat opponent because you've successfully stacked the court in a way that'll potentially destroy all progress the country has made.


Ha, could only imagine the conservative melts if the shoe was on the other foot. Tolerant/caring left etc.
Ah yes, America, good old respectable America.

Or...not? Imagine being in control of the Twitter account for the GOP Judiciary House Committee and deciding to troll a previous Democrat opponent because you've successfully stacked the court in a way that'll potentially destroy all progress the country has made.


Feeling malicious, resentful and vindictive? The Republican Party is looking for energetic white people who tick all those boxes and more. Call us now to talk about a career with the Republican Party.

The Republican Party. Because unlike us, progressives actually do have a soul. And that will never do.
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I've thought it fascinating that you could have an established party like the GOP, which has stood on fairly stagnant/resolute social/economic platforms for generations (peaking with the Gipper) be so incredibly shredded along ideological faultlines in one fell swoop. It reminds me of the ALP/DLP split here in the 1950s - though they were clearly mired in opposition.

However you view bipartisan actions in a two-party system like the US (mature civics or cynical politics) it's been thus that notions of 'manners' and 'respect' went hand in hand with your Reagans, Bushes and Eisenhowers. Trumpism not only eschews the cynic's view (drain the swamp) but also the mature view about respecting another's ideas and working together for the greater good. It's merely the weak, the unpatriotic and friends of radicals who entertain such thoughts these days.

Would the GOP survive a split? Would US politics support a three party system?
I've thought it fascinating that you could have an established party like the GOP, which has stood on fairly stagnant/resolute social/economic platforms for generations (peaking with the Gipper) be so incredibly shredded along ideological faultlines in one fell swoop. It reminds me of the ALP/DLP split here in the 1950s - though they were clearly mired in opposition.

However you view bipartisan actions in a two-party system like the US (mature civics or cynical politics) it's been thus that notions of 'manners' and 'respect' went hand in hand with your Reagans, Bushes and Eisenhowers. Trumpism not only eschews the cynic's view (drain the swamp) but also the mature view about respecting another's view and working together for the greater good. It's merely the weak, the unpatriotic and friends of radicals who entertain such thoughts these days.

Would the GOP survive a split? Would US politics support a three party system?
It started with the Tea Party ratbags. Trump wouldn't have ever even been president if the Republicans hadn't allowed that pack of clowns the ascendancy.

If this election is as big a rout as some have predicted (admittely that’s a big if; anything could happen), the Republicans will only have themselves to blame for allowing their once-proud party to become nothing more than a hollowed-out shonk.

As to your question re a third party, if it leads to a fourth party, namely a truly progressive party to the left of the corporate Dems, I think that would be great all round. Genuine choice for once. Coz on raw numbers, progressives still speak for the most Americans of anyone. It's just that their voting system, already phuckked, has been further phuccked by the dcikhead wing of the Republicans.
It started with the Tea Party ratbags. Trump wouldn't have ever even been president if the Republicans hadn't allowed that pack of clowns the ascendancy.

If this election is as big a rout as some have predicted (admittely that’s a big if; anything could happen), the Republicans will only have themselves to blame for allowing their once-proud party to become nothing more than a hollowed-out shonk.

As to your question re a third party, if it leads to a fourth party, namely a truly progressive party to the left of the corporate Dems, I think that would be great all round. Genuine choice for once. Coz on raw numbers, progressives still speak for the most Americans of anyone. It's just that their voting system, already phuckked, has been further phuccked by the dcikhead wing of the Republicans.
I was doing some reading about the Velvets the other day and was disappointed to find out that Mo Tucker has drunk the Tea Party Kool Aid.
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It started with the Tea Party ratbags. Trump wouldn't have ever even been president if the Republicans hadn't allowed that pack of clowns the ascendancy.

If this election is as big a rout as some have predicted (admittely that’s a big if; anything could happen), the Republicans will only have themselves to blame for allowing their once-proud party to become nothing more than a hollowed-out shonk.

As to your question re a third party, if it leads to a fourth party, namely a truly progressive party to the left of the corporate Dems, I think that would be great all round. Genuine choice for once. Coz on raw numbers, progressives still speak for the most Americans of anyone. It's just that their voting system, already phuckked, has been further phuccked by the dcikhead wing of the Republicans.
When was the last time the US had more than 2 major parties?

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It started with the Tea Party ratbags. Trump wouldn't have ever even been president if the Republicans hadn't allowed that pack of clowns the ascendancy.

If this election is as big a rout as some have predicted (admittely that’s a big if; anything could happen), the Republicans will only have themselves to blame for allowing their once-proud party to become nothing more than a hollowed-out shonk.

As to your question re a third party, if it leads to a fourth party, namely a truly progressive party to the left of the corporate Dems, I think that would be great all round. Genuine choice for once. Coz on raw numbers, progressives still speak for the most Americans of anyone. It's just that their voting system, already phuckked, has been further phuccked by the dcikhead wing of the Republicans.

Good point on the Tea Party movement about a decade ago - they did lay some of the more significant groundwork for the lay of the land today.

Well that's the thing isn't it - two GOP popular wins in 32 years has reaped twice as many elections victories. I think statements from people like Michael Moore that the US is 'overwhelmingly liberal' over-egg the pudding a tad (and should be taken with the grain of salt that is how far the ideological goal post are shifted compared to similar societies), but it's plain to see that that those who buy wholesale the mythos of the US system have been sold a pup (at outrageous prices).
I'm re-reading Gore Vidal's 'Inventing a Nation'. It's quite interesting to delve into its warts and all look at Adams, Jefferson and Washington during the early years of the Republic and how youth, power, money, cosmopolitanism and history shaped their arguments with the current situation playing out.

It's by no means a perfectly constructed book, but I do recommend a read if you get time.
Whigs? Not sure.
Found it:

She described it as a ‘rigorous confirmation process’ despite it being pre-ordained, and thanked the ‘Senate’ for their consent and confidence they expressed in her. She did not receive one vote from the Democrat Senators. I doubt one elected Democrat was invited to the WH event - so much for a representative democracy.

Prime time celebration for GOP campaign.
She’s spinning before she’s even sat in the seat. It shows that she’s a political animal. It probably hasn’t dawned on her yet just how much the stench of this appointment process is going to hang around her. People of good faith will take the view that a jurist with any level of integrity would have refused the nomination. She will have to do decades of good work to get past the reputational damage she’s inflicted on herself.
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Just what the country needed: another Roman Catholic on the Supreme Court. 6 Papists, 2 Jews and a former Catholic, now Episcopalian. JHC! Is this what the Founding Fathers would have wanted? What a strange country.

President Biden will need to add a couple of Baptists, a Mormon or two(but they multiply quickly), a Jehovah's Witness, a Methodist, a Unitarian, a Sikh, a Hindu, at least two Buddhists and a handful of Muslims. However, no atheists. (Sorry.)

Pack that court! Pack that court! :p
Just what the country needed: another Roman Catholic on the Supreme Court. 6 Papists, 2 Jews and a former Catholic, now Episcopalian. JHC! Is this what the Founding Fathers would have wanted? What a strange country.

President Biden will need to add a couple of Baptists, a Mormon or two(but they multiply quickly), a Jehovah's Witness, a Methodist, a Unitarian, a Sikh, a Hindu, at least two Buddhists and a handful of Muslims. However, no atheists. (Sorry.)

Pack that court! Pack that court! :p

And a Pastafarian.
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